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Froggy Bottom Cafe
Froggy Bottom Cafe
Newbies, Lurkers and Splashers
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While BooMan uses his nail file,
I’m bringing in the big guns…
I’ll let Dogbert start here:
This should warm you up:
(if you don’t have a magnifying glass handy, that’s a Bailey’s and Coffee)
Dropping out of sight for a few days except evenings (maybe)….some serious deadlines this week.
Have a great week everyone….I’ll drop some 4’s later today.
It’s 31 degrees here (which may be warm for some, but for me I’m FREEZING!), so the flame is welcomed.
Good luck on the deadlines Sally, have a great day 🙂
Thanks Sally,
(and super and shirl, but I don’t see you here today)
for the warm welcome you gave my daughter in her first blog-post ever over at VB. She is very encouraged by it.
Just wanted to mention that I love the magical pictures you post here SallyCat.
Here’s something you may have missed yesterday:
Feel free to add your recommendations as a reply to this comment.
Just back from a local meeting with Howard Dean who was, as always, wonderful in his Neverending Battle For Truth, Justice, and the American Way.
He’s promoting Democracy Bonds. . .at an average of $20 per month, 1 million people could raise $20 million a month to defeat the Repubs. He says the Repubs would never be able to match that kind of people power.
He talked some about local successes.
The new buzzword when talking about Republicans seems to be “immoral.” I should have counted how many times he used it.
Our local Dem Congressman on the Missouri side, Emmanuel Cleaver introduced him. Cleaver talked a bit about discouragement, saying. . .”it’s the only thing the Devil can sell to Democrats.” I had a chance to speak alone to Cleaver and I told him how terribly discouraged a lot of long-time activists have been this week, and that the only thing holding some of them onto any kind of hope at all is the work at the local level that Dean promised and is starting to deliver.
Katiebird will have more to say. One of her sisters, Julie, was the national event co-ordinator!
Didn’t you want to rip open his shirt to see if he had a giant “S” on his underwear?
lol! I sensed it was there–he gave off a glow.
(sigh, in admiration) If only he wore glasses …
Excellent, kansas! I bet that was a sense of relief to express your frustration directly to your congressman. Hope to see a diary from you or katiebird with details on the event!
Good morning all.
Anyone else getting tired of the weather roller-coaster?
Last week in the 60s, last couple of days around 15-25, now heading back to 40-50s.
Although I’ll be begging for a return to this season when it’s 110 degrees in a few months.
Going out to play today — tomorrow supposed to be rainy and dreary in Silly Con Valley so that’ll be a good day to stay in and clean. Our printer died over the weekend, and it would cost more to fix it than it cost (heck, it was only $15!), so going out to price new printers. May actually splurge on a decent laser printer — then when we get the new desktop system I’d like to add a photo printer. 🙂
We’re going to be busy the next three months — just signed both the spouse and I up for some assorted short courses through the local community college. I’m taking three (3) sessions on digital photography (including a couple on digital nature photography & digital landscape photography — a must for the Alaska trip in June!), and together we’re doing a course on the Oscars, an evening of coffee tasting, and…ballroom dancing. 🙂 The dancing is also in preparation for the June trip — I plan to have the spouse out on the dance floor in the evenings, and it would be nice to actually know what the hell we’re doing out there…
Okay, time to get stirring…
are eclectic choices, Cali. How cool to be able to take courses on things that interest and excite you and the spouse. Good morning and good day to you 🙂
I think Dogbert will need a bigger wand if he’s going to take on the Capitol…..
underestimate the power of the “Evil Director of Human Resources”
Buenos Dias mlr!
it’s Catbert, I think, that’s the “Evil Director of Human Resources”…
Everyone knows that for TRUE evil, a cat is required… 😉
Cat w/ Attitude
Morning all…must…work…
oops, that’ll teach me to quip before I finish my first cup o’ coffee 🙂
And me to reply even AFTER I’ve finished my morning mega mug o’ joe.
I just emailed my finished work project off (got up at 5 AM to finish it), and now I can goof off for the rest of the day…too bad it’s so cold here.
I am incapable of functioning at that hour so you have my utmost respect for a) being awake at five and b) being productive.
I say we all log-off the computer and join ejmw in Acapulco this week.
Actually, I’m one of those strange people who likes to get up early and be finished work by lunchtime/early afternoon. God help me if I ever have to get a regular job again.
Running away to Acapulco…I am so there…
Pick me up on the way?
Room for one more?
