I had to pay my rent today and it reminded me of a little problem I have. I don’t have a job outside of this blog, so I don’t have enough income to offset large bills like my rent check.
Booman Tribune has exceeded all the benchmarks I set for it (yes, unlike the President, I do have some kind of plan). And my decision to attempt full-time blogging involved an acceptance of a certain level of poverty. I don’t mind having no money as long as I can buy enough dog food to keep the big guy happy and I can keep afloat.
If I need to, I can always get a part-time job. But, I do occassionally need to beg people for support.
The easiset way to be supportive is to visit the store and buy some shirts and coffee cups. For those of you that feel like being really generous, we offer a bumper sticker at a marked up price. And you can also buy BostonJoe’s excellent book, Direct Actions.
SusanHu has also been very busy offering a bunch of nice features for members of the community. She has set up the affiliate program with Powell’s Books. Powell’s is a non-corporate bookstore and they are very blue. Amazon is a deep red corporation. Barnes and Noble is more balanced, but we feel comfortable with Powell’s. Their customer service is excellent, and we have been able to negotiate some discounts on books we feature. Buying through our Powell’s links means that we get 7.5% of the sales and you can feel like a solid citizen for refusing to give your business to the Bush supporters at Amazon.
:more below:
We’ve also added these affiliates, for which we get varying percentages
of sales. We carefully chose these affiliates with three key
requirements: 1) that they be “blue” and eco-friendly companies, 2)
that they offer products that are of high quality and which might
interest you, and 3) that the company be reputable and personally
“vetted” by people we know in “real life.”
We added these companies’ affiliate programs specifically because
Susan’s daughter, and her bosses, order from them regularly and swear by
their products, service, and reliability. For example, Darcy’s boss
buys much of his clothing and hiking gear (including boots) from Sierra
Trading Post. A good friend bought a chair for her back, and yoga
equipment, at Gaiam. (And Darcy just bought two sets of sheets from
Gaiam — $80 sheet sets for $30.) Darcy buys her vitamins from Mother’s
Nature which she says has great deals and is very reliable. She and I
have found hard-to-find books at Alibris and were impressed with their
service and fast shipping. And, we’ve had DISH satellite service for
over five years, and would never go back to cable. For one thing we get
progressive channels like Free Speech TV and LINK TV that we couldn’t
get on cable. And, their customer service is superb on the very rare
occasions we had to call them.
- Sierra Trading Post
- Shop for great deals in our Outlet section at Gaiam.com!
(Gaiam sells bedding, solar energy products, books, health products,
fitness clothing, and much more.)
Shop Organic at MotherNature.com
- Buy new, used, and hard-to-find books at Alibris!
- Get Dish in 4 rooms FREE! Find out how.
(Note: We get big bucks for any new sign-up.)
- Netflix.com
(Darcy swears by this service, much better than its new competitor,
- Patagonia (see linked image ads in left column)
We’ve also added these affiliate programs from reputable, “blue” companies:
- Overstock.com: 75% off Retail Sale.
- Register for Overstock Auctions today!
- Sharper Image Outlet
- Make a difference — join Sierra Club today!
- The Body Shop
- The Wine Messenger
- Great Gifts and Gourmet Food from Wine.com
- Sur La Table: Pig
Baking Dish
- Bose
Many of these links offer considerable savings, and the one’s that don’t are at least companies that we feel good about supporting. As much as possible, we have looked to create win-win-win situations, where we can build some revenue, provide a valuable service to the community, and drive some sales to good companies and away for bad companies.
But there are other ways you can be supportive of the site.
Some of these:
1. visit our advertisers and make some purchases, or sign their petitions, etc.
2. write some diaries.
3. make sure to make some comments in other people’s diaries, or to recommend them.
Also, tell your blogging buddies about some of the neat features of the site, like the World Recommended Diaries feature, the fact that you can still post two diaries a day here, and the fact that diaries do not just scroll off the page in a few hours. Tell them about the wonderful Froggy Bottom Cafe and Lounge.
