Key question of the day: Why was yesterday “Blue Friday” in Seattle? (Trust Seattle fans to find a downer title to show their enthusiasm!) POLL!
Key question of the day: Why was yesterday “Blue Friday” in Seattle? (Trust Seattle fans to find a downer title to show their enthusiasm!) POLL!
An diarist has just made a comment of mine into a messaging action plan.
Earlier, in discussing the Greenpeace dead-whale protest at a Japanese embassy, Georgia10 had mentioned monopoly money. I commented that we could send fake money to elected officials who we’d like to support but could not because of one stand or another.
Of course it’s also a useful trick for simple ridicule. Evidently the Monopoly money design is on the Hasbro web site for convenient printing!
Drat–I guess I need an unlisted phone number now.
pick up packs of Monopoly money at your favorite toy store, if you don’t want to run into copyright infringement…
“The more money you have, the easier it is to own it all – so print your own! Just click on the image of the money you want to find a whole page-full.”
The company seems to be encouraging printing of the money!
OK, gonna try this again. I had a comment all set up and formatted, then hit the wrong thing and it all #!$*&! disappeared.
Susan’s post about how Yahoo and others are giving up customer info reminded me of this useful information I got from someone over at dKos. I’ve been upping the cookie barriers, and this works against something called “web beacons.” I gather those are like cookies, only more so.
Here’s how:
Google for business related links. I joined a yahoo group 3 days ago related to fitting lathe machinery with computer control. I sort of need this to eat.
When I do google searches on the topic that include the term “9 x 20” (which is a size of lathe), all the links redirect me to a page with scores of html errors from “” or “indieclick” or something like that.
I haven’t been able to find a cookie so they must be hijacking me some other way.
Oh I forgot. MicroSoft.
I’ll use this info at the yahoo site for whatever good it does.
Damn! Seattle fans sound similar to Lions fans! (For Susan’s sake I hope that isn’t true!)
firedoglake has the analysis on yesterday’s end of the day motions in the Scooter Libby trial.
Well, I wish the Seahawks well in the second most important game of the day. But you relative newcomers have a way to go in color coordination. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette is running one of its frequent black and gold contests, this time for the best game room in Steelers colors:
And of course, there is the storied history of the Terrible Towel. I wrote about it here:
and I’ve noticed that most of the hits to that particular blog this past week have been folks seeking Steelers information. I’ve also posted (at Dreaming Up Daily: on how the Steelers progress towards the Super Bowl may affect the race for governor of PA. Lynn Swann, the former Super Bowl hero and Steeler wide receiver, is running for the GOP nomination, and a poll has him neck and neck with the Dem incumbent, Ed Rendell.
And sorry to be such a downer, everyone, but the missing miners were found dead.
CNN has a fuller story.
that is a shame. Maybe these tragedies will lead to better oversight. That’s the best we can hope for.
Well the WV governor (forget his name at the moment) said that he would propose legislation for safer mines to be unveiled on Mon; on Tues, he plans to take the show to Washington.
I’m so sick of these stories that only talk of the miners’ courage but fail to have the courage to talk about the blind eye these companies and this administration have toward safety.
Accidents happen. It’s a dirty, dangerous job–both of my grandfathers were miners and at least one had the black lung to prove it. But when a company fails to do that which could mitigate those dangers, I don’t want to hear exhortations to pray or thin hosannas about the valiant dead.
I want answers…and then I want heads to roll.
And Belafonte is still feisty, I like that he doesn’t give in to the abuse he suffered after his last statement.
this is funny.
ha, I saw that this morning. It would be cool if Keith O invited Michael Moore on his show to have his say.
I’d like to see it on the Daily Show. Not that I ever see the Daily Show since I don’t have cable.
is a perfect response. Unfortunately, not many people will see it.
He will shriek about it, and then lots of people will see it ;>
Chris Matthews since I told him to go to hell over a year ago. I also let MSNBC know that I do not watch Hardball and never will again. Just like I never click on CNN since I fired them. I don’t want these people to have the satisfaction of thinking I even care about their drivel. They are dead to me, non-existant.
Sometimes I think these waves of outrage that come out of the blogosphere just inflate these outlets for propaganda and give them a false sense of their importance. It might be better if we ignore them to death. Correct them elsewhere, by all means, but don’t feed them. If an outrage falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it… you know what I mean? All the emails just validate their existence and their inflated impression of affecting us all.
but we can’t let up – demand that they post a real abramoff piece!
Just back from a big march by anti-abortion folks brought to San Francisco by the Catholic Church. Naturally, there were counter protesters too. Lots more here, with pictures.
Just a sample — this guy was making like an exorcist:

I loved the last picture on your blog the best… 🙂
Saw the mention of the “Respect Life” rally in the SF Chronicle when I was having lunch — if they’re so concerned about life, where are the calls for universal health care, a fair and living wage, and more affordable housing? These are “life” issues as well, for those that are already here…oh, wait, they’re only worried about “life” before birth — once you’re born, you’re on your own, kiddo…
from within his own party — from the San Jose Mercury News (registration may be required):
Former Peninsula Congressman Paul “Pete” McCloskey Jr., best remembered for his opposition to the Vietnam War and his speech calling for the impeachment of President Nixon, will announce his candidacy Monday in Lodi as a Republican challenger to Rep. Richard Pombo, R-Stockton.
The feisty 78-year-old beat the bushes for months in his quest to find a Republican willing to run against the seven-term incumbent, with whom he has major political differences.
But when no one volunteered, McCloskey asked, “Why not me?”
McCloskey, a lawyer and a decorated Marine who served in the Korean War, says he wants to restore Republican values such as fiscal restraint, reduced government and balanced budgets.
He also believes Pombo has behaved unethically on several fronts, such as hiring family members to work on his campaign. And he says the incumbent votes too often with former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, who is fighting a campaign-money-laundering charge back home in Texas.
McCloskey and Pombo will also knock heads over the environment.
McCloskey, who served eight terms in Congress from 1967 to 1983, wrote the 1974 Endangered Species Act that Pombo has worked to alter for the past 13 years. Pombo finally passed a bill out of the House last year that would fundamentally change the way the country protects threatened plants and animals, although the bill faces an uncertain fate in the Senate.
“It’s time to take Pombo out,” McCloskey said.
Reached by telephone, Pombo welcomed McCloskey to the race but rejected his would-be opponent’s suitability to serve in District 11 and the assessment of his job performance.
“From what I’ve heard, Mr. McCloskey sounds more like a liberal Democrat candidate than a Republican,” Pombo said.
McCloskey often embraces Democrats and their views and endorsed John Kerry for president, saying he thinks President Bush is too heavily influenced by the religious right.
Few believe McCloskey can win, but political junkies relish the match-up.
“It would certainly be a major upset for McCloskey to defeat Pombo, but McCloskey will add a lot of drama and theater to the race,” said Allan Hoffenblum, a Republican campaign consultant.
If Pombo survives the primary tussle, he might be weakend enough that the Democrats could pick up the seat, if they actually run anyone against him. Where’s Howard Dean and his “no seat left uncontested” talk? I think McCloskey would join the Democrats in a call for impeachment proceedings (IIRC, he was in favor of proceedings against Nixon before the resignation). But it would be even better to have this in Democratic hands. This might be a race worth watching this year…
My new project/projects–that and a single-payer health care system!