As the senior Senator from Massachusetts, and as a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I have a solemn obligation to uphold the rule of law and to protect the hard-earned freedoms of all American citizens.
There is a cabal trying to destroy the concept of Liberty and Justice for All in this country. This secretive group is run by citizens of high rank in the government who enjoy immense wealth and power derived from their station, and enabled by their lack of morals.
This cabal, and their minions, are bound together by a variety of threads. One of these threads is an obsession with sexual intercourse, which they confuse in their minds with domination of women. Judge Kenneth Star and my colleague Rick Santorum are of this group. And I can easily say that no other Democratic Senator is in a better position to render an expert opinion in this area than I.
And I am afraid Samuel Alito has revealed that he is of this group as well. It is now clear that he is titillated at the thought of police officers strip-searching a ten-year-old girl. A racist and sexist group in which Judge Alito was once a member, Concerned Alumni of Princeton, as one of its tactics, would research and publish, in graphic sexual detail, the private lives of young women.
I will not go on in this vein. However, once must conclude that the dark sexual vision of men such as these, whether expressed as public reveries involving sexual intercourse between humans and animals, or in their willingness to spend millions of public dollars producing a pornographic report of the President’s sexual behavior, drives them to seek the oppression of all who might expose these men for what they are: cowards afraid of their own bodies.
Whether they wish to federalize a woman’s uterus, or jail homosexuals for expressing consensual physical love, or cheer on wanton and bloody destruction of entire nations, the people who now have the greatest control of our country are reaching to further consolidate their power with the installation of one of their own on our Supreme Court. It seems clear that Judge Alito, if elevated to a seat on the Supreme Court, will help the Executive Branch cement their ability to exercise unregulated power and continue to espouse illegal acts such as spying on Americans and torture of human beings.
And because it seems the Senate Judiciary Committee will be powerless to stop the further subversion of our government, I must take a firm stand here and now. I will no longer participate in the ridiculous theater we call a confirmation hearing, but instead will begin the work needed to lead a filibuster preventing a vote on the Senate’s consent to have Samuel Alito become a Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States.
After this episode draws to a close, I will retire from public life, ending the service my generation of the Kennedy family has gratefully been allowed to bestow upon our country. I know the nation dearly misses my brothers who gave their lives to the pursuit of liberty: in my final act as a Senator I hope to inspire a new generation to dedicate their lives to protecting the freedoms so many citizens have cherished.
Finally I would like to note that it is my desire that my seat in the Senate be filled by the Junior Senator from the great state of Massachusetts, John Kerry. Thus he will become the first man in the history of the Senate to hold two seats at the same time, and he will be able to vote for the next war at the same time he votes against it.
Rose(itorial response) (in a withered and withering voice, from somewhere in the great beyond): Theodore, that last part about Kerry, that was a cheap shot. I raised you to be better than that. Now sit down and finish your supper.