Is it Friday yet? It would be if we had banned Mondays like I suggested.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Recent Posts
- Day 28: Democracy Dies In Darkness
- Day 26: People Discover That American Fascists Like German Fascists
- Day 25: The Fascist Regime Comes for the Federal Prosecutors
- Day 23: The Fascist Regime and House Budget Committee Are Coming for Medicaid
- Day 22: The Fascist Regime Destabilizes the Jordanian Monarchy
No dammit! And get this!
Yeah and the moon is made of green cheese!
What a crock of shit! And what is scarier is that some people actually believe this…assholes!
…a radical Islamic empire…
A predictably incoherent statement from the people that brought us the radical ‘Murican empire.
Yeah well, as Scottie said this morning, we’re in one of the CIVILIZED COUNTRIES ….
god, can you imagine if one of Clinton’s spokespeople had dared say that?
Booman should have asked if it was possible to skip over the next few years so it would be 2009!
…U.S.-led war in Iraq was essential to combating that threat and said American military presence there would be determined by military commanders, “not by artificial timelines set by politicians in Washington, D.C.”
Lets see if he says this as we get closer to the elections. They used artificial troop strengths set by politicians who new their lies would not fly in the face of a draft. These fuckers stuck us with this war like they’re sticking us with the debt. Its all about politics and power with cheney the pig and hypocrite.
Really! IMO, all the dem candidates have to do is ask if gwb is advocating a military dictatorship in this country, as opposed to a democracy!
Since most say TGIF and others blah sick o’ Monday blues, I’m saying we go for a 3 day work week, 12 hrs/day. Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday, make everyone happy.
Briefly, decades ago, my company tried a four-day work week with 12 hours a day — it was MARVELOUS!
‘course, then, I had more stamina for a 12-hour day. But those three uninterrupted days were priceless.
My Hubby, on the other hand… After a long weekend of projects around the house and garden, he often says he needs to go back to work to get some rest!
That’s Tuesday..Thursday.. Wednesday.
When I worked for the airlines, one of the shift bids was four ten hour days. Well, I just thought thst would be so cool to have a three day weekend all the time. Let me tell ya, by the end of the 4th day I was so wxhuasted the first day off was spent vegging out from poopdom.
I worked for a while doing tech support for Windows 95. Four ten-hour days, and work I find mentally taxing — I was good at talking people through problems with their computers on the phone, but I didn’t much like it. (I like my current job where I can sit at my desk and ignore the phone a whole lot better.)
But that extra day off a week was sure nice.
Many Nurses and ER Doctors work three/sometimes four 12 hour days. Don’t know how they survive in that intense environment for those long stretches!
I know a nurse who just got through with a five 12hr days stretch! Which is not as uncommon as you’d like to think.
since yesterday I told one convenience store “associate”, Have a nice weekend! She looked a little puzzled…
We don’t have normal work routines at all in this household…
I’ve basically lost track of time–a neighbor stopped by to see how I was doing, and told me it was Thursday–I thought it was Wednesday!!!
Kid…ya need a calendar

Mine says it’s Sunday
Where you coming up with a calendar that starts weeks on Mondays anyway? At least mine, the ones I forget to look at, start with Sunday.
So does mine! And it is right by the damn computer!!
It’s a Stendig Calendar. Very cool large (3’x4′) wall calandar…save the sheets and use them for wrapping paper…amaze yer friends and confuse all others…Ha!
European practice is M is first day…frankly very cool. Used to get them free but now have to buy them…bummer.
At one time I was going to do a calendar that looked something like this:
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31
since as far as I can tell any day that ain’t Friday might as well be Monday. The calendar was going to have pictures of disasters, commemorate dates like “The Sinking Of The Titanic” and be titled the “I Hate Mondays” calendar.
Alas, I’ve never been ambitious enough to get it put together.
Too negative Omir…one Monday’s more than enough. I like hump day myself, a nice break at mid-week, especially so when you have a standing date w/ your best girl for dinner and live jazz and…makes Thursday not so bad and then Bingo…Friday!
It’s intended to be funny, not negative. Maybe you have to see it to get it, which would be a good trick, because as I said I’ve never gotten the oomph together to build a prototype.
Sometimes it’s hard to tell from the way you type. I guess we need a version of the new Asperger’s mood phone for blogs, eh? 🙂
That link brought a “Wha?” Interesting, but scary ramifications.
I’m much more personable face to face…tend to be rather minimalist in my written communications.
I got one of those calendars accidentally once and I was constantly missing appointments because I was looking at the wrong date.
Before I moved to (far northern) California, a friend who lived in LA summed up the (southern) California sensibility as meaning you tell people to have a great weekend starting Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday at the latest.
Perhaps John “Skiing with Sweeney” will propose banning Monday’s for you along with his call sweeping changes in House leadership. I’m bettin he particularly wants to ban Monday’s that follow fund raising weekends with big pharma lobbyists in Utah right about now.
I guess some diaries are too long for people to bother with.
Sometimes it is difficult to make a point in an average diary length.
Here’s something that’s gonna make those IDCers go bonkers:
Researchers at the university of Uppsala, Sweden have conducted an examination of a fossilated fishhead from Lithuania. Their conclusions? Humans got ears – initially to breath with.
My Friday starts now. I’m taking tomorrow and Monday off so I have a 5 day weekend. Wooohooo!!
Plus I’m very very close to getting a new job offer and I’m waiting for that.
I need some help off the floor on reading this jaw dropper. Rep. Slaughter reveals that one eyed, ‘blind trust’ Bill Frist and gerrymandering Tom Delay had staffers day-trading out of their offices on inside info from lobbyists and legislators.
Well, I’ll be a monkey’s aunt. The GOP culture of corruption just keeps on giving.
Next we’ll hear it’s bi-partisan since Abramoff gave money to democratic congress persons.
(hat tip Josh Marshall/americablog)
My first impulse after following the link was that is fucking unbelievable! But, how many times have I thought that before?
It is almost official.
Raw Story:
No. The kingdom was already announced over and over with every signing statement. The king, saying in a low voice, “My subjects, this law does not apply to me.”
All we need is the official coronation, anointing of the crown and cape. Long live the king. We impeach him on the morrow at the Monument; all his vice royals, courtiers, erm cronies being summoned to attend.
no boundaries curtail.
What next???
More Medicare D
dem and repub response to this fiasco
I got the frog baker the other day…the instructions say to soak it with boiling water before first use, so I’ll take care of that tomorrow, then make my chicken rice casserole in it (probably Tuesday) and give a report on how it does…maybe even post a picture… 🙂