Update [2006-1-31 21:13:39 by susanhu]: I hear that Cindy Sheehan received a ticket to the gallery and, when she got to her seat, she unfurled an anti-war banner and was arrested by Capitol police, and escorted out. (BradBlog has more.) Just before that news came out, Chris Matthews was opining that anti-war protestors like her become “cartoons — even John Murtha,” Matthews said. I switched to a movie. That’s enough cruel insanity for today.
Update [2006-1-31 22:3:39 by susanhu]: New thread started up yonder …
Sam Seder is hosting Political Science Theater 3000 on Air America Radio: It just started and it goes through the SOTU. Sam hopes to have enough chatter among his guests and pundits that you won’t be able to hear Shrub at 6pm PT / 9pm ET (all teevee networks).
G U E S T S :
State of the Union special LIVE from the offices of the Center for American Progress Action Fund in Washington, D.C.
Judd Legum, editor of Think Progress
Matthew Kerbel, editor of the new book Get This Party Started: How Progressives Can Fight Back and Win
Amy Sullivan, editor of The Washington Monthly
Blogger and regular guest Atrios
ALSO: When she returns home, Dina in Seattle is e-mailing me her photos of the Seattle anti-SOTU protest tonight. I’ll put them up here ASAP.
We don’t need to try to live blog this … ‘sides, the fingers of Maryb, CabinGirl, Other Lisa, and me are worn to little stubs now anyway … but we can make rude jokes and point fun. Why not. I’ll begin with a joke from my neighbor:
>At New York’s Kennedy airport today, an individual, later discovered to be a public school teacher, was arrested trying to board a flight while in possession of a ruler, a protractor, a set square, a slide rule, and a calculator.
>At a morning press conference, Attorney general Gonzolez said he believes the man is a member of the notorious al-gebra movement. He is being charged by the FBI with carrying weapons of math instruction.
>Al-gebra is a fearsome cult,” Ashcroft said. “They desire average solutions by means and extremes, and sometimes go off on tangents in a search of absolute value. They use secret code names like ‘x’ and ‘y’ and refer to themselves as ‘unknowns’, but we have determined they belong to a common denominator of the axis of medieval with coordinates in every country. As the Greek philanderer Isosceles used to say, ‘there are 3 sides to every triangle’.”
>When asked to comment on the arrest, President Bush said, “If God had wanted us to have better weapons of math instruction, He would have given us more fingers and toes”
There’s a possibly crappy movie on the SciFi channel and if it’s too terrible we’re popping open the VCR of “Chicken Run” we got as a Xmas present from Hubby’s daughter.
Last year, I started out with Countdown and got sucked into the beginning of the SOTU. I tried an experiment: I would watch it like a mindless, ignorant zombie and see if Bush could work his voodoo on me. I made it 15 minutes before I started screaming FU! at the tv screen. Not gonna risk a heart attack again. I can read the really stupid parts in the blogs tomorrow and measure out my doses of outrage.
Did you hear? MSOC was on Faux News with John Gibson. Markos is not amused.
Anybody get a tape? I’d like to see that.
And why was Big Orange displeased? Content, or stealing his thunder? He ain’t the only blog in the sphere, y’know.
Whattttttttt? Is that reaired? I’ll check.
content. the law against speaking ill of the Dems… even when they sold the country out it seems.
It was a radio gig and she was asked on to trash the Dems as per her recent rant. Half the thread says she did great; the other half says she got used. I haven’t heard it so I don’t know. But, if anyone could make a fool out of Gibson, I would bet on Maryscott.
Someone made an MP3 but my baby Mac doesn’t recognize its play format. Sigh …
That’s because it brings up a media player instead of letting the content decide how it’s supposed to be played. Which I think is very irritating.
Fortunately there are some of us who have no patience with that sort of thing and know how to get around it to post a direct link to the MP3. If I were at home (sadly, I’m stuck at work for a while) I’d just put it up on my own web server instead of making you go to theirs, but I’m not, so here it is.
I’m listening now. I couldn’t bear to listen to Bush. I even had to turn off Sam’s show.
Well, I was listening! Then BooMan called from Drinking Liberally and I told him about ALLLLLL the excitement. He ran off to share it with CabniGirl, who’s also there.
Back to listening…..
Shoooot … it stops after about 3-4 minutes and goes off to some other radio show?