Acapulco? Pfffft. It’s 70 degrees and sunny and breezy here today. We’ve had no winter at all and I notice the forsythia in the yard is at least a month ahead of schedule. Looks like it will flower soon.
Cool, we’ll all just come to your house instead. Hope the hubby doesn’t mind.
Hubby’s in Vegas for the week, baby! Come on down. Bring the boys and extra Playstation controllers. We’ll just sit on the deck and tan our lovely selves.
Let me grab my martini shaker (oh, and uh, the kids), and I’ll be heading out the door!
Alright then! Don’t worry about the kids. A sip or two of our martinis and they’ll be out like a light. 😉
Don’t have to pick me up … just let me know where to meet you, I can get myself there.
I never was and never will be a morning person…and the only way I’d be up at 5 is if I was still up from reading all night. My internal body clock is pretty much ass backwards and did cause me a lot of grief when I had to try and get up and go to work at a job that started at 8 or 9:00….sheer hell…that is when I didn’t sleep through the alarm clock.
Did someone say Acapulco Gold?
I’m with you on this one. If I didn’t have a job that pretty much required me to be here between 8:00 and 9:00 — I would stay up until 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning and then sleep in.
Everybody is different. But have ya noticed how many morning people (CabinGirl excluded here) often seem to imply that they are somehow morally superior because they get up earlier?
..oh man that comment on most morning people acting superior really hits home. I used to get tired of defending myself when I said I slept until sometimes noon….after all I still got all my housework etc done(just maybe at 10 at night)but it just seemed like some of these people acted like it was a fucken sin to sleep in. I never acted like they were stupid for being up early..if that’s their thing then go for it…but don’t bitch at me about not being up at the crack of dawn.
Thank you for excluding me from those morally superior folks…btw, I do occassionally jump back in bed for an hour after the kids are on the bus.
I’m a very early riser who wishes she could sleep in. I wish I could claim moral superiority rather than just being sick of lying in bed, and having the bladder capacity of a pinto bean which keeps me hopping up and down all night. By 6 AM I’ve had enough of that particular game.
I can relate to that, isn’t that the most annoying damn thing and getting up about 4 to 7 times a night makes it feel like you haven’t slept at all. When I manage to sleep for 4 hours without waking up I think I’ve accomplished something spectacular.
Me too! It’s like having a newborn baby…for the rest of your life.
I have never had kids(personal choice for various reasons and at a time when that wasn’t really done)but my sister’s two kids-my nephews believe I’m their other Mom as I helped raise them…and we now have 6 grandkids…who also call me Grama although they are starting to realize I am not really their Grama.
OK, so I loved Al Gore’s speech. Wow. But it reminded me of a nagging question I have. Here is my question.
Why don’t we progressives have a TV network? Why is there no place for real TV news that questions those in power and corrects lies (like Abramov gave to both parties)? I know there are progressives with money. I know many people share my frustrations with getting some truth and investigative journalism out there. Air America has been great, but it’s radio, not TV.
So, why?!
Because nobody would watch a policy wonk channel. We need to be subversive and have a cartoon channel that carries subliminal progressive ideas buried in the raucous antics of those cute, clever fuzzily drawn characters.
We need to own billboards. During the 2004 election I realized what we were up against one day when I drove down to visit a relative in Perryville. It was a nice day so I drove down the “scenic” Illinos side of the river to Chester and crossed over the bridge to Missouri — there, right on the other side of the bridge, right after the WELCOME TO MISSOURI sign, was a huge billboard with a picture of a poodle with John Kerry’s head superimposed on it. It said “This dog won’t hunt.”
Billboards are the way to go (not environmentally friendly, but make the point.) And we have to own them so no one can deny us access.
I hate billboards; they are an ugly blight upon the earth. I think I’m sticking with the cartoon channel.
I hate billboards too. And I’m all in favor or states banning them. But in states that haven’t banned them, they are being used against us. I just sayin … fight fire with fire.
In fact I just had a brilliant idea — we’ll have George Soros go out and buy as many billboard companies as he can in the united states and use them ONLY to advertise for democrats. Then, in all the states that currently allow billboards, we’ll get legislation to ban them. Since George will own most of them (and will be in on the plan) he won’t lobby against the bills and all the right wingers will support the bills. So we’ll ban billboards AND get democratic advertising in appropriate places all in one fell swoop.
Now … does anybody know George well enough to make an introduction for me?
right after one of your quickies with Dunkie.
It’s kansas that get’s to call him Dunkie. 🙁
Oh come on, you’ve enough quickies to be just as entitled to use it. You aren’t going to let the Big Secret™ intimidate you, are you?
