Looks good in here, well except for that little pile of broken glass. I’ll just sweep that up, shall I? Then a cup of tea and a croissant in the corner.
I’ll take two toasted wheat/raisin bagels, with plain white vanilla cream cheese, and a cup of organic Ethiopian dark roast, with a little splash of TiaMaria
And where’s my apron? (It’s too early in the morning for me not to be a “good” boy.)
People seem to have left a lot of aprons in the kitchen. There’s a pink frilly one (that must be Andi’s). I don’t think she’d like you to use that one. There are a couple of plain ones too.
If Family Man would drop George off for work we could leave the kitchen to him.
Good morning Maryb,
Elaborate menus are for Sundays anyway.
I don’t have time for more than coffee today because as I sat here yesterday looking at the four walls of my living room I got the inspiration to repaint it in something besides landlord white. We bought the house from him 2 yrs ago after renting for 8 yrs.
Any way I bit off more than I had an appetite for. I usually do. But so far the pastel peach looks nice so it inspires me to keep going. The main problem is finding a place for all the random junk I had to move that I found on every flat surface :o)
Sure thing, but you have to move your random junk yourself. Assuming you do have random junk.
I picture your place being full of stacks of legal papers and books.
Moving all of the assorted junk is the worst part about painting. Well, besides taping and cutting in and removing outlet covers and putting tarps on everything and…
We are painting and switching around bedrooms this weekend, giving my youngest son his mostly absent older sister’s bigger room. How can this young woman say she lives elsewhere when her room is crammed full of so much crap?
Heck, it took me about 5 years after I got married before I got all my random junk out of my mom’s place…
Good morning folks — just waiting for the spouse to get out of the shower so I can take mine. Heading out for early breakfast, then we both have hair appointments this morning — I’m getting my hair highlighted again, so she’ll start on me, then while I’m under the dryer she’ll cut the spouse’s hair, then get me finished. I sort of married into her practice; she’s been working on the spouse’s family’s hair for years. Don’t know what we’ll all do when she retires — a good cosmetologist is harder to find than a good doctor, IMNSHO.
Will post some pictures later of the SNOW on the hills here in Silly Con Valley; it may get cold enough to have snow on the valley floor! Expecting highs today of freakin’ 38…yes, I am a weather wimp and proud of it!
I have a lot of books but they are mostly in bookcases. Except the pile of must reads on the floor of my bedroom that keeps growing and not diminishing.
The legal stuff I leave mostly at the office unless I specifically need something with me at home. I can log in from home and access all documents and do on-line research if I’ve forgotten to assign it to some lowly associate or its just an emergency.
I would HATE to have legal crap around. I actually don’t find the law all that interesting. Usefull. But not interesting.
But it would take me a long time to move all my crap. That’s why I don’t paint. (that and I need some professional plaster work)
His Mardi Gras joke was that this year when people holler, “show us your boobs!” Chertoff and Brown walk out. I bet someone artistic with body paints in hand could have one hell of a good time in New Orleans right now. Should we send you?
That sounds like a fun project…the painting, not the finding a place for all the stuff.
I think my built-in bookcases are going to be installed in about 2 weeks. It’s going to be a major change in my living room. Which reminds me, I have to call the electrician today.
Funny you mention bookcases because I’ve been wanting to build my own builtins for a long time now. For three years before he passed away, my Father had been promising me bookcases for my birthday. I never got them. Now I’d trade ten more bookcaseless birthdays for another look at him :o(
lol, I’d never heard of that color before but I sure have seen a lot of it. We inadvertently wound up painting our kitchen that color last summer while we were shooting for a nice muted pastel peachy color. Oh well, we’re moving in 2 months anyway. 🙂 Good luck with your task, supersoling, and congrats on the house acquisition.
