It’s the Froggy Bottom Automat.
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Put your quarter in the slot for your choice of goodies.
Put your quarter in the slot for your choice of goodies.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Just a reminder for those of you who had Monday off and are suffering calendar disfunction.
If you haven’t already seen it, here is a link to David Letterman’s interview with Bill O’Reilly. It’ll either make you lose your breakfast or stand up and cheer. Thank God there are people like Letterman in the media/entertainment who are willing to call it like it is.
I will never have to find out which I would do.
Well, it was cool. Dave made fun of Fox’s fair and balanced motto calling it neither, and said he has a feeling that about 60% of what O’Reilly says is crap.
Since unlike you ::wink wink:: I am not getting any younger, I have decided that I have no time in my life to spend in the prescence of people like O’Reilly, even when they might be getting reamed since it would still would mean that I would have to listen to them.
He’s such a supercilious fuck. Pardon my language.
Where is everyone? Helloooooooooo?
Pretending to care about work.
Unhosted days are always quieter than hosted ones — I think that the personalities doing the hosting do affect the cafes and make them more appealing.
Oh yeah,that work thing. You people with real lives are pathetic.
I’m waiting for my daughter to get up so we can go to the gym together, although I try to stand as far away from her as I can. She’s so damn cute, even in sweats.
We people with pathetic lives are so unreal. I am living in alternative universe; in the real one, I never have to work.
It’s more that they make sure to respond to people’s comments at least once – discussion keeps going longer.
I had to wait awhile for it, lots of people must be watching it right now. It was worth the wait.
Checking in from soggy and muddy Northern California….
The roads are wet, the hills are sliding, the flood waters are receding…heaven help us – FEMA is standing by to assist!
—on to snark
We passed a small pizzeria in Oakland last night “Valerian Pizzeria”
Valerian: an herbal sleeping aid
an herb that smells like dirty socks
Hmmm….lets all eat pizza that smells like dirty socks and puts us to sleep!
Mmmmm….sounds very appealing. Hopefully you will not be needing FEMA, and if you do, heaven will be standing by just in case. Has the rain stopped?
We are supposed to have scattered showers today and then clearing through late Sunday. So we’ll have 4 days to start to dry out.
Big problem now is more runoff from the mountains and damns. From Sacramento down through the Central Valley (towards Stockton and Modesto) and out to the SF Bay we have hundreds of miles of levees…currently they are starting to weaken. Levee breaks would resemble Mississippi River flood waters if they go….
gosh, I hope everything holds. With the WV mine story I haven’t heard much about the weather out there.
Officially need to see what these 40+ emails are – geez I was only gone a week!
See you all at lunch time!
Done, thanks. Oh, hi y’all!!!
What boran2 said!
Just out of the shower, about to get dressed and head out for assorted errands. Feeling a bit better, would love to crawl back into bed but I have to get out today — the sunshine will do me good anyway. π
See you folks tonight…
Shadows — first time in 9 days (but it’s already clouding up again).

and other than a few hours of sunlight on Dec 26, we’ve had this same weather for almost two weeks… frosted trees still look nice though. Still waiting patiently for blue sky background.
AndiF, IndyLib, and other 2nd wave feminists: I thought you might be interested in this
Now That She’s Gone Unraveling the Mystery of My Mother
A One-Woman Show Written & Performed
by Ellen Snortland
MPLS Jan 14, 15th
It’s finished clouding over here so it’s gone now but at least I have hope.
Thanks for the link (psst — IndyLib is 20 years younger than me so to be second-wave she’d have to have been born a feminist — which now that I think about it is entirely possible — to be considered second-wave).
Apologies to IndyLib!!!
I see where a guy could get himself in some serious trouble mixing memory fragments from past FBC diaries.
Must have been the wisdom behind Indy’s comments that led me to believe she was a tad older than NSA records have indicated…
Indy and I agree on many things and are very much in tune with one another so that could have easily mislead you. And she is a very well-read, very thoughtful, and cogent writer — something we old farts like to think takes many years to achieve π
Andi, I truly adore this image. Not just because of the lovely placement of form & shadow — it’s like a visualization of soothing music! — but because of the presence of sunlight. My God, but I wish the Mother would send some through our tree-boughs, too. Jeez!
I wish I could still make you jealous but it has gone back to being completely overcast and the forecast is for it to stay that way for several more days — but at least I can prove sunlight exists — I have pictures! with timestamps!
Wonderful! Please continue to share — I’ll add my imagination to your offerings & transpose the feel of the light to my own locale π
Speaking of, time to get to the chores. See you later!
Hola amigos!
Well, I am back… scary ain’t it… π
So… the move is over, the dogs are with the ex, I’m still unemployed and finally starting to stress about it now that the madness of the last 2 weeks is over, it’s still winter in Toronto, the Leafs are struggling, Canada will be facing the Ruskies in the World Junior Championships on Thurs (sorry to admit I was rooting for that matchup over Canada/ USA… who will play for the bronze against the Fins), and we have an election coming up that should be quite close… other than that not much has been going on with me… π
How are you all doin’? playing nice and eating cheesecake I hope…
Welcome back. We were careful to make sure nothing important happened in your absence.