Can you post it on your own server when you get home?
We can wait … thanks, Omir!
Ah, but it seems she was invited as a representative of Kos, not a representative of MLW — ergo I can certainly see Markos’ having an opinion on it.
Whatever — lust for attention knows no condition but the subjective.
that she made it quite clear that she represented herself and MLW only. I dunno, if I were as confident and straight-forward as MSOC, I might jump at the opportunity to make Gibson look like a fool. It remains to be seen if she succeeded or was merely useful fodder for the “Dems turning against their own” meme.
Democrats/Progressives/Greens (whatever) all have it. They think they can beat the house. But the house is rigged in favor of … the house. You can’t go into a Media situation expecting to win. You can hope to break even and if you do score a point you should quit while you are ahead.
Since she’s stepped into their frame, I’ll guess the eventual outcome is #2. It’s DailyKos they’re after & she will be associated with DailyKos. Who cares what she says?
I’ll say it again: they are not to be trusted. She’s provided the raw material; they’ll do as they please with it — rumored magical powers notwithstanding.
They caught themselves a live one: a failed actress still seeking the footlights. So be it.
a Dickens novel I didn’t even remember existed. It should fit the bill nicely tonight, as it couldn’t even come close to the bleakness that will fill the networks.
Kudos to all who still have the stomachs to endure listening to more asswipe drivel from the neofascists and their parasites.
They’re not going to pre-empt Boston Legal for this blather, are they? ๐
Bush says, drivel, um, out-right lie, ah, drivel and the brown-nosers stand up and clap and clap like he’s a genius. And he goes, heh, heh, heh, while they’re applauding him. I hate that.
As a kid I never dreamed The Emperor’s New Clothes was just a straightforward description of reality. The fools in Congress would behave the same no matter what stood at the sacred rostrum — Saddam, Bozo the Clown, somebody’s pet rat — yay, rat, rah rah rah. God bless America.
They need the exercise. Most of those repubs have never worked a day in their lives.
I agree… i just can’t watch Bush any more. But i got fed up early it was right at the 2000 pres campaigns and the press was salivating over him, despite his gaffs. I had my fill of ‘foo’ back then and i can barely watch him in a 30 second spot now.
Although, i have to admit I turned SOTU on for about a minute. Then i looked at Alito, a walking smirk with legs, and immediately turned it off
I love that name . . . great joke too. I was going to post a math joke I heard back in my college days, but having looked it up on the Internet I now realize that not only is it so esoteric that most of the BT readership wouldn’t get it, I don’t even understand all of it, even though I still think it’s funny.
So I will just post this little gem from Lewis Carroll:
Guess the time of Bush’s first 9/11 reference.
The winner gets to go first in the escape tunnel when we’re all in Guantanamo.
five minutes, 40 seconds. You’re on the honor system, you know, and have to tell me if I won since I’m not watching. ๐
2 minutes 14 seconds from ‘Good evening, suckers.’
i guess… within the first couple of paragraphs 2 – 3 mins tops
I refuse to knowingly listen to lies and nonsense. Ergo, no SOTU for me.
No wonder you never tune in to any of my diaries. * snicker *
Last year I got in a big argument with a friend who claimed that I could not be a true political junkie if I did not want to listen to the SOTU. Needless to say I argued him down until he finally shut up. But I was left with the sneaking suspicion that he might just be right.
I am pleased to announce that Josh Marshall has just validated me. Well, not me; but my aversion to the SOTU. link
It’s humanly impossible to listsen to it without vomiting or having a seizure.
I’ll watch any movie that’s on.
One of the HBOs has Ocean’s Twelve on. I’m going to drool over George Clooney instead of watching the fool that drools on himself.
It’s humanly impossible to listen to it without vomiting or having a seizure.
I’m sure Vogon poetry is less torturous.
you could always tell them that you wait to read the transcripts? They can’t really say your not a junkie then ๐
will be in the gallery tonight for the SOTU. Anderson Cooper on CNN reported that a Democratic lawmaker gave her a ticket today. WOW, I wonder if she will do anything in the form of protest.
I hope not. The only “ordinary” people who are going to be watching this are George Bush right wingers who dote on every word he says and it will just cement the idea in their heads that she’s a kook.
Who gave her the ticket? I’d like to thank this brave congressperson.