Making a living blogging is a long-shot, but one that I think is worth pursuing. One of my problems is that money is not very important to me, and so I am not motivated enough to do the little things that help build revenues. I prefer to think about ideas and to write.
So, writing stuff like this is a kind of downer. I don’t like having to ask for your support. The community already gives me tons of support just by being hear and caring. But, every once in a while I have to grovel. And rent-day seemed like to right time to do it.
Thank you all, again, for being a part of this great community.
Hey Booman,
given you’ve got a few internationals here, and it doesn’t usually make a whole lot of sense (for eg) for me in Aus. to buy a book from Powells when I’d prefer to support my local lefty bookstore etc.—-
would you consider adding a small “donate” button with a paypal or equivalent link? That way when I’ve got a few spare $$ I’d be more than happy to send them your way, and it will be good for anyone who wants to consider giving you some support more substantial than ad clicks, but doesn’t want anymore stuff. π
I admit to being ignorant of the cost of setting that up, so appreciate it might not be straightforward, but thought I’d put it out there.
Any others willing to comment on this idea?
A good idea.
Nothing wrong with asking for donations now and then, imo.
The Euros factor affects which affiliates we sign up with. But, on the EuroTrib site, we’ve signed up for Amazon, even though it’s red, just because it’s very hard to find affiliate programs in Europe. So, if there is a book you’d like, if you buy it at Eurotrib via the Amazon UK link, we’ll get a percentage.
Thank you!
Susan, I am thrilled about this news.
I am addicted to British novels and buy from Amazon UK all the time. Now, can I go into their site through the EuroTrib & have my purchase count toward you — even though I’m not in Europe?
Yes, do try it! And, when you do, if you wouldn’t mind dropping me a note, I’d be grateful. That way I can see if the sale shows up!
(Sounds like a fun reading hobby too.)
Btw, we really tried to find a European affiliate other than Amazon, but it was impossible … except for a couple in France that were all in French (which leaves me out).
Amazon UK has neat services, including a Netflix-type deal for Europeans.
Hi Myriad-
first of all, thank you so much for your willingness to be supportive.
We created the bumper stickers for this purpose. We have to (for legal reasons) offer something tangible in return for a donation. Kos has subscriptions that turn the ads off. We didn’t want to do that. It doesn’t fit our traffic, for one thing.
So, we thought about what would be the least cluttering thing to offer for people that want to donate but do not want any new stuff. And we decided a bumper sticker would occupy less space than anything else we could think of. Put in on your car, your fridge, or use it as a bookmark, throw it in a drawer, or just toss it.
The PayPal sites are not set up at LLC’s, but I needed this to be a LLC to protect my limited assets from lawsuits. I do publish what y’all write without previewing it. And I have already had to deal with one threat of a libel suit arising from a diary here. Anyway, you can always buy some bumper stickers, even if you don’t really want them, and it will serve as the same thing as a donation.
Thanks again.
Excellent Booman, thanks for explaining the situation.
Then, more stickers it is.
Uh, ok I don’t mean to sound picky, but I just tried to buy a bumper sticker, and the site wanted to charge me $165 for shipping!! – and I can’t work out why.
That is what my order confirmation said as well.
Here is what Scott replied to my query on this issue:
So the shipping of the stickers was free (don’t know what the case is for international shipments).
he’s really got to fix that. Wolverine Writer, my college roommate, owns the TeePad, and his software has that shipping glitch which hurts his sales.
But, it is just a glitch. You won’t get charged for shipping costs unless it says so on the product description.
I had this problem when I tried to buy a bumper sticker and “Direct Actions” together. I tried ordering them separately and there were no shipping charges displayed or charged on either order. It seemed like the shipping charges went wacko when I tried to order more than one thing at a time.
Please, please reconsider. I like the idea of paid subscriptions to support sites I care about. I would subscribe in a heartbeat, and I’ll bet I’m not the only one.
i will continue to think about it.
For now, we want to limit the amount of loss we get from Firefox adblockers and not add to the problem with subscriptions.
