BOSTON – Jill Carroll had just been laid off from a newspaper job and decided it was time to fulfill her dream of going to the Middle East to cover a war. Her proud sister has been keeping track of her travels in a blog called “Lady of Arabia.”
“All I ever wanted to be was a foreign correspondent,” Carroll wrote last year in the American Journalism Review. “It seemed the right time to try to make it happen.”
KIDNAPPED: Freelance reporter
Jill Carroll has worked in Iraq
since 2003. Delphine Minoui
Carroll, a 28-year-old freelancer for The Christian Science Monitor, was kidnapped Saturday in Baghdad, when gunmen ambushed her car and killed her translator. She had been on her way to meet a Sunni Arab official in one of the city’s most dangerous neighborhoods.
In the February/March issue of AJR, Carroll wrote that she moved to Jordan in late 2002, six months before the war started, “to learn as much about the region as possible before the fighting began.”
“There was bound to be plenty of parachute journalism once the war started, and I didn’t want to be a part of that,” she wrote.
Carroll was described by her editor as an aggressive reporter, but not a reckless one.
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“She’s a very professional, straight-up, fact-oriented reporter. Unlike most Western reporters, Carroll is able to speak Arabic, “so she can operate pretty well in Iraq,” Ingwerson said.
Despite her language skills, Carroll used an Iraqi translator. The translator was killed during the kidnapping, an Iraqi Interior Ministry official said.
Maj. Falah Mohamadawi said the translator told police just before he died that the abduction took place when he and Carroll were heading to meet Adnan al-Dulaimi, head of the Sunni Arab Iraqi Accordance Front, in the Adel section of the city. The neighborhood is dominated by Sunni Arabs and is considered one of the toughest in Baghdad.
Mourning Marla ◊ by Jill Carroll,
Christian Science Monitor – posted April 18, 2005.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Thanks for the report, Oui. It pains me so to see yet another journalist endangered. Pray for her. She’ll need it.
Dems’ Template for Success: Follow Jack Murtha …
LEAVE Iraq to the Iraqis
● IDEALS — Rachel Corrie in London Play
● Marla Ruzicka Dies in Her Line of Duty
● Yasser Salihee ● Reporter Murdered :: Story He Died For
● Shooting Nicola Calipari No Accident
● Salvador Option: Death Squads in Iraq ◊ by HalC
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
This one was actually on one of the news stations earlier!!!!
Are some members of the media getting a bit of spine???
Sorry Oui–I’ve been sick for awhile and when I get sick, I get nasty! Believe me, there was no snark at you intended!
Is it any wonder that US troops seem to go right at journalists??? Hmmm
And today the “news in America” reported the tragic death of David E. Rosenbaum, 63, died Sunday night, two days after he was beaten on a street in one of the District of Columbia’s better neighborhoods.
MSM have kept a period of silence by not publishing her abduction, hoping a quick resolve and finding her. Earlier today, CSM published her story and a statement ::
Jill Carroll, a freelance writer currently on assignment for The Christian Science Monitor, was abducted in western Baghdad on Saturday morning, local time. Her Iraqi interpreter was fatally wounded in the kidnapping. Her Iraqi driver escaped unharmed.
At this point, no one has claimed responsibility.
Jill, 28, is an established journalist who has been reporting from the Middle East for Jordanian, Italian, and other news organizations over the past three years. In recent months, the Monitor has tapped into her professionalism, energy, and fair reporting on the Iraqi scene. It was her drive to gather direct and accurate views from political leaders that took her into western Baghdad’s Adil neighborhood on Saturday morning.
The Monitor joins Jill’s colleagues – Iraqi and foreign – in the Baghdad press in calling for her immediate and safe release.
“Jill’s ability to help others understand the issues facing all groups in Iraq has been invaluable. We are urgently seeking information about Ms. Carroll and are pursuing every avenue to secure her release,” says Monitor Editor Richard Bergenheim.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
BOSTON (E&P) Jan. 10 — The Monitor revealed that the reporter, Carroll, is a stringer for the paper who has written many stories for the newspaper for about a year, the last four or five months reporting from Iraq.
“We have been advised that the less that is said, the better,” Jostyn told E&P this morning, before a Monitor story about the abduction was posted. “We need to be sensitive to that.”
Jostyn said the request for a news blackout was made in an effort to protect her safety. The Monitor’s own story about the abduction, and a related editor’s note, did not mention the news blackout. It mentioned that her family had urged her captors to release her. “We just felt it [the blackout] is not something we wanted to publicize,” he added.
Several editors at major news outlets earlier today said they were glad to oblige and hoped their efforts would help win Carroll’s release. (…)
Kidnap-linked raid on Iraq mosque sparks angry protests
Umm al-Qura mosque - No to occupation!
Iraqi Sunni Muslims protest in Baghdad
A Google search reveals that USA Today’s Web site apparently carried an AP story about the abduction on Saturday — and then killed the link.
In a story that it moved after 3 p.m. today, the AP stated, “After initial reports of the kidnapping on Saturday, The Associated Press and other news organizations honored a request from the newspaper in Boston and a journalists’ group in Baghdad for a news blackout. The request was made to give authorities an opportunity to resolve the incident during the early hours after the abduction.”
E&P – U.S. Military Seizes Iraqi Reporter for ‘The Guardian’
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
MADRID (Reuters) Jan. 10 — Spain arrested 17 people today, suspected of helping to recruit Islamist militants to carry out attacks in Iraq, Spanish state radio reported.
The early morning arrests were carried out in the Madrid and Barcelona areas and in the Basque region, the radio said.
No officials were immediately available for comment on the report. A spokesman for the Civil Guard confirmed that an operation was going on, but would not give details.
The radio said those arrested included the imam of a mosque and that one suspect might be linked to an attack on an Italian military police base in southern Iraq.
Suicide bombers devastated the Italian base in November 2003, killing 18 Italians and nine Iraqis.
Italy halts in grief for policemen and soldiers killed by suicide blast in Nasiriya, Iraq - BBC News Photo
In The Netherlands alone ::
● Cause: US-UK Invasion of Iraq Blowback ● more specifics —
● Theo van Gogh Murder ● Hofstad Group ● Chechnya ● Kashmir ● Iraq Fallujah bomb ● Indonesia
● UK Faces Terror Risk Because of US Alliance ¶ Chatham House Report
● Belgian Woman Suicide Bomber in Iraq
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
≈ Cross-posted from an FBC diary :: riverbend’s post of Jan 12th
Is it just by chance the taxi driver escaped alive, and Alan the interpreter was killed?
“All I knew was that a journalist had been abducted and that her Iraqi interpreter had been killed. He was shot in cold blood in Al Adil district earlier this month, when they took Jill Carroll… Theysay he didn’t die immediately. It is said he lived long enough to talk to police and then he died.
He was a Christian from Basrah and he had a lovely wife who adored him- F. We would tease him about how once he was married and had a family, he’d lose interest in music. It didn’t happen. Conversations with Alan continued to revolve around Pink Floyd, Jimmy Hendrix, but they began to include F. his wife, M. his daughter and his little boy. My heart aches for his family- his wife and children… “
See my diary, there are many open questions about the ambush and abduction ::
Jill Carroll Abducted Free Lance Journalist – Christian Science Monitor
● Sunni Iraqis Protest Umm al-Qura Mosque Raid
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”