I’d like to be a part of the revolution to save us from the theocratic folks who are making continuing efforts, and unfortunately inroads in some cases, to convince the rest of us that they are in direct communication with God and that God has told them what the rest of us need to do to become “right” with him/(her). Too bad they didn’t read past the old testament……I just never saw any directions in the NT that told me the way to be “saved” was to join with a group of enlightened “neocons” who use people, the earth, the flora, the fauna, natural mineral deposits and anything else for their personal benefit at the expense of all humanity and the survival of our earthly planet. Oh, I forgot to mention the justification for killing world leaders who disagree with us, conquering countries to free them and let’s not forget blaming the poor for their situation because of the ungodly choices they make. IS THIS WHAT JESUS WOULD DO?? I think this pretty much describes my mindset. And, by the way I am a flower child out of the 60’s and somehow I feel like I’m in my twenties again.
I’m new to this, but I noted that the comments/information in the biographical…get to know me part……..wasn’t all there, so I decided to write it here. So, that is all I have to say at this time.
Welcome. I would like to associate myself with your comments and I hope that you will share more of your thoughts with us here.
AND, a flower for you.
I’d like to add my welcome as well.
You’ll find many here who think and feel the way you do and who are looking for ways to make a difference.
We have a Yahoo action commitee that some of us belong to as a way to share ideas for protest and different kinds of actions. We’re currently talking about getting to DC for the Alito confirmation hearings. If you’re interested just email me and I can link it for you.
Since you say you’re new to this, here is a sunrise for you to go along with the flower from Blueneck :o)

Just take your first steps, you already launched your first comment – excellent!
To meet other frogs in the pond, come over to any of the creative diaries on books review, gardening, a lounge and the FBC – Froggy Bottom Cafe – for speaking your mind on any topic. Also a great spot to introduce yourself, and read about all earlier bloggers here @BooMan’s Place.
Oui from The Hague
Some introductory diaries —
A HTML primer
New User Guide @EuroTrib
The Open thread diary East and other geographic parts of the U.S. was a great start on the blog in the past, but has been replaced by many sorts of WELCOME WAGON diaries.
You are just in time, some 2970 bloggers took the step before you to open an account and contribute.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
New welcome diary is up for all newbies :: Wake Up!
Coffee & Tea under the window -
Goodies on the platters
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Welcome my “flowerchild” friend. Happy to have you here!
Well, Ms. Dee, Thank you for choosing here to come and post. You are a breath of fresh air. Welcome. We are, because of what we believe in, always. Stay with us and become involved in our site to bring change and hope you enjoy your stay. Hugs…Oh and do write more diaries, too.