Kos’s site is so large he doesn’t care about losing a percentage of his traffic (as far as advertisers are concerned). And he makes money off the deal.
I’d lose money off that deal in the long run.
Plus, I am not all that keen on creating a class system of subscribers and non-subscribers.
But I’m not ruling it out for the future.
with dKos because when the new CSS was put in the comments were all screwy, especially in C&J (comments got blocked by the ads half the time). As long as I can read the comments and see the diaries, I have no need to block the ads here.
I’ve been trying to remember to come over here and click the iTunes link before going over to the iTunes Music Store (iTMS) to check for anything purchase-worthy…I hope I remembered before I recently bought out all my shopping cart items (about $75 worth of assorted classical stuff, including some wonderful Spanish classical guitar works). And that frog baking dish from Sur La Table is quite tempting…SLT happens to be my favorite place to spend money on kitchen crap anyway. π
I bought a book from alibris last week after innocently clicking a link here. I wasn’t looking for anything, but…you know how it goes. Anyway, I got a great price on the book I ended up wanting, and ordering was extremely easy. Nice site, customer service seems good, and the shipping was pretty cheap. I highly recommend them.
The first time Darcy and i ordered from them, they kind of blew our minds … I was looking for a novel, “The Bad Communist,” that was really nonfiction (and about people I used to know a long time ago) … nobody had it but Alibris.
Overstock.com also sells books, and is definitely worth checking if you’re looking for a deal.
“(and about people I used to know a long time ago)”
OOOoooo, how provacative. Were you a spy perhaps? Did you just blow your own cover?
shhh! Mum’s the word.
I’ve bought tons of books from Overstock.com (though not lately because I was spending way too much money) and always had a good experience with them. While you won’t find rare or out-of-print books, you might just find a copy of that book you wanted, but didn’t want to pay harback prices for, for a fraction of the cost. Lots of lovely cookbooks, coffee table books, and children’s books too.
and I think they had the ability to get copies of “The Velvet Monkeywrench” by John Muir (not the Yosemite naturalist, but some other dude) — I read it waaaaaay back in high school and still remember the impact it had on my mindset. Might be worth seeing if they’ve still got it…
My all-time favorite sweatshirt/fleece ever is the Micro D-Luxe Hoody they have…and everything I’ve ever bought from them has lasted forever.
And of course, the BT mugs and bumper stickers are cool too!
My copy of BostonJoe’s book should be arriving any day now. I ordered last week. Strange timing, but my Powell’s click-through doesn’t seem to be working right now. Don’t forget t-shirts everyone – spring’s a-comin’.
All above done, even my attache has become subversive:

The point on the other stores is well taken.
that’s so awesome.
I get some sideway glances on the PATH every morning/eve from people trying to read it. I’m not sure how high the comprehension level is, had to explain it a few times. Never had a negative reaction, often positive.
OK Booman:
Sprung for a coffee mug and T-shirt.
Here is a thought and a question: Have you considered an annual subscription fee for truly dedicated pond members? Could be voluntary, but might have a special perk included?? Just thinking out loud here, and not trying to start any ruckus. I do understand that a body has to do what a bodu has to do to make a buck, and I would be glad to be a subscriber here.
If you decide to sign up with Netflix please use a bit of caution. Not that they’re a disreputable company or anything, but I bought a gift subscription for my daughter and it turns out that gift subscriptions don’t generate money for the site. (long story).
If I’d have known that I’d have just signed up in my own name, which I may do anyway after her subscription expires. We have the same address and they don’t like having more than one subscriber at a particular address (which actually caused her some problems as our downstairs neighbor already subscribed, but that’s another story).
I don’t drink coffee, I don’t own a car and I already have a BT T-shirt. Hmmmmmm . . .
Refrigerators make lovely places for bumperstickers. My BT one is going next to the one that says “Bad cop, No donut”.
maybe I should offer a free froggy magnet with every bumper sticker. π
Sur La Table has a froggie baking dish …. don’t buy it with this link! I have to figure out how to make a link to a specific product there since it’s on another umbrella affiliate site whose system I haven’t quite learned yet.