I bet Dunkie has already introduced the Big Secret<sup>TM</sup> to George (who probably has already asked her to call him Georgie). Hey … she’d better not steal my billboard idea! Sigh, George probably already has plans to set her up as the billboard queen of the midwest. :-[
how’d you do that trademark symbol?
Oooh I know this one;
Secret & trade; with no spaces between.
such a smarty.
I stole that from you and had to wait a full week to show off my knowledge. Plus, you hesitated…
I had noticed your use of The South™.
say again?
do I put trade&secret between anything? brackets, pointy things that I don’t know what they are called (<) Do I need the “&” in there?
no brackets or pointy things…and you do need the &
Big Secret&trade nope
Big Secret secret&trade nope
what am I missing?
Let me see: The South™
maybe the semicolon at the end?
The South&trade
yep, definitely the semicolon.
Big Secret™
That’s it — The SEMICOLON. (I thought you were just really into punctuation and were beginning a new thought. )
(Boy I REALLY don’t want to work today).
Yay! Now I feel validated. The housewife teaches the lawyer something, via the computer consultant from Brown County, that is.
Lawyers never know ANYTHING practical. People always want to fix me up with other lawyers. I want an electrician or, even better, a carpenter. (Sigh, as she imagines all the things in her house that a man with real talent could fix.)
My husband has a Masters degree in both electrical engineering, and computer science. Guess who fixes all the outlets and figures out why the Christmas lights aren’t working? Me!
And guess who troubleshoots when the home computers (all 6 of them) aren’t working? My 17 year old.
I’ll take a carpenter too. He doesn’t really need to be that good at carpentry. But he must look good in Levis and a workshirt with the sleeves rolled up to the good place mid-arm.
People who are married to men with practical skills ALWAYS try to burst my bubble by filling me in on reality — that they are no better at getting things done than men with no skills. I want to live with my illusions. (And yes, if he looks good in Levis and a workshirt, so much the better!)
I missed this exciting discussion.
A little info to file. Things like ™ are called character entities. They are many of them. Some can be referenced by a name and some by # + x + number but they must always be preceded by the & and followed by the semicolon. For example and in keeping with our weenie discussion: ♂ gets you this: ♂
I’m so glad that this cafe has not begun happy hour because I would never have understood that. But … since there is no booze in sight, I did understand it. Thanks!
Now, when does the cocktail waiter show up?
I bow down to your supreme weeniness, AndiF…how do you make the female symbol?
A venture that AG has been working on…INdTV. Lot’s of questions over the past 12 months… and no answers that I am aware of…wonder what it’s status is today?
Hmmm. I guess the front-pagers out out of synch with the community today. We wrote about Iraq but everyone wants to discuss domestic policies today.
Oh well. Shit happens.
What’s on everyone’s mind?
the reality of a Roberts SCOTUS is starting to set in… I think more than a few of us are itching for ways to cause some trouble. I know supersoling, tampopo and others are going to the Capitol soon. Are you gonna try to make the East Coast meetup?
yeah, I will definitely try to make it the east coast meet-up, even if I have to force CabinGirl to put the BooMan in her car with the kids. I’ll bring some tarps for the drool.
so I’m thinking about re-running the New User Guide as a diary this week, what are your thoughts on that?
Thought it might be a good way to prod some of the 3000 to de-lurk in case they don’t know how to use Scoop.
we need to put a permanent link to it, like at ET. I’m so lazy.
just prioritized elsewhere, which is cool. That’s why you have people like me to add things to your to-do list. 😛
If you don’t take “the Booman” to the meetup he’ll pee all over your couch again.
Can you send him to the Mid/South meetup in Memphis? I think he’d like barbeque.
Mid/South meetup? Huh?
Checkout the “South” thread/board (whatever you call it) and they invited us “mid” people too, but I think I’m the only one who responded.
Oh, okay. I’ve never looked at that South™ thread before.
comes along with the pedantic lecture — so you have something to make it easy to take.
In 1987, people around the world held hands, prayed and performed assorted meaningless touchy-feelies in a giant public peace display.
In unrelated news, within about 3 years the Soviet Union collapsed.
So maybe it’s time for another round of meaningless ritual eh? What with better computers, maybe our productivity would be higher & faster this time.
I suspect that if this were, once again, a world wide event, the United States would collapse.
Yawl come on over to the brand-spankin’ new Cafe where the bar is freshly stocked and the coffee’s hot. (Tried to link, but link didn’t work for some reason.)