Sweet! I appreciate the love Andi, I was a bit worried I’d come back and find that kansas actually did stage that coup… π
kansas deposed herself — she’s been taking some time off to get some work done.
Hi Spider, missed you….lucky you, your move is over…mine just keeps getting extensions, but now there is a looming deadline of Jan. 15, fast approaching and I am keeping my fingers crossed for phone services to be in by that time. Everyone, can you cross your fingers for me, if you don’t mind…Where did that ‘cross your fingers’ come from, anyone know.
Hi everyone!!!!!!!
Trying to dig myself out of apathy today.
Finger’s Crossed. Good luck w/ the move D!
Thanks twice, for the info and the luck…I suspected as much about the saying, making the sign of the cross, ward off evil..we never think of that these days, do we, or do we?
I don’t know what it is about it, but I really like this guy.
Hold On To Your Lily Pads
I’m off again tonight or tomorrow, but this time I am full of OPTIMISM and (wait for it……) POSITIVE ENERGY! Okay, so you don’t believe it is me….
After two years of trying to find my sister she found me just a few days ago. At the end of the month I will see her again, and I think I am moving to where she lives in Sacramento, CA. You know what one of the first things I will do? REGISTER TO VOTE !!!!
Besides that I found out that I am happy when I do a good bit of work…. it doesn’t have to be perfect and I don’t have to be brilliant. Just good enough is good enough.
If and when infidel pig shows up, please will someone tell him how much I appreciate him? should be able to reconnect in another few months….
I am very happy for you and wish the best for you and your sister.
Besides that I found out that I am happy when I do a good bit of work…. it doesn’t have to be perfect and I don’t have to be brilliant. Just good enough is good enough.
Good on you! We’d all do well to keep this valuable thought in mind.
You will have a wonderful time catching up!
Crossing the Pond just in time for the Battle of ’06. Good news indeed…safe journeys my friend…keep in touch.
Wonderful news on all counts, suskind. Sounds as if this promises to be a very good year for you!
Welcome to the Golden State of CA – glad you are coming our way!
We can use a few more Dems in the Sacramento Valley…keep us posted on what’s going on!
When last I checked my bad books, Diane Fienstein was in them. hmmmm…… I’ve got some studying to do.
Feinstein is DINO – but she does hold firm on most issues like pro-choice usually.
We do have Sen. Barbara Boxer and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (SF) so we have some good ones…
2006 – we definitely need help getting rid of Schwarzenegger for Gropinator…
“This just in. Suskind found out where California is and who’s in it.”
And if you do make it to Sacramento, I’ll have to make a roadie up there to buy your first Irish Mist in person… π Give me a chance to see my state government inaction anyway… π
As some of you know, I have traditionally made hot chocolate using heavy cream.
However, due to having caught the shugga dye bead eaze, I felt obliged to modify the recipe. I tried this out last night and it worked great!
Start with Luker brand unsweetened chocolate. Break off a few pieces into a small saucepan. Add just enough half and half to stop scorching, very low fire, stir until a sort of semi-ganache becomes present.
Add two or 3 tablespoons of sugar. Keep stirring.
When completely smooth, fill the saucepan with organic blue milk (mine is 1%) Keep stirring till hot.
Stir in cinnamon and ground pungent chilies to taste.
Pour half a cup for yourself, give the rest to other people.
(blood sugar 2 hours after consumption – 138!)
is perfect for katiebird’s website — which should be back in business soon (maybe tonight or tomorrow).
(crossing fingers)
I purposely said maybe so as not to get the attention of the Evil Eye.
Good afternoon, all; wonderful to see you, as usual. Just stepping in as I sip coffee & gather my gumption for the chores — as usual.
We don’t seem to have gotten any more snow after our big recent storm, but the weather remains oppressively grey. A mixed bag of ugly precipitation still expected over the next 48 hours. Current temperature is a tropical 32 degrees F.
because we had no water for all day which is a not unusual occurrence for our county water utility — pipes running under the creeks have a unfortunate tendency to leak when shifting creek bottoms put pressure on the joints. It happens often enough in fact that we keep about 40 gallons of water on hand all the time.
(But it is starting to come back now.)
Glad to hear the water’s returning! Needless to say, I’m quite familiar with doing without ..
I’m surprised to hear you don’t have your own source there & rely on the county .. ?
There is no source of water here unless you build a pond. The ground is nearly impermeable clay with rock underneath the clay and so there’s no water table and no wells. When we originally built we were going to go the pond route but the drainage area was so huge that the dam would have required approval by the Corps of Engineers (no joke) and cost a lot more than we could afford.
I hear you completely.
We’re blessed in our corner of the world to have relatively easy access to enormous amounts of water; my rural neighbors & I can generally access springs or they have wells, despite the land’s exceptionally rocky make-up.
