I just can’t hardly stand it. Opened the LawCom news article to find that: “Tests showed that Pirate’s Booty, Fruity Booty and Veggie Booty had more fat than advertised.” Cracked me up.
I just can’t hardly stand it. Opened the LawCom news article to find that: “Tests showed that Pirate’s Booty, Fruity Booty and Veggie Booty had more fat than advertised.” Cracked me up.
does not let up, and is getting uglier.
Four killed in attack on Norwegian-led military base in Afghanistan
in Afghanistan to assist Norwegian ISAF Forces under attack with rocks and grenades at their military NATO base.
The F-16 fighter aircraft tried first with several low passes, but needed to fire their board cannons as warning that the crowds should back-off. Afghan police came in for support and gunfire was exchanged leaving at least four dead.
KABUL (Reuters) Feb. 7 — British troops were sent to the northwestern city of Maymana to secure the airfield, after crowds attacked a NATO base with guns and grenades.
“Police had to open fire. Some people are aiming to disrupt and disturb security,” said Azim Hakimi, spokesman for the provincial security department. “Some people used guns.”
Afghan protesters hold banners and chant slogans during a protest in Herat against cartoons published in Denmark. Protests were also staged in Kabul, Peshawar, Tehran and Kut in Iraq (5,000 men), the stronghold of Al Sadr. Ahmad Fahim/Reuters
The Norwegians fired teargas while Dutch F-16 jets flew over Maymana in a show of force, a spokeswoman for the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force said.
The worst of the violence was outside Bagram, the main U.S. base north of Kabul, with Afghan police firing on some 2,000 protesters as they tried to break into the heavily guarded facility, said Kabir Ahmed, the local government chief. Two of the demonstrators were killed and five were injured, while eight police were also hurt. No U.S. troops were involved in the incident, Ahmed said.
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
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Jack Carter, son of former President Carter has announced his candidacy for the Senate-NV.
Speaking at his son’s side President Carter said, the ‘president has broken the law – eavesdropping is illegal’ Carter has offered to testify if asked.
link here
looking up.
people need to quit calling this shit “eavesdropping”–noticed Olbermann use that term yesterday. It sounds too harmless.
It’s spying. Wiretapping. Bugging, whatever, but it’s not eavesdropping.
Am writing Olbermann to complain today.
You’re right. The term of art is “surveillance”. “Spying” by any other name.
Yeah. That’s the word I’ve been looking for. Exactly that. Thanks.
FYI: sappy and lame, I know, but….
Anyone else want to follow suit:
Since it became the first state to give formal legal protection (in the form of civil unions) to queer domestic partners in 2000, it has not escaped the notice of some keen eyes in the Vermont lege that the state has not been invaded by Armies of God or burned to the ground by angry villagers. There have been no plagues whether by frogs or locusts, lice or flies. The state was not suddenly plunged into an inexplicable darkness extending from Battleboro to the Canadian border. It has not been deluged with water, blood, or the righteous tears of a thousand heterosexual virgin angels. Near as we can make out, there has been no retributive smiting in Vermont’s general direction. Thus the Vermont state lege is pondering a bill that would provide full marriage equality for gays.
Thanks, asshole. If your equality ever comes up for a vote somewhere, I hope there’s some vindictive queer around who can return the favor.
Now, now Indy, let’s not forget how important it is to keep marriage safe for Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise.
OSLO (Conservation International) Feb. 7 — Scientists have found a “Lost World” in an Indonesian mountain jungle, home to dozens of exotic new species of birds, butterflies, frogs and plants.
“It’s as close to the Garden of Eden as you’re going to find on Earth,” said Bruce Beehler, co-leader of the US, Indonesian, and Australian expedition to part of the cloud-shrouded Foja mountains in West Papua.
The expedition found a new type of honeyeater bird with a bright orange patch on its face, known only to local people and the first new bird species documented on the island in over 60 years.
This previously undescribed honeyeater
© CI, Bruce Beehler
See my diary —
Berlepsch’s Six-wired Bird of Paradise A ‘Lost World’
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
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Sorry state of affairs when we’ve got to go panhandling to the people and government of Freedom for assistance, isn’t it?
Full story at truthout
FDL has been keeping us updated on new discoveries in the “traitorgate” puzzle.
Reddhedd has the latest on the conspiracy aspect, posing some questions:
too tired & depressed to do anything with these, so I’ll just dump ’em:
Haitian elections today
Haiti: Dark storm brewing over elections
Botched Job: The UN and the Haiti’s Elections
Kevin Pina interviews the most-wanted man in Haiti: Amaral Duclona
US General Admits Troops Are Destabilizing Middle East
Military Starts
New H-Bomb Project
The Taliban’s bloody foothold in Pakistan, by Syed Saleem Shahzad
The Iran Crisis: ‘Diplomacy’ as a Launch Pad for Missiles, by Norman Solomon
Headed for Iran, Juggernaut Gathering Momentum, by Ray McGovern
month old, but important topical reads:
Iraq, Iran and China: a New Global Alliance? by Noam Chomsky
Why the Bush Doctrine Violates the Constitution: The Unitary Executive, by Jennifer Van Bergen
From the WaPo:
A priceless collection of more than two hundred paintings, once the private property of Jewish art dealer Jacques Goudstikker, will now be returned to the heir, Marei von Saher by the Dutch state.
Tobias and Sarah by Jan Steen
The Algemeen Dagblad says this has caused terrible stress for the Bredius Museum in The Hague, which will now have to hand over its prized possession, Jan Steen’s “Tobias and Sarah”.
Bonnefanten Museum in Maastricht will be particularly hard hit by the decision, since it has between 30 and 40 paintings from the Goudstikker collection.
Jacques Goudstikker – A History
Riding, Allan. “Heirs Claim Art Lost to Nazis in Amsterdam.” The New York Times 12 Jan. 1998:
“Jacques Goudstikker, leading art dealer in prewar Amsterdam, was one of many wealthy Jewish collectors whose artworks were seized by Nazi Germany in the early 1940’s; his widow’s efforts to reconstitute collection after war were thwarted by Dutch authorities, and 160 of Goudstikker’s paintings hang in 17 Dutch museums without any reference to their provenance; still unknown is what happened to rest of his collection, close to 900 paintings, 100 sculptures, Venetian glassware and antique furniture; Marei von Saher, heir to Goudstikker, is being forced to go to court to recover lost legacy, in face of Dutch Government’s insistence that it alone is righful owner of collection” (NYT summary)
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
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