JERUSALEM – Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon suffered a “significant” stroke Wednesday, a hospital official said, after Sharon was taken to the hospital from his ranch in the Negev desert.
Dr. Shlomo Mor-Yosef said Sharon suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, is under general anesthetic and is receiving breathing assistance and was being taken for treatment. Cabinet Secretary Yisrael Maimon said Sharon’s authorities have been transferred to his vice premier, Ehud Olmert.
In a brief statement outside the hospital, Mor-Yosef said Sharon had suffered “a significant stroke,” adding that he was “under anesthetic and receiving breathing assistance.” A few minutes later, Mor-Yosef emerged to say that initial tests showed Sharon had suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, or bleeding inside his brain.
Addressing reporters in English, Mor-Yosef said Sharon had “massive bleeding and was being transferred to an operating theater.”
Who Is Ehud Olmert – Israel’s Acting PM »»
Ehud Olmert is Israel’s Acting Prime Minister
According to Israeli Law for a maximum of 100 days. In worse case scenario for present condition of Ariel Sharon, this period would cover the planned general elections set for March 28, 2006. The planned withdrawal of the Likud minister in the present cabinet of Ariel Sharon will most likely be reversed, to keep the Israeli nation united in the major event of today.
(WIKIPEDIA) Ehud Olmert was born September 30, 1945 in Binyamina, Israel.
From 1993 to 2003, Ehud Olmert served for two terms of office as Mayor of Jerusalem, during which time he devoted himself to the initiation and advancement of major projects in the city, the development and improvement of the education system and the development of road infrastructure. He also spearheaded the development of the light rail system in Jerusalem and the investment of millions of shekels in the development of mass transportation options for the City.
On August 7, 2005, Olmert was appointed as acting Finance Minister of Israel, replacing Benjamin Netanyahu, who had resigned in protest against the planned Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip. Olmert, who had originally opposed withdrawing from land captured in the Middle East War of 1967, and who had voted against the Camp David Peace Accords in 1978, is a vocal supporter of the Gaza Pullout. “I voted against Menachem Begin,” Olmert said in after his appointment. “I told him it was a historic mistake, how dangerous it would be, and so on and so on. Now I am sorry he is not alive for me to be able to publicly recognize his wisdom and my mistake. He was right and I was wrong. Thank God we pulled out of the Sinai.”
By Daniel Seidemann
(1998) — In recent months, Jerusalem’s Mayor Ehud Olmert has been engaged in a well oiled public relations campaign geared to set the stage for the “demolition derby” planned by himself in East Jerusalem. Mr. Olmert intends to demolish tens, if not hundreds of illegally built homes in the Palestinian sector of the city, and has even expedited the establishment of a police unit specially detailed to maintain order at the demolitions.
As part of his marketing campaign, Olmert appeared before the Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee in July of 1997, before whom he offered justifications and statistics intended to convince the Knesset members of the vital need to engage in the mass demolitions. An examination of the statistics presented by Mr. Olmert at this session is worthwhile, and can teach us much about the man and the city he heads.
The Orient House is the Palestinian national gathering place for Palestinians in Occupied East Jerusalem. As the PLO Headquarters in the occupied city, the Orient House aspires to develop Arab East Jerusalem as the capital of the emerging Palestinian state and is today the only Palestinian establishiment in the city to wave the Palestinian flag.
Israeli Cabinet defies EU over Jerusalem – 14 March 1999
… Until the Israeli occupation in Arab East Jerusalem ends, the Orient House will continue to advocate Palestinian aspirations of independence, dignity and freedom.
On the 10th of August 2001 Israeli Authorities again illegally occupied and closed the Orient House. The Israeli army and police have confiscated all the computer equipment, files, data and valuable confidential information regarding issues on Jerusalem, which were intended to be used in negotiations with the Israeli government.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
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After suffering a minor stroke recently due to a blood clot in a brain artery, a surgical heart operation was scheduled for coming Thursday. Doctors advised Ariel heed their warning to take rest and follow a strict diet due to overweight. Time has caught up with his condition, this evening he was rushed in a wheel chair into operating room, on respirator …
Amir Peretz celebrating his victory in the
Labor leadership race in Tel Aviv.
Haaretz - Guy Raivitz
This event will truly shake-up the Israeli politics for coming parliamentary elections, should give the Labor party under new leader Peretz a boost, as Sharon’s new party Kadima – Forward – wanted to position itself as a more moderate version of Likud in Israel’s political center.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Quite a news day for the Middle-East.
Sharon this afternoon – but I had also noticed Sheik Maktoum this morning:
As of 6 PM hour of New York
him…that tool of the Christian Reich.
Sharon isn’t likely to last the night, unfortunately. Unfortunate, because from what I understood, he was trying to steer a middle ground with that new party he was starting up. Instead, this shyt is going to start up again with his death.
I still don’t like or trust him for what occurred in Sabra and Shatila in the 1980s, and for the assassinations programs wiping out Palestinian spokespeople/leadership.
Too bad he had to start too late from where Rabin ended. Time ran out today.
I think you’re spot on.
Why in the world would you clap because of this? I have not agreed with Sharon’s policies but they are far less radical the Benny the new leader of Likud. If you were worried about a war with Iran when Sharon was at the helm what shall you say with Netanyahu?
Sharon has been the most vicious, irresponsible monster to take human form on this planet in a long while. I’m glad the CIA finally spiked his soup. Peace Process, my ass. Head fake all the way. WE’ll have to see just how stupid yahu can be.
I assume you’re a troll from the Free Republic just pretending to be a leftie, right?
Tell me one thing Ariel deserves to live for. As far as I’m concerned, the only regret there is should he pass away is having to listen to some contorted speeches made up to substitute a sigh of releif.