Frog Baking Dish (SLT Exclusive)
This saucy frog bakes and serves with personality. Handmade from clay from the Andes Mountains, this 2Β½ -quart baker gains a rich, dark patina with use. A smiling keepsake frog, bringing prosperity, accompanies the frog baker. Safe for the microwave and oven up to 450Β°F, it can also be used on a gas stovetop with moderate heat. Use with wood or plastic utensils and hand wash.
Dig this! (And this is linked to give us credit.)
I just saw that! Now, I need another doo-dad for the kitchen about as much as Bush needs another sycophant, but I am sorely tempted.
You say not to buy it just yet? Or is it now linked?
Probably just as well to wait, but it goes on my presents-to-me list. The pig dish looks a little too much like Karl Rove.
It’s linked now.
I love things like that…. years and years ago, I bought a heart-shaped cake pan, and I still use it. II forget what you call that kind of pan — it has the poufy air section at the bottom, so it bakes nicely.
We’re already Sierra Clubbers. Ordered half a dozen books from Powell’s for gifts in the last 6 mos., will check out Alibris too; tried to get a fantastic gift from Overstock.com, but they never came through and had to cancel order after 3 weeks wait. Anyone else have that problem with them, or was my experience one-of-a-kind?
But will probably sign up for Dish Network this month. And was just thinking today that I ought to register for NetFlix, as I’m a chronic movie rental check-out time abuser. Funny, I love paying library fines but despise giving extra cash to Blockbuster.
C’mon youse tadpoles, every little bit helps!
Booman: If you could kindly send me a mailing address
or a P.O.Box No. I will be glad to send in a check through my bank’s payment service.And thanks for all you do.
I dunno – maybe we could notify you of our next big purchase and you can arrange a deal with the retailer beforehand. Like, um, I’m getting ready to purchase TiVo, and would be happy to do so through a site link to support you.
You’d probably make a bundle if you arranged to receive a percentage of the bar tab from the “drinking liberally” gatherings. (Just a thought. ;^)
DISH has a TiVo set-up. But i’ll check our affiliate “parents” and see if they have TiVO too.
It looks like TiVO doesn’t have affiliate programs. DISH does.
And Overstock.com has four books on how to “hack” / improve your TIVO.
Thanks, Susan – you’re so darn accomodating with your research!
Good night!
Alibris is great. It’s really an umbrella site of zillions of freelance folks selling books, from a store-ful to a few copies. Most of the used books classified there as “new” are review copies. Amazon does similarly, all on-line sellers of used books do, but they also sell new from warehouses.
The thing about Amazon is that they undercut authors by selling real new books right next to “used” copies of the same new books. So bargain-hunting bookbuyers naturally want the less expensive new book. However, that sale then reduces by one the sales credited to the author, because the book bought is “used” rather than “new.” When it comes time to talk sales figures with the publisher, when the next book is being negotiated, it works against the writer. The publisher can say, Well, your sales figures weren’t quite as high last time. Do that often enough, the writer won’t get the new contract, and your choices of reading matter will have been reduced.
I’ve been buying from Gaiam for years, and their products and reliability are very good. The Body Shop is good stuff, too, and Anita Roddick was very early in supporting environmental issues.
And as I have a job as of Monday, I feel much more relieved in doing so. I should go get Risen’s book, it sounds just completely fascinating… And I’ll get a sticker or two, perhaps a t-shirt or a mug, see what else there is. Thank You Boo for this community. Very much so.
Corporate sponsorship!

The bumper stickers also work well on guitar cases (and I imagine, on any other musical equipment case large enough to handle its awesome girth):

But in all seriousness, and with all due respect, it is my hope that you do not have to blog full time to make a living. I remember reading that you were working on (or toying with the idea of) writing a book.
The day you publish a book is the day I buy your book. Promise. And I’m sure there are a lot of other people that will too.
