Let’s Spend the Evening at the Beach
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
The bar is fully stocked, but it is self-serve tonight.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
I’m thinking of doing the diary/discussion a little differently this time. Since the book is divided into just a few chapters, I thought I might divide the diary that way in the comments, too. That way, you could go to the part that most interested you. Plus, it would give people who hadn’t read the whole thing a chance to participate in whatever chapters they did read.
So the comments section would get split up like this:
l. Hero-Making
Whatcha think about that, as an experiment?
It sounds like a great idea.
Also, I’m only on chapter 3 (maybe its 4) and as far as I can tell, its not really necessary to have read the previous chapters to enjoy any particular chapter. So if someone’s running short on time, they could flip to a chapter that interested them. And only participate in that part of the discussion.
Sounds like an interesting approach and one that would make it easier to discuss a book that has such a broad scope.
I think that’s an excellent idea kansas. And as Andi mentioned, the topics/chapters are fairly self contained and you don’t have to have read previous chapters to follow along.
I can stick around for a little while…I couldn’t resist the beach picture, of course 🙂
This isn’t from a beach, per se, but from nearby. This is the sun setting into the Pacific Ocean, as taken from La Quebrada, Mexico (think cliff divers).
That’s just gorgeous. Is this from this year’s trip or an earlier one?
That one is hot off the presses, from this year’s trip. There were only 3 days that I was able to see the sun set into the ocean. There were clouds on the horizon for all of the rest of them.
Here’s one of the others…this one is actually from the beach 🙂
Ahhhh, what the hell…here’s one of the cloudy ones (I managed to get the sun as it peeked out through a small hole):
The top one is nice but I prefer the one with sun setting through the clouds — I’m a sucker for images that have diffuse light or reflected light and this one has both.
Yeah, I guess I like that one better too, after further review 🙂
Lovely images, ejmw — I can feel the sun’s warmth in a soothing ocean breeze.
My God, warmth .. at about this time each winter it seems impossible that I’ll ever feel warm again! 😉
Believe me, I hear you…I have to get on a plane and fly several hours just to get that kind of weather at this time of year.
And I always try to take a ton of pictures so that I can always go back to them and remember what it was like 🙂
Love those troppie thatched umbrellas! I wanted to buy one but those suckers are expensive!!!
So glad you got to get away and sharing the “mmmmmmmmmmmmmarvelous mmmmmmmmmmmmmoments” with us all
Happy to share, DJ. If I had known, I would have tried to bring one of those back with me for you 🙂
Is that a beach umbrella in your pants or are you just happy to see me?? 🙂
LOL. I just about spit rum & caffeine free diet coke all over my keyboard 🙂
(disaster was narrowly avoided, however 🙂
Just beautiful.
I’m hoping NDD shows up so he can picture himself there on that beach in his speedo.
I’m hoping he shows up too, because I don’t want to picture that for myself anymore 🙂
hey, mahn, I wasn’t in that movie!
ya keep up with giving me all this attention and I’ll be walking around the house like Chester, on Gunsmoke. (except I suppose in your “youth” it may have been Festus…, or no Gunsmoke at all, the horror, in which case the above will make no sense at all, and you will have to consult one of the Fs or their peers.)
Hey, all — how are you? It’s a very mellow, low-energy evening here in the dismal, chilly Catskills after a day of errands & whatnot.
Thanks so much for the serene, lovely images above! Truly beautiful — so very different than the world I inhabit.
Sharon Jumper at Kos reports that the charges against Cindy Sheehan have been dismissed.
Hi WW. That’s really good news about Cindy Sheehan; I’m not surprised though as it was a ridiculous charge in the first place and really bad publicity.
Glad you like the beach shots. I think that they are great for sending messages to one’s mind that it’s time to relax and let the day go.
Apparently the headline on the Cindy story at MSNBC is ‘We Screwed Up’. Yes, we certainly did — about five years ago.
Absolutely agreed on the beach images. ‘Course, if I need to chill out at day’s end & take a breath of serenity I can just spend a while outdoors, gazing at Wildcat — but the weather’s a bit too nasty for that nowadays & the oncoming darkness seems so unfriendly. One just wants to hurry in, turn on the lamps & park at the wood stove 🙂
It’s kind of odd but I don’t really like going to the beach but I love looking at pictures of them.
I know exactly what you mean. Visually there’s something very soothing about ocean images — the simple sky & horizon, with very gentle variations in texture. Very nice, in general.
Me, I can certainly enjoy the beach — if there aren’t more than two people in sight! Stormy, wintry or late-night beaches are terrific for me, as well as ‘unfriendly’ beaches without sand. I find busy beaches a terrible drag — too reminiscent of the packed bar-rooms where I squandered my youth.
Whoa! Thank you. That’s fantastic. Where is it? And, if I click my heels three times can I go there?
I took that one down at the lowest level of the El Mirador hotel, in La Quebrada Mexico.
