In the latest assault on my senses, Oliver North, who is appearing on Hannity and colmes, just said:
The term ‘moderate Muslim’ is an oxymoron. There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim.
There’s also no such thing as a Jew that doesn’t love money.
No, there’s no such thing as a “moderate fundamentalist.” So I guess ollie must be assuming that all muslims are fundamentalists?
Ollie North is a man who counts many moderate Muslim arms merchants as his closest friends. So, he ought to know better.
and a fine one to talk about moderates as he’s another whacko fundie evengelical..with his prayer groups and his speeches that are almost like sermons…of the James Dobson mindset. Another lying crooked scumbag from the word go hiding behind his patriotic bullshit persona. One that unfortunately a lot of the country fell for during the whole Iran/Contra hearings.
There is no such thing as a moderate Republican.
A truer statement than Ollie’s.
Or an impolite Canuck.
I am living proof of that stereotype.
Medicare D: Beneficiary Stability and Political Liability
Also budget info and rep response to possible concealment of true costs(?)
And there is no such thing as an honest lawyer!
Who let Oliver out of the Coulter/Savage/O’Reilly/Malkin wing of the insane asylum.
Where’s the tranquilizer dart gun when you need it?
And all of us New Yawkers are sooo polite.
EXCELLENT post by SusanG across the street at the orange place. House on fire/firefighters/arson prevention metaphor is one that would be a good one to use when trying to reason with anyone buying the “we have to surrender our freedoms to stay safe” bullshit.
I love this:
[bf mine. And what are Reniors? Did she mean Renoirs? or am I missing something?]
President Carter today on Abu G and FISA;
I second that wow.
Jimmy Carter was the first person I ever voted for in a presidential election. It was 1980 and he lost, of course. For years people made fun of me for voting for such a loser. Especially during the Reagan years when even sane people seemed to have the wool pulled over their eyes.
But I always saw him as a man of integrity who may not have been the best president ever, but certainly wasn’t the worst (we have that now). I never denied I voted for him, like some people did. Over the years I’ve grown prouder and prouder of that vote.
He’s the best former President we ever had.
I don’t recall any former President as active and involved in world affairs as Carter is. Plus his work with Habitat for Humanity.
Clinton is trying his best with his African AIDS relief project, but there’s no coming close to Carter.
Or an Irishman who doesn’t love beer. Now where did I put that Guinness?
I regularly go over to Freeperville to check out the daily pulse and I am routinely shocked at their complete unabashed rascism there. For instance, it was recently reported that according to a big poll that most Australian kids are ignorant and fearful of Muslims. The press reported that maybe these kids should get some further education and multiculturalism in their classes. The freepers responded by saying how smart the kids were and that what they really needed was sharpshooting lessons.
We are being taught to demonize an entire religious and ethnic heritage for the sake of continuing an illegal war. We are being given a common “enemy” so that we will continue to allow our government to commit atrocities in our name. What is so scary is that so few really realize how badly they are being played. When you go to places like Free Republic and Little Green Footballs, it becomes readily obvious how they have gotten sucked into the memes and fantasy worlds being created for them. They honestly do not believe in global warming (they have some wacky ideas about why our planet is warming) and they do believe that we found WMDs (complete with types and numbers).
But what really scares me is not that these extremists exist, but that the media is creating more of them.
Hell, this country has done it for our entire existence.
We’ve also been at war, officially or otherwise, for pretty much the whole time too.
Not just this country, but all of human existence, practically. It is always an “us vs. them” mentality. The definition of “us” and “them” changes, but the sentiment is the same.
As a supposedly intelligent species, shouldn’t we get over this shit sometime? If the U.S., a symbol for multiculturalism and acceptance (Give us your tired and poor) will not do it, who will?
person who has studied the middle east confronted him? I think it is all part of the Republican ramp up to how dangerous this world is now. It is dangerous that we need an asshole for a president who needs to do all sorts of secret things to protect us all.