None were so brave … as those who sat crouched and shivering before their television sets on the dark, bleak, and rainy night of January 30, 2006, daring to hear of the words of the man who would end the earth as we once knew it … fearing the loss of all they once knew and the inability to save their children’s futures … the electricity had been turned off … only dried beans were left in the cupboard … the dog looked up woefully, hoping for more than a few pieces of kibble … at least the telephone still worked, until next week, the phone company had said … there was no work … the plant was shutting down … the kids were ashamed of the old clothes they wore to school and having to take the free breakfast at school, but the principal had told them they had to cut back on the number of kids because they weren’t getting as much money anymore from the government to help feed hungry kids … his tooth ached but he lived with it because there wasn’t a dentist in town who’d see him unless he had $300 cash in his hand …
calling for more Advanced Placement courses to beef up U.S. students to complete globally “American Competitiveness Initiative”
“we strive to be a compassionate, hopeful society” (he’s using the ‘compassionate’ word alot in this speech)
Tring to make people think the repubs aren’t total pricks!
Quote from wingnut radio this afternoon (I’d stopped in at a tobacco shop nearby, looking for a new pipe, and left immediately I realized what I was hearing…)
“The problem with the way we’re fighting the war on terror… hell, the problem with the way we’re running this society… is we’ve got too much ‘compassion’ and not enough ‘fear.’ People aren’t afraid of us the way they used to be because we’ve gotten soft. Those towelheads and liberals think they can walk all over us because we’re ‘compassionate’ and we’re … as Christians we’re not ever going to be safe as long as we’re stuck on being loving and compassionate….”
I don’t know which of the myriad morons it was, I don’t listen enough to recognize the voice, but apparantly being compassionate is no longer compatible with being Christian.
Jesus wept.
Guess that idiot forgot gwb’s buzzwords: compassionate conservatism.
Susan, I emailed you per your request. Just giving you a heads up. I’ll probably be heading to bed shortly, but shoot me your idea(s) and we can discuss further.
Maybe manana? I’m heading to the bedroom to tape a show for BooMan, and I may lie down to watch it for an hour .. and sometimes bad things happen when i lie down (like I fall asleep?)
Sounds good to me. Just didn’t want you to think I was blowing you off. 😉
Spicy Swimsuit Sweeties of the Swing Era?
Just let him get it from Netflix.
Sleeper Cell … I’m taping the entire series for him!
And BooMan will see right into my room with all the Perrier bottles and supersecret single and looking socks?
Yes. As the FBI agent just told the undercover guy, “This is America. We can spy on anybody.”
Got it?
Back to the show … I had to do some e-mailing for the Boo who called me again from the bar.
lowest rate in decades. a life of personal responsibility is a life of fulfillment……adoption and abstinence…blah blah
Ah. So he’s lying through his fucking teeth, then?
that was a lie when I heard him say it. What a goon
Well, if memory serves, the government actually stopped tracking abortion statistics soon after Bush took office. Planned Parenthood still is, and their numbers show a sharp increase.
You’re so right. Abortion rates decreased under Clinton.
And of course, our abortion rates are off the charts compared with countries that offer comprehensive birth control and provide safe abortions. Imagine that.
a life of personal responsibility is a life of fulfillment…
I’ll believe him when he tries it.
discouraged by activist courts trying to redefine marriage….we have proven the pessimists wrong and will do it again….the Supreme Court now has two new members, Roberts and Alito…smirking (alito remained seated)
honoring sandra day o’conner.
Sheehan was “arrested for wearing the shirt she was wearing all day, which had the number of U.S. troops killed in Iraq…She was lifted out of her seat [in the Capitol Chamber gallery] by the Capitol Police and taken away.”
Sheehan is “now under arrest and lockup by Capitol Police.” He confirmed that moments ago with Gael Murphy, a co-founder of CodePink, an organization which has been working Sheehan. Murphy spoke by cell with Sheehan after the arrest, and they are currently arranging for an attorney for her.
“This not the Park Police,” said Swanson. “We’re used to getting arrested by them. This was the Capitol Police….She didn’t even want to go to the speech, she said she couldn’t stand to listen to Bush, but she went. She didn’t even protest, she was just wearing the same shirt she’d be wearing all day, a black shirt with the number of troops killed. It was already ‘out of date’ and she had to add 3 more to the previous number.”
I was just beginning to calm down a little about Alito.
That’s awful. They were waiting for her to make a false move. God knows how much surveillance she has been subjected to since ACLU has proof that NSA spies on anti-war demonstrators. Too bad, Bush’s “compassion” does not extend to a mother who has lost a son under his command.
Didn’t I hear some blather about dictatorships?
Oh…was probably reading an article while he was talking about himself in the speech.
Bush has done a lot of evil things in his time, but this–this–preempting In Justice and Boston Legal for his lying lies. This is unforgiveable!!
What’s worse is that he’s doing it here on the West Coast, three hours later.
That’s what p’d me off most, too. But there’s a new Shield episode coming up, and I’m outta here.
Boston Legal is my TV indulgence! I love it! And that asshole pre-empted it.