I liked her statement. That’s exactly what she should do. Prove to America that just because you are an anti-war activist it doesn’t mean you aren’t also a normal person with manners.
Awesome! That’s some great jujitsu.
Boy, if it was me, I’d be sitting in the gallery, and I’d be giving George a little finger wave. The same finger wave referred to in a snippet of dialogue from Babylon 5, where Mr. Morden has more or less asked the speaking character (Vir Kotto, played by Animal House’s Steven Furst) what would be the price required to sell his soul:
I use that finger wave sometimes when I pass by a place that once
CNN is reporting that Capitol Police have arrested Cindy Sheehan! Not sure on what “charges” but there you have it.
Just heard the same thing on MSNBC. I’ll look for information.
maybe for trying to attend the SOTU
that Cindy Sheehan has a ticket to be in the gallery at the speech tonight. I don’t think he was kidding.
Watching him on Olbermann and while I generally like him, he seems sort of goofy tonight.
Keith carved up O’Reilly? He really went after him.
No I missed it. Was watching Daily Show rerun. Hope Crooks and Liars has it up tomorrow.
CNN reporting that Cindy Sheehan was invited to the SOTU and was seated inside, and unfurled an antiwar banner and was arrested by Capitol Hill police.
Good for her! but.. you have to think.. what did they -think- she was going to do when they invited her?
Hmm. Does it really take a genius to figure out that the time to unfurl the banner is DURING the speech, not before it?
Double hmm. Getting arrested BEFORE the SOTU rather than DURING the SOTU is about as politically effective a move as getting arrested in front of the White House while Pat Fitzgerald is busy holding a press conference on Plamegate.
Gee, I wonder why the Dems keep losing. I wonder.
Oh yeah, that’s right, it’s because disenchanted voters on the left keep screwing up and voting third party. Silly me.
…by listening to the Democratic “response.” Not one mention of Iraq and barely glossing over the question of “security. And all the while touting all the programs he’s started in Virginia. Nothing about immigration, nothing to counter Little Napoleon’s lies about the economy, nothing about the illegal wiretaps. And why the hell pick a governor when the whole raison d’etre of the admin’s political life is FOREIGN policy and NATIONAL security?
It’s the Dems, stupid: They have no ideas to counter the Repug onslaught against working people and civil liberties. Why? Simply because they get their campaign contributions from the same folks the Rs get theirs. This means they can’t address the concerns of their base in anything but vague platitudes, nostalgia for how-progressive-we-were-once (a looong time ago), and peicemeal Repug-lite social programs.
It ain’t “screwing up” to not vote for these incompetent,ineffectual fools.
Silly you indeed.
not supporting the president, or the troops, or the war on terror. That would reflect badly on the Democrats. America has to present a united front to the enemies of freedom because they lurk.
FWIW, I first heard she unveiled a banner, too. Heard on the local Pacifica radio station however, that she did NOT unfurl a banner but simply wore a T-shirt with the numbers of war dead on it, and it was enough to prompt an arrest.
Will try to find a link.
and just tuned into CNN, I would think that Cindy Sheehan was an arch-criminal, the way that they are describing her. Whew! She must be so baaaad.
It’s a circus, all that pomp and ceremony for a moron like GWB.
yeah i cant stand to watch it… cbs is describing da pres as getting a “good reception”
Which means that he has his rabbit ears twisted the right way, I guess
Vp & Speaker
Laura Bush has her token Iraqi woman seated next to her. Puke!
Was that enormous yellow device in front of McFlightsuit as he was entering? Looked like a radiation meter.
It is some sort of thing King’s have before them.
shows that these people are in a bubble.
opens with a tribute to Coretta Scott King. HEY ASSHOLE, YOUR POLICIES FLY IN THE FACE OF SHE AND HER HUSBAND’S LEGACY!!!!! blah
not watching, just listening via Sam Seder. thanks for the tip. it helps.
protective “pastor.”
But <sigh>, he looks more and more like “Wot Me Worry” Alfred E. Neuman.
It only took him 1 minute 20 seconds
I’ll do without the prize, though. Thanks all the same ๐
Blah, blah, blah lies. Blah, blah, blah WMD, terrorists, lies.
Just realised that it is twenty five years today I got sober! That thought popped into my head because this idiot makes me want to drink. You guys do it for me will you? I am not willing to lose my sobriety over a chimp.
on your anniversary, Leezy! That is a great milestone.