I’m looking at a piece of property at the moment that seems to have neither, but we’ll see. The land I own now includes deeded access to a spring — unfortunately, I don’t feel the land is suitable for my purposes in general, due to severe access difficulties after last year’s floods, ergo I’m looking at the other.
has a definite upside — it’s why this area has never been developed and is still forested and lightly populated.
I’d definitely call that an upside on any count.
The downside to our watery locale is that, as we provide water to metropolitan NYC, much of what occurs here in terms of water management is dictated by downstate needs. Ergo, last spring the city wished to retain water in the reservoirs against possible drought; immense rainstorms coupled with quick snow-thaw filled the streams & rivers to overflowing, and hundreds of us were deprived of our homes & livelihoods due to the worst flooding in half a century. Entire communities — mostly poor — were destroyed; four people died. Many of the people who lost everything they owned are still waiting for assistance from FEMA.
My friends in the city were shocked to hear of what had happened to us; they had no knowledge at all of the disaster that took place less than 100 miles from Manhattan.
It’s sort of a modern version of the Johnstown Flood — if not in the exact details, certainly in the attitude of those who profited but didn’t suffer the consequences towards those who got no benefit and all the consequences.
Yes. These latest events have done nothing to sway many rural folks’ perceptions of the general state-of-play — in place since entire towns were wiped from the map in order to construct the reservoirs in the first place.
you may have overlooked…for really bad times…
1. Your hot water heater(s)…40 + gals. Note: if supply safety
is compromised, turn of supplyf line-in from source.
2. Water “in” toilet tank(s) is potable…
Yeah, yeah I know…trivia…
Really got to get something accomplished today – Later
It’s easier to keep water in two or three gallon containers and carry that upstairs since there is no water pressure. As for the toilets, part of the point of the keeping water is to be able to flush the toilets.
I’ve been pulling my hair out butting heads with a social worker for the guardian case I’m working on…well mostly I’m beating my head against a brick wall because she is so damn hard to get ahold of even though I have her work and cellphone numbers. I keep leaving messages all over the place for her starting out very nice and devolving into “call me or else I’ll have to assume you are directly blowing off the judge’s orders, etc”…
Finally after two weeks I track down her email address and fire off a nasty note CC’d to my supervisor and, lo and behold, she responds in less than 10 minutes! Oh my goodness!, were you trying to reach me???
Social services is swamped and I am convinced they are trying to blow off the 17 year old in “my” family for the next 3 months until he turns 18 and ages out of the system. It pisses me off that I have to ride her ass like this on my first case. And me, the shy one.
Sounds as if you’re doing good work, SN.
I can’t imagine it’s any easier to work with social service agencies on a professional basis than it is as a person in need.
unfortunately, I’ve had to do both recently. I feel for them because this is a busy time of year, but you get the feeling some of them are just trying to make as little work for themselves as possible. It’s got to be an emotionally draining job, but dammit, if you don’t feel like you can do your best anymore, quit. Generally they are very dedicated and professional. I just drew the short straw on this case.
I’m truly sorry to hear it, SN — & fully concur with your general feeling regarding the folks who choose this line of work.
I’m thinking that pretty soon we will have to rename you the intimidating-bitch-goddess-of-the-left.
yeah…well, hold off on that for awhile til we see how it works out for me.
If I get a rep as a fierce advocate for kids, that’ll be great. On the other hand, I might just come off as shrill and overreactive.
What I believe is that you are coming across as someone who is willing to do for these kids what she would do for her own.
Oh goody, because that’s what I was going for.
What? is the cafe closed?
It’s been very slow today. Maybe froggybottom should go ahead and open a 24/7 cafe?
because I told such a dirty joke.
You did? I saw your recipe for hot chocolate (you’ve gotta meet my dad – you would be best friends)
Andi — I think that’s a good idea.
Which froggy should do it?
You can have the “honors” if you want.
When eat4today is up I will post the recipe there to enable him.
I saw your twelve-inch pianist joke. It’s one of my favorites, but coming from you it was extra funny because I picture you as such a refined gentleman. Perhaps you’ve just been faking it.
The dirty one is here
Thank you for the compliment. I am taking medications and feeling rollicking and mischievous, but in a refined and gentlemanly way.
All hopped up on avandamet, are you? π
They gave me avandia and metformin in separate pills last time, avandamet was not available.
But it is the oxycodone that makes me mischievous π
Oh, that’s a good one. I’m going to have to start insisting on jewelry.
Luckily, Perrier Lime is not only a refresing beverage, but an excellent monitor cleaner. π
Glad I could help clean the monitor. It’s one of the few housekeeping duties I’ve accomplished today.
Is kansas due back from her self-imposed exile tomorrow?
my sister is talking, and talkin. and talking.
A dump? Well here’s a new one. And I’ll take it down when you say so.
Sorry suskind. I opened a cafe before I realized you were going to. Would you mind deleting your diary and coming over here to party?
And since I’m still here for a while, and still in a terrific mood I was thinking of putting one up…. hmmm…. what do you think?