Well, owning the house brings it’s own new set of problems. It is nice not to have a landlord though. I hate them by definition and always seemed to find a reason to open my mouth at them. Not condusive to long term habitation ;o)
Ooooooo.. I miss the greens so much in the middle of winter. Thanks for the memories! It’s 2° above zero here in the frosty mitten and not much green showing anywhere other than the blue spruce in the back yard.
again. Everything about naked is on my mind for no general reason at all. I looked at your picture and thought that rolling in the grass naked would be called for. I think Super should go paint naked bodies for Mardi Gras. Then there was the Andy Garcia dream that I hope my husband still doesn’t find out about, grounds for divorce doing stuff like that.
Those clouds were moving very quickly, actually. They do that out here. Something about the atmosphere, I think. I don’t know if it’s because it’s so arid or because we’re a mile high or what, but I’ve never seen clouds race across the sky like they do out here unless a major storm was brewing. Here it’s just normal summer sky, though.
That would be Mary Riordan. She was born in 1890, lived in the local tourist attraction now known as Riordan Mansion. Her family owned the Arizona Lumber and Timber Company. 🙂 (I did not know this until you wondered aloud about it. Ah, the magic of Google.)
Have you been to the Riordan mansion or are you one of those people who don’t go to places in their home town? The furniture in it is so wonderful, especially the oval dining room table and the swing in front of the firepalce.
I’ve driven by it countless times but even though I love antique furniture, I’ve never been inside. This is not because I’m one of “those people”. 🙂
The first few years I lived here in Flagstaff, I was completely absorbed with a new relationship, starting college, a death in the family, etc., so I wasn’t doing anything touristy for lack of free time. It never occurred to me that this would be the last time in my life that I’d be healthy enough to do whatever I wanted to do.
Then I got sick, and suddenly had nothing but free time, but was too sick to do pretty much anything for about 5 years. Now that I’m finally on meds which help a little bit, I can do some stuff again, but it’s all still very limited and sketchy. Riordan Mansion isn’t high up on my list of stuff to do before we leave this place, though, so I may well leave without ever seeing the inside of it.
The tour doesn’t take too long and the best furniture is on the first floor so if you find yourself with a little time and some energy before you leave, it really is worth a visit. But Jim points out that if you have to choose between the house and the Grand Canyon before you go, do the Grand Canyon.
I think you are right. I really like old houses. I lived for several years in a town along the Ohio River that had several streets’ worth of river houses, many of which were around 200 years old and I never got tired of just looking at them.
Unfortunately I always have to make choices like that. For me, walking consumes a terrible amount of energy that I no longer have. Things like grocery shopping and doctors are mandatory, and that screws me over because just doing those necessary tasks wipes me out and all I can do is rest up before going back to the dentist or whatever. It is a black hole of suckage. I am forever grateful that my own mind is reasonably entertaining. 🙂
I hadn’t even thought about it until you just pointed it out. I think I have even stayed up late a couple of nights this week and that was impossible to do not long ago, and I got up early today and it is Sunday and wasn’t necessary. I didn’t even notice because it was gradual feeling better a little bit everyday.
Those rocks are actually part of the lake bed that’s only showing because we’ve been in a decade long drought out here. Whenever we get some summer rain, there’s lots of nice meadows around Lake Mary that would be most excellent for naked rolling. 🙂
Well Bill Maher didn’t completely cure it yet, but boy am I pissed that he took a 3 month break now. What is he thinking? His show is like the only time I see the issues up on the screen and people with an I.Q. talk about them! I will have no more breaks Bill until after the elections! If I didn’t laugh I would cry and I need help laughing now Bill so no breaks for you until further notice from Militarytracy!
has been the only reason to continue keeping HBO right now. He talked about how much has happened in the last three months…….he ought to have to live around here for awhile and all the FUBAR. He just abandoned us the asshole, and there wasn’t a laugh in the air for weeks and weeks. You just can’t do that to the troops, they have no moral left!
Good morning to all.
Nice cafe.
I’ve figured out how to get Norwegian netradio. Following the Olympic Games since early this morning. Continuous coverage, no commercials – no worry, I’ll be quiet regarding the medals so far today.
