Many years ago, the Republican Party was filled with “moderate” Republican office holders who believed that it was necessary to appeal to the “center” to win elections. And you know what? They lost — badly.

It was only after they switched to running candidates that appealed to their conservative base (Reagan being the first and the template) that Republicans began to make inroads in Congress. Of course, many people within the party condemned them for running such candidates, but in the end the Newt Gingriches of the world were proven right (pun intended). Now we see a dominant Republican Party, one that doesn’t know how to govern, but one that does know how to obtain and retain power. And it ain’t by playing to the mythical center folks.

Today, we have a Democratic Party that is also dominated by politicians who try to “triangulate” in order to appeal to “independents” and “moderates” just like the old, failed GOP used to do. And they have lost elections and power all across the country because of it. Sure, occasionally Dems can win a Presidential election with a unique candidate such as Clinton (or in the case of the Republicans, Nixon) but ultimately a strategy of trying to be all things to those who are not members of your party is a failing proposition.

Because, inevitably the public begins to see through the charade. Those who are the most committed to the ideals which the Democratic Party is supposed to stand behind grow weary of the fight and begin to abandon you, because you give them nothing in return for their loyalty, their sacrifice and their passion. And those of that great, unwashed middle of the political spectrum discern that you stand for nothing, and so they naturally gravitate to the Party that clearly does, even if what it stands for is harmful to them.

Because faced with a choice between someone who is passionate and committed about their politics, and someone who meanders all over the map, one day appealing to “Soccer Moms” on a particular issue, and another day to “NASCAR Dads”, they will choose the person who is sure in his or her beliefs.

Now I know the Democrats do not control the Senate or the House. I know that the media is not friendly to political parties who are out of power. I know it is difficult to gain the public’s attention, and to take action to demonstrate that the Democratic party has defined ideals and a vision for the future of this country. But that is all the more reason why, in those few instances when Democrats can act, that they must act.

Which is why I say to Senate Democrats that you must filibuster Alito.

(More after the break)
I don’t care that he didn’t make any glaring missteps in his answers at the Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing on his nomination. I don’t care that the media says Alito’s nomination is a done deal, and the Gang of Fourteen’s Republican members have indicated that his nomination doesn’t meet the standard for a filibuster. I don’t care that you’ll be smeared as “obstructionists” and partisan hacks and all the rest.

Because now is the time to give something back to your base supporters, the idealists and activists who have supported the Democrats with our passion, our activism and our hard earned dollars. We know you don’t get many opportunities to strike a blow for us. We know your power to act is limited. But we also know that you cannot continue to pledge allegiance to our causes and our issues and then abandon them the minute support for us begins to look a little dicey.

If you don’t filibuster Alito now, you won’t lose all of us, but you will lose some, and you can’t afford any defections. Whatismore, those of us left behind still holding out hope that things will change if Democrats come back in power again, will be disheartened. We may still contribute our time to your campaigns, but not as much. We won’t stop contributing money, but the dollars will be fewer, and come less often into your coffers.

Think about it Senate Democrats. If you won’t fight this unpopular President now, in the midst of his myriad scandals, on a Supreme Court nominee whose views everyone agrees are far outside the mainstream, when will you fight? If you won’t fight for what your most avid and devoted supporters want, why should we support you?

I know what Newt Gingrich would do if he was in your shoes. I suggest you do the same. For all our sakes.