Time previews Abu Gonzales’s NSA testimony before Arlen ‘single-bullet theory’ Specter’s Judiciary Committee. The testimony is scheduled for Monday. I hope Joe Biden brings his Princeton cap.
I’m too tired to do any analysis on this tonight. But I’ll sure appreciate your analysis. And everyone should get a headstart on dealing with what will likely be the biggest sham hearings ever held outside of Communist Russia.
Questions submitted in advance? Sounds like a dog and pony show…
(Also tired.)
No luck over @ Senate Intel either. Roberts supports the Prez.
Pat Roberts will cover anything up. I’m surprised the hearings are not before Intelligence instead of the Judiciary Committee.
Person to watch? Lindsay Graham.
Senate Intel
Beginning to think that is an oxymoron!
POLITICS is not a spectator sport!
I suggest we storm the hearings and scream, “SHAM, SHAM, SHAM!”
(Anybody got any bail money?)
P.S. I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaack, thanks to a wonderful guy in the Philippines from Earthlink tech support!
Hi Susan!! Welcome back!!
Poor Katie. Her reign is over.
(Sniff) And she made me eat the password. (it’s just not fair)
No way! …. it’s a good thing for you to have in case we lose our connection or electricity again this weekend!
P.S. Boo, did BooMan go outside to do his thing? Or did he put on his giant brakes?
… I’m headin’ to bed … will TRY to get up early and catch those inane morning shows … ugha.
Oh, good! I’m glad you caught me before I tossed it in the soup!
Does this mean I can post Open Threads whenever I want?
Just reading this article in Time is a waste of time. Abu Gonzales is so transparently a lying sack of shit, Specter is a such a useless “faux-defender” of our constitution and the rights it endows us with, and the article itself is so lame and incurious that it makes me wonder why Time Magazine bothers to exists. (Of course they exist to rake in the money, I know, but the fact that they don’t seem to challenge anything Abu says is pathetic.)
IF Specter doesn’t buckle and sticks to his statement made this morning on ‘Meet the Press’ that the administration’s legal arguments “are strained and unrealistic”
AND If the loyal opposition doesn’t timid out, we may have a hefty hearing. Also, I remain hopeful. It’s a rare day when you can have Bob Barr and Grover Norquist agreeing with liberals on any issue.
(via thinkprogress)
(via firedoglake) what we need to do to help Glenn Greenwald and others “in the trenches” on this hearing.
this king needs to be impeached.
I believe I read a quote from yesterday or the day before attributed to Specter where he was supposed to have said something along the lines of “…but I think the President was acting in good faith.”
If this is accurate, then I believe Soecter will capitulate entirely on this in the sense that he may seek a determination that Bushco meant well but they had a technical screwup but hey, no real foul because we can just enact something now to pretty much legitimize what they were doing retroactively and everyone can go home to dinner, blameless in the end.
Specter, for all his posturing, IMHO, is not on the side of the people, the constitution, or the truth. He’s pretty much caved in on everything else so far, so I have no reason yet to expect this time might be any different.
I forgot to add that I really hope I’m wrong on this. It’d be nice to see something good happen in the political arena for a change.
as we say, in politics it’s the windmill that determines everything.
to take a strong, if not necessarily sincere, stand. But we really need to inundate his offices with demands that he do something, as we did in December. I recall that his office phones were absolutely jammed all day on that Monday that we did the rock-DC-over-NSA thing. I think Specter got the message, but he’s sorta forgetting it again. Time to remind him.
This is another good issue that would benefit from having a coalition or alliance of interest groups together and be ready to launch a simultaneous, unified message to several politicians.
Abramoff Case & NSA Spying Loom over Gonzales
Fri Feb 3rd, 2006 at 01:18:52 PM PST
Chicago Tribune – Abramoff case, spying loom over Gonzales
Ex-colleague’s links to lobbyist scrutinized
Paul McNulty, the nominee for deputy attorney general, faces a confirmation hearing at which he is expected to face questions about how vigorously he has pursued allegations of mistreatment of detainees by the CIA and Defense Department.
Timothy Flanigan pulled out of consideration for the Justice Department’s No. 2 position after questions arose about his business relationship with Abramoff and about his role, as Gonzales’ White House assistant, in crafting Bush administration policies that seemed to justify use of torture for terrorism suspects.
Flanigan left the White House in November 2002 for a senior executive post at the Tyco manufacturing conglomerate. In November 2003, Flanigan used information supplied by Abramoff in a successful effort to stave off Tyco’s pending loss of federal contracts, according to court papers in a case involving an Abramoff associate and a company statement.
Fri Jul 29th, 2005 at 08:28:27 AM PST
● Media largely ignored Fitzgerald revelation that White House may have destroyed emails
WASHINGTON (MSNBC) Feb. 2, 2006 — A letter from special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald to the I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby defense team reveals that some White House e-mails from 2003 weren’t archived as they should have been.
● Alberto Gonzales as Gatekeeper of WH Documents
Lest We Forget: Gonzales Appeared to Obstruct Justice in the CIA Leak Case
● Judiciary Committee For DOJ Probe of Improperly Accessed Computer Files
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
It could be evaluated on success but there isn’t any evidence of that.
Specter makes his stand immediately by refusing to accept a vote that would have AG sworn in and testify under oath.
It would have the appearance that we don’t trust him to be honest…ha!
Sen Feingold has AG by the short hairs for false statements in his confirmation hearing questioning.
THE most important hearing and it’s on NONE of the newsertainment channels.