I feel very fortunate. She is growing into an independent, bright young woman. It’s almost as if my job is already done.
I think our feelings in this regard must be very similar – I’ve seen the post about your daughter’s musical performance and others about your kids.
where is the coffee???? What happened to the lox???? LOL Good morning all and good luck to maryb2004 on her first hoasting. I am sure you will do great!!!!!
We had the lox last night for dinner with lovely garlic bagels. There are couple of pieces left but we’re going to have them with scrambled eggs. So sorry. 😉
thanks for the compliments BTrs, I’ll let you know when all the snow has melted and it’s safe to visit then you can come and see the sunrises and sunsets for yourselves.
Time to go and see if I can get more peach pastel on the walls than on me. On second thought, it would be cool to launch myself into the wall and see what kind of pattern that leaves :o)
Carry on Frogs and a special thank you to our new hostess. She’s a real Sweetheart ;o)
Is it morning already?
They’re lined up at the door. Where are the keys? What’s the code for the alarm system?
Guess I’ll just break the glass.
Looks good in here, well except for that little pile of broken glass. I’ll just sweep that up, shall I? Then a cup of tea and a croissant in the corner.
Thanks! Any help is appreciated. I still haven’t figured out how to turn on all the lights.
Are you expecting a whole bunch of newbies to show up?
Because only newbies would even think of being kind? Please. I was trying to forget the GENERAL atmosphere and create a calm, relaxing environm–
the bagels are burning!
I’ll take two toasted wheat/raisin bagels, with plain white vanilla cream cheese, and a cup of organic Ethiopian dark roast, with a little splash of TiaMaria
And where’s my apron? (It’s too early in the morning for me not to be a “good” boy.)
Coming right up sir.
People seem to have left a lot of aprons in the kitchen. There’s a pink frilly one (that must be Andi’s). I don’t think she’d like you to use that one. There are a couple of plain ones too.
If Family Man would drop George off for work we could leave the kitchen to him.
hmmm 2nd thought though it might be snark, or (wishful thinking) you’re a lark, and just mellow in the morning, singing, tra la la dee dee la la….
anyone who has EVER been around me in the morning would know that I don’t sing like a lark, I growl like a bear.
That time we woke up together you were very sweet, maryb. 😉
I thought our pajama parties were a secret? Just while your hubby was away.
It was fun listening to Bobby Sherman records and doing each others hair.
LOL I have this vision of baby doll pajamas, pink curlers,and a bowl of homemade chex party mix. LOL
Good morning Maryb,
Elaborate menus are for Sundays anyway.
I don’t have time for more than coffee today because as I sat here yesterday looking at the four walls of my living room I got the inspiration to repaint it in something besides landlord white. We bought the house from him 2 yrs ago after renting for 8 yrs.
Any way I bit off more than I had an appetite for. I usually do. But so far the pastel peach looks nice so it inspires me to keep going. The main problem is finding a place for all the random junk I had to move that I found on every flat surface :o)
When you get tired of painting YOUR place could ya come and help me with mine?
Help yourself to extra coffee — that extra caffeine will make the job go quicker.
Mardi Gras - Soon!
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
this early in the morning…. I’m trying so hard to be “nice” for our neophyte host…
That reminds me of my first bachelor pad. It was decorated with such fine art as a Jack Daniels poster ;o)
Sure thing, but you have to move your random junk yourself. Assuming you do have random junk.
I picture your place being full of stacks of legal papers and books.
Moving all of the assorted junk is the worst part about painting. Well, besides taping and cutting in and removing outlet covers and putting tarps on everything and…
We are painting and switching around bedrooms this weekend, giving my youngest son his mostly absent older sister’s bigger room. How can this young woman say she lives elsewhere when her room is crammed full of so much crap?