The cliffs there are very near to the cliffs that the cliff divers dive from.
It occurs to me that you might also enjoy this picture, which I took at Los Gigantes, on Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain):
That’s where I want to go.
Thank you so much for sharing these — yes, both beaches seem just perfect to me. Absolutely wonderful! You’re very, very fortunate to have travelled so widely & experienced this beauty yourself. Absolutely fantastic.
Aside from wanting to run straight into the water withall his clothes on or wanting to eat the sand, my son when young didn’t seem to understand sunbathers. He’d run up to them and poke at them… I always thought he might be thinking they were hurt or hell I dunno know but it always makes me smile when I see a lone sunbather laying out on the sand like that… and having seen it through my son’s eyes.
if you look at it just a biiiiiiiiiiiit differently doesn’t it look odd?? I mean, how would you explain it to someone from.. Jupiter? 🙂
Well, first you’d have to explain that our planet isn’t gaseous like Jupiter, so you can lay on its surface.
Beyond that, I’m lost.
It’s sometimes like having to be a tour guide.
And our “normal” society is so freaking hard to explain sometimes 🙂 I could write a book on it.
Now that’s a book I’d read!
I often wonder if I’m alone in thinking about how strange our society and its norms are. Not to mention how little sense most of it makes to me.
I think you should seriously consider it, DJ! It could be very helpful to many of us — & you could do it with terrific humor & sensitivity, too.
Btw, as a child I viewed sunbathers with a rather anxious eye, too. They always seemed to be waiting for something horrendous to happen to them — like being eaten by the sun or something. I s’pose it’s because they didn’t seem to be enjoying themselves, but enduring ..
because I never got the pleasure of lying around all day doing nothing. Five minutes of sunbathing and I’m bored and ready to go do something else.
I can’t do it unless I’m either reading, or tired enough to fall asleep. Of course, then I need someone to wake me up so I don’t get fried…
Hear, hear! My attempts to ‘sunbathe’ are generally terrifically irritating to me.
Naturally, it’s been a while ..
That is gorgeous. If I had a chair like that I don’t know if I’d ever leave it.
If Jim comes looking for me, somebody needs to tell him I went to the beach with you. That’s just the perfect place to take a nap.
I do that (nap) in the evening just after the sun goes down and it gets really windy. I wrap up in a blanket and drink tea out there as the stars come out and then wake up when the ghost crabs start crawling on my feet.
That sound so wonderful. The combination of the sound of the wind and the waves coming to shore are like a never-fail lullaby to me.
Sitting there with a drink for the hour before sunset — it looks heavenly. Thanks for sharing.
Can I sit on your lap Second!!
I promise I don’t have a bony butt 🙂 I mean really really! 🙂
No bony butts allowed. Only fluffy ones like mine.
Oh, my — lovely. Just perfect. I can finally kick off my snow-boots for good.
Are we looking at the Outer Banks?
Damnit Janet posts “not quite mellow ocean scene”
Not yet here on the Left Coast. I still have 90 minutes to work & rescue Puget4 from her Away Job. Then it’s wild salmon curry & steamed fresh broccoli for supper!!
Wow. It’s like a painting. So beautiful it can’t be real.
.. ergo my increasing desire to see for myself some day! Gooserock’s photos tempt me to no end.
Is that Ebbey’s Landing?
marina development at the south end of Whidbey Island.
Kevin Drum has this link to the Washingtonpost where they are running a contest to pick the next voice of the Washington Metro system. The voice that says “please stand back the doors are opening”. For some reason it really tickled my funny bone because you can click on and hear all the voices.
Ok — its been a hard day, I’ve goofed off too much and I’m still looking to procrastinate so I don’t have to do the last thing I need to do. But really, it IS funny.
“Boe vwoy-AHGGE, ship du steam!”
This pic was taken a few minutes earlier than the one above, just as the sun was coming up.
Exceptional, SN! Just lovely — & very, very cheering to me.
Obviously, it’s been far too long without sun for yours truly.
Wowie zowie! And how nice for the bird to agree to stop by and add the perfect finishing touch.
These cliffs, the Na Pali on Kauai, are too steep for most of their length for beaches.
Ha! Wesley is at teh table gathering his homework and he saw your picture, Andi, and asked, “Is that cliffs of Insanity?” 🙂
Absolutely brilliant. Wesley certainly knows where we’re at ..
Wow .. .. how absolutely fantastic! I simply can’t imagine finding myself in such a magnificent place. Is that your shot, Andi?
Jim took that one. Generally speaking if the shot isn’t somewhere out in the woods, Jim took it.
He has my compliments. Lovely shot!
There is a boy on the bus whose been reaching out everyday to connect with my son. Wesley doesn’t really understand and last night I realized through detective type questions… that he doesn’t even realize the other boy is severely disabled. The boy continues to ask if he can listen to Wes’ CD (The Beach Boys) and has been very nice (and patient) with my son’s lack of connecting with him in return. That this boy might also might be lonely and just want a friend.
