I finally received my “We Won’t Rest Until They’re Frog Marched Out” bumper sticker yesterday. It’s a little fundraiser ($5.00) put out by our friends at Booman Tribune. It reminded me that amidst all the jokes and details about hunting stamps, delays in notification, etc. the real goal should remain to bring justice to this cast of characters in the White House. The TM (can we use that instead of “traditional media” now?) just loves this buckshot story and I pray it is softening up the Vice-President’s persona for an encounter before a criminal court, or at least a harsh penalty in the court of public opinion.
In our current info-mational society, this story seems to get more sympathetic play than the boring ones about intelligence leaks for political gain, wars and billion dollar crony contracts. Maybe this is a Valentine from The Higher Power to the American people.
Cross-posted at www.seattlefordean.com and www.howieinseattle.com.
There’s as much likelihood of Dick going to jail for shooting a man in the face as there was for him to go to Vietnam. This is just a distraction from Libby saying the outing of Valerie was on Dick’s order. Whittington probably made a joke about that, poor guy.
However, in my hopeful way, I have been fantasizing a class-action RICO suit against him. Can we do that?
My dictionary defines racketeer as “one who engages in a scheme for getting money or other benefits by fraud, intimidation, or other illegal means.”
Pretty much describes our vice-president, doesn’t it?
If I understand this correctly, a sitting President or Vice Pres cannot have action taken in Criminal Court against them while they are in office The only recourse is to force them to resign or Impeachment. Neither one very likely in this crime laden congress.
Thanks for the legal opinion. I guess we’ll have to figure out if we want to get them out and them go the criminal route. Still, it’s a good bumpersticker image.
Howie, thanks for posting the link to the The Tee Pad Booman Products
It’s been a while since I bought my BooMan gear, and I think I’ve dribbled on my tshirt and chipped my mug, so it’s time to get more stuff. I looked on the front page and could not find the TeePad link anywhere.
As for Cheney and his itchy trigger finger, let the media run with it. The more the American public is exposed to the incredible ugliness of Cheney’s black soul, the closer we get to that frogmarch.
The link to ‘store’ is up top with the regional threads, recent comments, etc.
I have a bumper sticker on my attache case, gets lots of attention during morning/eve commute.
Thanks, Ask.