Heck, it took me about 5 years after I got married before I got all my random junk out of my mom’s place…
Good morning folks — just waiting for the spouse to get out of the shower so I can take mine. Heading out for early breakfast, then we both have hair appointments this morning — I’m getting my hair highlighted again, so she’ll start on me, then while I’m under the dryer she’ll cut the spouse’s hair, then get me finished. I sort of married into her practice; she’s been working on the spouse’s family’s hair for years. Don’t know what we’ll all do when she retires — a good cosmetologist is harder to find than a good doctor, IMNSHO.
Will post some pictures later of the SNOW on the hills here in Silly Con Valley; it may get cold enough to have snow on the valley floor! Expecting highs today of freakin’ 38…yes, I am a weather wimp and proud of it!
me? random junk?
I have a lot of books but they are mostly in bookcases. Except the pile of must reads on the floor of my bedroom that keeps growing and not diminishing.
The legal stuff I leave mostly at the office unless I specifically need something with me at home. I can log in from home and access all documents and do on-line research if I’ve forgotten to assign it to some lowly associate or its just an emergency.
I would HATE to have legal crap around. I actually don’t find the law all that interesting. Usefull. But not interesting.
But it would take me a long time to move all my crap. That’s why I don’t paint. (that and I need some professional plaster work)
Plastering. That’s a job I can handle. How bout if we both get plastered? ;o)
Honey, if you’ll come work on my house I’ll do whatever you want 😉
Does this mean I can call you dear now?
Besides, you probably shouldn’t say things like that to a morning person ;o)
Aren’t all men morning people?
I don’t know about all men. I prefer not to limit myself by generalizations ;o)
You know……
mid-early morning
late mid early morning
post lunch pre afternoon noon
and so on……
My feeling is unless you are going to sleep with a bottle of Scope next to the bed, forget about mornings.
And by “you” I mean generally, not you specifically. :0)
Who said anything about kissing?
Or talking for that matter?
You’ve been talking to my ex husband, haven’t you? Somehow we conceived four kids without kissing or talking.
NO!!!! Trust me I can tell you horror stories of ones I have dated in my life that hated me cause I am a morning person. LOL
Unless Jim has been keeping a very big secret from me all these year — No.
I prefer sweetheart.
His Mardi Gras joke was that this year when people holler, “show us your boobs!” Chertoff and Brown walk out. I bet someone artistic with body paints in hand could have one hell of a good time in New Orleans right now. Should we send you?
That sounds like a fun project…the painting, not the finding a place for all the stuff.
I think my built-in bookcases are going to be installed in about 2 weeks. It’s going to be a major change in my living room. Which reminds me, I have to call the electrician today.
Funny you mention bookcases because I’ve been wanting to build my own builtins for a long time now. For three years before he passed away, my Father had been promising me bookcases for my birthday. I never got them. Now I’d trade ten more bookcaseless birthdays for another look at him :o(
That puts things in perspective.
landlord white
lol, I’d never heard of that color before but I sure have seen a lot of it. We inadvertently wound up painting our kitchen that color last summer while we were shooting for a nice muted pastel peachy color. Oh well, we’re moving in 2 months anyway. 🙂 Good luck with your task, supersoling, and congrats on the house acquisition.
Well, owning the house brings it’s own new set of problems. It is nice not to have a landlord though. I hate them by definition and always seemed to find a reason to open my mouth at them. Not condusive to long term habitation ;o)
Yay! Hurrah! Hip, hip, hooray. Huzzah!
And thanks to your evil twin for getting you to do this.
Sometimes I hate that evil twin. I just want to be a slacker. But she shows up at meetings and volunteers me for everything. <sigh>
But I’m prettier than her. I think she’s jealous.
Summer morning in the woods.
that was is absolutely ethereal, send it this way!!!
Have you shown us that before? I don’t remember it — and I REALLY like it.
I posted it when I took it last summer but that was B.M.A.
stunning picture!!!
the summer pictures, here’s mine:
Ooooooo.. I miss the greens so much in the middle of winter. Thanks for the memories! It’s 2° above zero here in the frosty mitten and not much green showing anywhere other than the blue spruce in the back yard.
Does that view belong to you or were you just visting it when you snapped this? It’s lovely either way.