Thanks Manny!
Way to go kid ;o)
(((((Hugs Super))))
Congrats to you!
Now that’s strength! Certianly moreso than that punk dry drunk!
Besides…BORING! Dumb drivel and tripe, twice warmed-over. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz…
“we love our freedom and we will fight to keep it”
We love OUR freedom and we will fight you George to keep it!
“but we’ll arrest anyone who tries to exercise those freedoms”…
Let’s start counting how many times Satan says the word “evil”.
I don’t think I can watch much more of this folks. It’s “hard work”.
I had to turn it off. After Chris matthews said that Cindy Sheehn and even John Murtha have turned into anti-war cartoons, I couldn’t take it.
And was Sam Seder kidding when he said Jack Abramoff is there?
I added an update about Cindy + a link to Bradblog’s story on her arrest.
P.S. If any of you are getting it, I’d like you to know that Emily at Powell’s got us a special break on the price for the new Kos book — you can pre-order it at 30% off.
On big orange there are 2 rumors – 1)She unfurled a banner, 2) she was wearing a t-shirt with the number of dead soldiers
I’m sure this will change as the night goes on.
Can’t wait for her post-SOTU press conference. ๐
and they don’t need a warrant to find out either.
“we are in this fight to win, and we are winning. (only half the room stood, wonder why??)
“We are in this fight to win and we are winning”. Liar
Have fun kids. I’m off to find a rerun of Law and Order.
he’s calling them out, saying the world cannot allow them to get nucular weapons. “AMerica respects you, and respects your country….our nation hopes one day to become the closest of friends with a free and democratic Iran” –where have I heard that before? Change the ‘n’ to a ‘q’
asking for its reauthorization, only Rs stood up. 9/11 again, failed to connect the dots, already knew that phone calls were placed overseas, now talking about the NSA wiretaps. claims constitutional authority, blah blah, previous presidents have used it, program is essential to maintain our security, we will not sit back and wait to get hit again. big applause from the Rs, closeup of hillary giving a smirk
“freedom on the march” this is a speech full of his cliches, gag me
For having the fortitude to watch that crap. I couldn’t do it. I’m reading the blogs and watching Project Runway. ๐
“is healthy” not. says we’ve created more jobs than Japan and the EU combined. says our economic performance is the envy of the world.
arrogant bastard
The jobs are all low-end jobs. Salaries have not gone up in relation to cost of living. CEO’s are making 100 times the amount of workers. Minimum wage does not even pay rent.
He is still out to destroy The New Deal. Gawd didn’t he learn anything from his attempts last year.
saying the economy can’t function with out. That was surprising, alot of Rs didn’t stand at first. ha!
asking for it to be passed (since he doesn’t have the cojones to veto full bills)
Wasn’t the line item veto deemed to be unconstitutional? But heck, since Bush is throwing out the Constitution anyway, why not re-institute the line item veto.
for a commission to look at the effects of baby-boomers on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other entitlements.
immigration system must keep our economy in mind. calls for stronger immigration enforcement and border protect…calls for workers program that reduces crime and smuggling at the border.
Don’t we have two borders? And everyone wonders why this is such a farce, it has everything to do with Mexico
he is for cheap Mexican labor with no benefits.
he’s mentioning OBGYN again, what’s with his obsession…
of listening to the infantile rhetoric and ramblings of King George at what looked like a royal event I gave up. All those supposedly well educated members of congress were applauding it.
Now I must be looking into how I can get that British or Irish citizenship from my mothers side.
america is addicted to oil, best way to break the addiction is through technology….alternative energy needs to be addressed…..invest more in zero-emission coal, solar, and nuclear…must change how we power our automobiles….hybrid cars, hydrogen….ethanol not just from corn, but also wood chips, blah blah, make it manageable in six years.
Oh the irony…yeah, America is addicted to oil. Kurt Vonnegut recently had a good one on that subject.
So, if this addiction to oil is akin to tobacco addiction, does this make Dick Cheney the Phillip Morris of the oil industry? And Bush? The Marlboro Man? Joe Camel Rove?
If it’s akin to drug addiction, does this make Cheney the world’s biggest drug lord or what?
Yo, John Ashcroft of “Let the Eagle Soar Fame”, as oil addiction’s rock star poster child….
Does the impeachment come on right after this? Do I have time to make popcorn?