I bought a book from Powell’s just this week. I have been meaning to order from the friend of yours so will get right on it. I hope that will help some. I would be willing send in a few bucks too to you for expenses. All I need is where to sent it to. I just want you to know that I would do anything that I possible could to help you, my friend. Thank you for doing us a very big favor and having this site open for us. I would be willing to pay dues for the privilege.
I know that when I worked for the VWMP. we asked for donations for a product. All I ask for is a hand written autograph, will that work….:o)
Brenda, you can donate as much as you want as long as you are willing to accept one color bumper sticker for every $25 increment you give.
It’s for tax purposes, and I can arrange to send you an autograph too.
Make sure he understands that by “autograph,” you mean a complete BooDog pawprint, suitable for framing, and with a certificate of authenticity.
i can’t guarantee that that will come without mud.
Thanks, BooMan. I already have a bumper sticker but there is a book I want to order from Powell’s. And of course, there are a couple of diaries I need to post.
have accounts at Sierra,netflix.
We cancelled dishnet the day after Nov2 2004,would it count as a ‘new sign up if I reinstated it now?
I am really missing Amy Goodman and Cspan these days.
Can you explain in simple language how clicking on an ad here generates revenue? Do you get .20 cents per click?
I did a site meter last week, and there were 5,000 visits that day. I try to click 5 ads a day…. does that get you $1.00?
We receive zero income from clicking on ads.
Well, that’s not quite true — the Blogads (above the Advertising Liberally and Philly Ad Network icons) do notice if they get traffic but, there too, they mostly want sales.
We only receive money for any book, any store item, etc. if you buy an item.
That’s why I’ve tried to pick stores that would actually appeal to peopel and which are also “blue.”
Some stores may not be familiar to many here, but are very familiar to people I know in “real life” who use these online stores all the time…. those are Sierra Trading Post (Darcy’s boss and wife get half their clothes, boots, etc. from them), Gaiam (one of Darcy’s favorites), and MotherNature (another Darcy favorite).
Right now, every single affiliate store has big sales on, and most also have really good deals on shipping.
Why do you have them?
Google ads paid by the click and I made good money off them for a couple months. But then they cancelled my account, confiscated $500+ dollars, and refused to explain the exact nature of my violation.
Crispads pay 20 cents a click and they are over at ET. We got rid of them here, although we can always bring them back.
But, the Blogads are paid for display, not by click. So, for example, the Absinthe people paid Blogads $300 for a month long run here. Blogads paid me $230. If they get some sales out that ad, they will be more likely to advertise here again. This is their 3rd of 4th buy here, so some Tribbers must be getting a little tipsy.
who desire to obtain a more ample bosom who were clicking on those absinthe ads.
BooLadies are all self actualized and confident ladies who are either already pleased with their bosom ampleness or do not give a cheneyfart whether it is ample or not. π
Of course now that the absinthe company has apparently sold out of the bosoms, it will be interesting to see if people are still purchasing absinthe. (for the articles)
And thanks for explaining the rest of it, especially the perfidious google ad outrage.
Since I haven’t the means to buy anything I will go to ET to click away. And when I have the means I will buy until I haven’t the means any longer. And screw those people who screwed you out of your $500!
Random store thought: some day I’d truly love to see a coffee cup from the Froggy Bottom Cafe’!
Regardless, however: I thank you most sincerely for creating & supporting this wonderful community, BooMan — & will offer my support with more than words as soon as possible.
YES!! Especially if it features Marmotdude!
should put a bug (or marmot) in AndiF’s ear… π
I could well be wrong, as a relative newbie, but I’m guessing the FBC cup is basically BooMan’s call .. ?
I think an FBC line would be wonderful eventually.
Post the address for a PAypal subscription. I can subscribe for $5 per month. Add a couple more…
Susan, is there any way we could work a deal with Tom Bihn? I’ve been lusting after a cafe bag (even though I so don’t need one), and I’d feel much less guilty about buying one if BT got a cut.
Yes, it is perfectly alright to ask for a little donation once in a while. If the person feels that he/ she still wants to see the site going on. He/ she will definatly try to help in one way or another. I hope the bummer stickers stuff works out. π