Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I just have to repost this statement by Arnold regarding his motorcycle accident that I posted in the Ahnold thread:
“A car pulled out in front of me — it was right there in front — and I just couldn’t make a decision which way to go. I knew if I turned left that the Republicans will get mad, and I knew if I turned right my wife will get mad. So I just crashed right into the car. This was the safer thing to do.”
I plugged in a response to you on the link you provided, in your comment since it seems to point to a whole lot of disinformation coming out of the two different “news articles” provided (Yours and mine) on my “TAKE A RIDE WITH ARNIE” thread…
The GOP spin machine is on a two-wheel roll for Arnie.
Looks like everyone is pooped out and taking a break from the Alito thread. Booman…many of us planning the SoCal meetup in March sure would love to see you make the trip. What can we bribe you with?
Jolie and Pitt are expecting a baby of their own. With this double genetic dose, their wee wittle baby will probably have the biggest smoochy lips on the planet.
I just have to repost this statement by Arnold regarding his motorcycle accident that I posted in the Ahnold thread:
“A car pulled out in front of me — it was right there in front — and I just couldn’t make a decision which way to go. I knew if I turned left that the Republicans will get mad, and I knew if I turned right my wife will get mad. So I just crashed right into the car. This was the safer thing to do.”
I plugged in a response to you on the link you provided, in your comment since it seems to point to a whole lot of disinformation coming out of the two different “news articles” provided (Yours and mine) on my “TAKE A RIDE WITH ARNIE” thread…
The GOP spin machine is on a two-wheel roll for Arnie.
Looks like everyone is pooped out and taking a break from the Alito thread. Booman…many of us planning the SoCal meetup in March sure would love to see you make the trip. What can we bribe you with?
Jolie and Pitt are expecting a baby of their own. With this double genetic dose, their wee wittle baby will probably have the biggest smoochy lips on the planet.
That was my first thought, too. ha. And an amazing jaw line.
Money, or the lack thereof. Decided to do a bit of a fundraising drive over at my blog, hoping to get through the rest of the month.
It’s Albert Hofmann’s birthday today! Feestivities planned in Basel this weekend…
I am sooo stylin with my new official Booman coffee mug AND T shirt! (they make great gifts too)