I didn’t get my weekly dose of Shatner and Spader, and they are my FAVORITE couple!
It’s just wrong…
a laundry list of “evil” cloning tactics.
supports the efforts of congress for ethics reform (idiot), saying they have a responsibility to the people, should never betray
Then he needs to release the pictures of him and Abramoff. Come clean as to their relationship and exactly who was in those staff meetings that Abramoff attended? Until he does that, he has no right to talk about ethics (amongst other reasons).
I just wonder what moon he dropped of off. This man is so disillusioned…it is disgusting that he can lie with such a straight face.
Pls, Brenda, I’m sure he can’t have come from the moon or been produced by any organic source: He’s probably the result of some failed evil cloning experiment.
Only thing I can come up with to keep believing in either science OR god b/c b*sh defies the laws of everything i’ve ever known about either science or god.
well, stark, you may have a point there….:o)
Yeah,it’s like every time people call him an “animal” or something, I just cringe. Feel sorry for the chimps, you know? Jeez, best I can come up with to describe his frame of mind is “vegetative state,” then I start thinking bout tomoatoes, and shit….that doesn’t work either. 😉
He was still trying to smother the smirk, but as with everything this idiot does, it did not go too well.
close-up of governor blanco, who has a dirty look, so does landreu
Sorry–I meant Commander in Chief and especially James Spader, the anti-Bush in BOSTON LEGAL.
she wants her lipstick back.
opens the door and sees a room full of smart people…
oops, wrong room. I was looking for the theater to engage in some spirited heckling.
oops. You mean this thread is supposed to be “serious” and the other is for the heckling. If so, sorry….
I refuse to take political commentary seriously until my elected officials do too.
:D…never any problem from me in conversation format.
that’s the theme of tonight apparently.
now talking about AIDS, wants reauthorization of Ryan White Act (?)
See here for explanation of Ryan White CARE Act.
Of course!
I just remember when he died. I would soon graduate from high school (oh, but does that ever date me) and his death reminded me that tomorrow isn’t promised and to live each day as if it were your last.
And that people can be utterly cruel.
But he used his life and his example to inform people about AIDS. He was a hemophiliac who transmitted AIDS from a blood transfusion. Back then, everybody thought of it as the “gay” disease…i.e., Who cares? I ain’t gay! Not my problem.
Ryan White’s life said to everyone, Yes the hell it IS your problem! I’m one of your children!
Off my soapbox now. But at a time when I had SERIOUS senior-itis–it was spring, and all–his death reminded me to enjoy life, yes…but also stay focused on the things that matter.
that the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
thank, thank, thank!
And now for our side. “There’s got to be a better way”. Oh please. Is this really the best we can do?
He said US has a responsibility to the poor and elderly and they are fulfilling it.
He just didn’t mention that the responsibility is to eradicate most of them.
And, after reading that Medicare D premiums will be deducted from SSD, I don’t know…
They are critiquing his speech. I listened carefully, and you know what, I thought it was very good. He was easy to listen to and he responded to almost every Bush lie. This was better than a shouting match.
Gergen is saying that Bush “swept the Democrats off their feet” with Alito, with the spying. WHAT utter bulls–t! How could inept Bush sweep anyone off their feet? Good gawd, such hyperbole. Gergen, you are now on my list of “people who should retire.”
Except I didn’t hear anything more than a token mention about Bushits whole security and war platform. Sounded more to me like a campaign speech for reelection to the governorship.
Didn’t he just get in?
CNN has a “Truth Squad”
who knew!
wonders how Bush, “a Texas oil man” can say that Americans are addicted to oil. They’re showing the energy price increase stats on the screen.
Do you think this is supposed to be the “only Nixon could go to China moment” ?
Love it: the dealer says to the junkie, ‘You really gotta cut down on this stuff.’
My sincere appreciation to all those who subjected themselves to the ‘insane ramblings of a madman’ in my stead. I salute you!
Yet again, it seems we’d do well to investigate the alternative energy uses of pure bullshit. Just think: a truly bottomless supply, domestically processed & delivered free to each & every American home virtually non-stop! It’s even recyclable!
“we thought New Orleans deserved to be more than a footnote in the President’s speech” – comment from a NOLA resident, as relayed by the CNN correspondent (can’t remember her name)
Here’s the link
Do you agree with the decision by Capitol Police to remove activist Cindy Sheehan from the gallery at the president’s State of the Union speech because she was wearing a T-shirt with an antiwar slogan? * 5945 responses
Yes, such behavior is not allowed in that setting and is inappropriate.
No, she was a legitimately invited guest and deserves to have her right to free speech honored.
since when is wearing a T-shirt considered “such behavior” and when did fashion statements get categorized as a “right to free speech”?
That’s how I’d frame it, anyway: It’s a fashion statement, not a protest.
Seriously people, wearing a T-shirt is inappropriate and a misdemeanor? Why didn’t the girls who wore the flip-flops to the white house not arrested for exercising their right to free speech? I don’t get it.
Good to see the story about the banner was bogus, sheesh.