We also talked to him about the little girl and how she might just want to be friends and also doesn’t know how to connect.
Wesley got very teary eyed and said that he didn’t want to make new friends cause his old friends might feel sad. So we talked about that and he had the idea of burning two copies o fhis precious Beach Boy CD. He didn’t know their names so wrote “To a New Friend” on the jewels.
Today’s school email:
Ms. B___ took Wesley over to the other special needs program in order to drop off the CD he burned for (the little girl from the cafeteria), and although she hadn’t arrived yet, I understand that she approached him at lunch, thanked him, and told him she liked it. They sat on the same bench at the same table in the cafeteria, but at a safe distance.
it was his idea to burn the cd and give one to each of the kids. He had the awesome idea that if he made the copy, it would give them something to talk about since he didn’t know what to say to them.
Music… brings people together 🙂
Beautiful. It definitely does!
They’re also accessible by sea. Camping permits are (used to be) available, but thay are few and generally require as much as a yr. lead time.
Also, much of the water along the coast is extremely dangerous.
Great shot.
I did say almost no beaches 🙂
The part we were hiking above doesn’t have any, though. As far as camping goes, when we there several years back you could camp in two of the valleys but not on the beaches.
What a great, great image, dada. I feel I’m there!
Damp day here in Silly Con Valley — just got back from assorted errands and extremely ticked off at the driver of my bus coming home…when one is married to a driver who sees serving the public as a sacred calling (well, damn close at least), it’s easy to get pissed with those who just see the job as a relatively easy paycheck. (Just one example: he sat for a few minutes at a time point waiting for time, then took off just as a woman running for the bus was about to reach the front door, leaving her to wait 30 minutes in the rain for the next bus.) GRRRRRR…. If I’d been able to get his badge number, I’d send a complaint….
Anyway, just drying off around the edges…Fed Ex was here with a package but I wasn’t, so may call mom-in-law and tell her I may be over a little later than noonish to help her with the email and computer stuff.
Got our new energy-saver lights installed today; a small one outside on the patio, and a HUGE one in the hallway between the bedroom and bathroom! It’s actually brighter than the old fixture, so it’s going to be much easier for me early mornings when I’m trying to tell the difference between my navy blue and black stretch pants. 🙂
Will be out dancing tonight — actually, dance classes; spouse and I are starting out with beginning 2-step. Should be interesting… 🙂
Ballroom dancing 😉
We took judo together. We’d beat the shit out of each on the mats LOL
Gotta find a new dojo up here. Mostly we’ve seen Karate or TWK. Not into those arts.
as a BT fund raiser?
Maybe Tracy has some footage of Booman in his boxers? 🙂
No footage, but…
Buwahwahwahwah 🙂
That is SO much worse than the worst hair cut evah pix.
Can’t help but wonder what preceded that one ..
Read up here 🙂
Thank you for that wonderful link, ejmw. Sorry I missed it the first time.
I now understand 😉
It’s just one of a few diaries that are from one of my favorite times of being a Tribber. I feel bad because I haven’t made time to make it out to any real protests on my own, but I am so grateful that so many others are willing to share their experiences.
(and I will start to make it out, dammit!)
If you missed it, please also check out supersoling’s diary from around that time as well. Another of my absolute favorites 🙂
Thanks, will do. I’m a relatively recent arrival to the pond, so it’s great to be given a bit of direction into our recent past.
I’m afraid I haven’t taken part in any recent actions either. I’m so deeply settled into my woodland world here & its particular responsibilities, as a solitary person, that leaving home for any length of time necessitates back-up support that isn’t generally available. Of course, there’s also the financial aspect of travel, which hasn’t been favorable lately.
I’m sure my time will come again, however.
Thanks again for the links.
I’m going to be dragging the spouse out on the dance floor on the cruise this summer, so it would be nice if we knew what the hell we were doing out there. 😉
I think it’s fantastic!!!!! 🙂
But I still like the mats :0) I miss judo/jujitsu so much!
Cruise – can I come along… puhleeze? 🙂
if the spouse and I took martial arts together, I’d probably beat the crap out of him…I can actually lift him off the ground already! (I used to have to lug around 75lb. boxes of folders in one of my old jobs.) Plus, I outweigh him… 😉
Too numerous for me to catch up with each individual.
And ooohhh,la la, am I happy I didn’t have to load this FBC on dialup.
I’m doing AOK on dialup, actually.
Then again, I have no comparison 😉
That’s great. Maybe your dialup is a little faster than my rural location, which is at 32.1K. Also it could be that my computer there is slower, (had Windows 98 originally.)
I’m not sure how I’d make a technical comparison, NDD, but I doubt my (also rural) situation is much different than yours.
going to see what Jimmy has to say about SOTU.
New cafe here.