Sharon the war criminal considered a moderate voice. What has become of this world?
I still wish him a quick & painless death, although its better than he deserves.
per aide per Haaretz, 5:45 AM hour of Jerusalem
on Sharon’s condition, per Haaretz
grim faces per CNN domestic
The original 6 hr operation was to remove blood from his brain, they did that, don’t know what the new operation is for.
in his brain. After his first stroke in December, he was put on anti-clotting drugs, now they are giving him clotting drugs, but the anti-clotting ones are still in his blood, so the CAT scan showed that it was still bleeding.
They expect him to be in surgery for several more hours while they try to stop his brain from bleeding.
Abbas failed dismally to carry out his policies.
(Palestinian Chronicle) Jan. 2 — Three months before the Israeli elections on 28 March 2006, Ariel Sharon stands as the undisputed master of his new Kadima Party, commanding what appears to be an unassailable lead in the polls. One month before the Palestinian parliamentary elections on 25 January 2006, Mahmoud Abbas stands at the head of a Fatah movement facing its worst schism in nearly 50 years, with no guarantee at all that it will remain the dominant force in Palestinian nationalism.
Those two realities summarise the cruel headline for 2005. The year amounted to a colossal success for Sharon and his solution for the Israel-Palestinian conflict, and a colossal failure for Abbas and his Fatah. It had begun so differently.
In January 2005, it was Sharon who was caught on the horns of a divided Likud Party, irreparably fractured by his decision to end the dream of “Greater Israel ” by withdrawing Israeli settlers and soldiers from Gaza and four small settlements in the northern West Bank. Abbas was buoyed by a rare Palestinian unity, energised by Yasser Arafat’s death and the hope that it would somehow unfreeze a political process consumed by four years of overpowering Israeli violence and directionless armed Palestinian revolt.
● Hamas expected to win January parliamentary election
● Palestinian campaigners stopped in East-Jerusalem
Israel says Palestinian political activity
in east Jerusalem is illegal
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Specialists in brain surgery explained, due to damage caused by heavy hemorrhage and persuing operations lasting more than six hours, the swelling of brain masses in coming hours will determine whether Ariel Sharon will live. The difficulties encoutered in the many hours of surgery and the patient’s age will also determine the chance and extent if recovery. Full recovery is a 10% chance, whether a patient will live is given a slim 50% in coming days through Saturday.
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon participating in a
candle-lighting ceremony marking the second
night of Hanukkah at his Jerusalem office (Reuters)
● Dec. 27 – Sharon was incapacitated after suffering stroke
● BBC News – Profile Ehud Olmert
● Israel awaits in fear the incapicitation of its strong leader
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Bush’s Greatest Ally 2001-2006
Ariel Sharon's Temple Mount Visit Sept. 2000
Israeli troops run for cover as violence
erupts at the Al Aqsa compound.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
21:29 Hadassah officials: Sharon has suffered immense brain damage (Haaretz)
● Robertson links Sharon’s stroke to wrath
NORFOLK, Va. (AP) Jan. 6 — Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson suggested today that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s stroke was divine punishment for “dividing God’s land.”
● Iranian President hopes Sharon dies
Iran’s ultra-conservative President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said he hoped Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon would die.
“Hopefully, the news that the criminal of Sabra and Chatilla has joined his ancestors is final,” he was quoted as saying by the semiofficial Iranian Students News Agency. Following Ahmadinejad’s comments, some of his audience shouted: “He is going to hell because of your brave remarks!”
● Right-wing Israelis unforgiving for Gaza retreat
In particular, Ehud Olmert, a close confidante of Sharon and a former mayor of Jerusalem, has gone on record as saying Israel would have no choice but to relinquish control over the predominantly Arab sections of eastern Jerusalem, including the Old City.
Observers fear such a surrender would not end with the Arab neighborhoods, but would see Israel also forced to relinquish major Jewish environs such as Gilo, French Hill and Ramat Eshkol.
But its not only Sharon and Peretz that concern some rightists. Eitam is not convinced a government led by Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu won’t likewise give in to Arab and international demands on the holy city.
● Palestinians call stroke a gift
One man said they were waiting for Mr Sharon to die, and another said he had only one message for the ailing 77-year-old: “Go, Sharon, Go.”
Children in the Rafah refugee camp in southern Gaza handed out sweets in celebration.
Militant group Hamas described him as “one of the world’s worst leaders”. A spokesman said the whole region would be better off with Mr Sharon absent than with him present.
Die. Sharon the killer of our children
‘The Sharon Era Is Over’ in Israel, With Everything ‘Up In Air’
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
JPost had an article about some legal discussions regarding laws and temporary vs permanent incapacity or death of a Prime Minister.
Also, like Muslims, Jews have religious requirements regarding very prompt burial (before the sun sets on the day of the death).
Crazy Pat Robertson to lose his bid on a $50 mln biblical land investment in Israel, due to his remarks on Sharon and the Wrath of Jahweh.
The ministry was to have signed the deal with Robertson and a group of other evangelical leaders, committing the government to providing land and infrastructure for a Christian Heritage Center in Galilee. Robertson’s group would have raised $50 million in funding.
The center was to be tucked away in 35 acres of rolling Galilee hills, near key Christian sites such as Capernaum, the Mount of the Beatitudes, where tradition says Jesus delivered the Sermon of the Mount, and Tabgha – on the shores of the Sea of Galilee – where Christians believe Jesus performed the miracle of the loaves and fish.
Sea of Galilee Map
Looking southwest toward the Plain of Gennesaret. On the horizon, the steep cliff of Mount Arbel, left, rises above the Valley of the Robbers.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
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