Really lovely. Is this near you?
It’s just a couple miles down the road from me, and it’s actually the view looking down from the barn at the cooperative farm we belong to.
again. Everything about naked is on my mind for no general reason at all. I looked at your picture and thought that rolling in the grass naked would be called for. I think Super should go paint naked bodies for Mardi Gras. Then there was the Andy Garcia dream that I hope my husband still doesn’t find out about, grounds for divorce doing stuff like that.
Not if you put those dreams to good use IRL.
In honor of our gracious hostess, this is Upper Lake Mary in the summertime:
I love the complicated sky and the way it feels as if the clouds are moving.
Those clouds were moving very quickly, actually. They do that out here. Something about the atmosphere, I think. I don’t know if it’s because it’s so arid or because we’re a mile high or what, but I’ve never seen clouds race across the sky like they do out here unless a major storm was brewing. Here it’s just normal summer sky, though.
Lake Mary. WOW. Wonder who the Mary was that it’s named after.
That would be Mary Riordan. She was born in 1890, lived in the local tourist attraction now known as Riordan Mansion. Her family owned the Arizona Lumber and Timber Company. 🙂 (I did not know this until you wondered aloud about it. Ah, the magic of Google.)
Really nice picture.
Have you been to the Riordan mansion or are you one of those people who don’t go to places in their home town? The furniture in it is so wonderful, especially the oval dining room table and the swing in front of the firepalce.
I’ve driven by it countless times but even though I love antique furniture, I’ve never been inside. This is not because I’m one of “those people”. 🙂
The first few years I lived here in Flagstaff, I was completely absorbed with a new relationship, starting college, a death in the family, etc., so I wasn’t doing anything touristy for lack of free time. It never occurred to me that this would be the last time in my life that I’d be healthy enough to do whatever I wanted to do.
Then I got sick, and suddenly had nothing but free time, but was too sick to do pretty much anything for about 5 years. Now that I’m finally on meds which help a little bit, I can do some stuff again, but it’s all still very limited and sketchy. Riordan Mansion isn’t high up on my list of stuff to do before we leave this place, though, so I may well leave without ever seeing the inside of it.
I think you should go and touch all the furniture that says “do not touch”
The tour doesn’t take too long and the best furniture is on the first floor so if you find yourself with a little time and some energy before you leave, it really is worth a visit. But Jim points out that if you have to choose between the house and the Grand Canyon before you go, do the Grand Canyon.
Speaking of cool houses and furniture, this place is till on my local to-do list. I have a feeling you’d like it, Andi.
I think you are right. I really like old houses. I lived for several years in a town along the Ohio River that had several streets’ worth of river houses, many of which were around 200 years old and I never got tired of just looking at them.
Unfortunately I always have to make choices like that. For me, walking consumes a terrible amount of energy that I no longer have. Things like grocery shopping and doctors are mandatory, and that screws me over because just doing those necessary tasks wipes me out and all I can do is rest up before going back to the dentist or whatever. It is a black hole of suckage. I am forever grateful that my own mind is reasonably entertaining. 🙂
Thanks, Tracy. I am also forever grateful for the internet, and especially certain little corners and pond-like locales around the internet. 🙂
I’ve noticed you posting more often lately — does that mean that everything has gone well with your treatment (I hope)?
I hadn’t even thought about it until you just pointed it out. I think I have even stayed up late a couple of nights this week and that was impossible to do not long ago, and I got up early today and it is Sunday and wasn’t necessary. I didn’t even notice because it was gradual feeling better a little bit everyday.
It may be hard on ya rolling around naked there.
Those rocks are actually part of the lake bed that’s only showing because we’ve been in a decade long drought out here. Whenever we get some summer rain, there’s lots of nice meadows around Lake Mary that would be most excellent for naked rolling. 🙂
Well Bill Maher didn’t completely cure it yet, but boy am I pissed that he took a 3 month break now. What is he thinking? His show is like the only time I see the issues up on the screen and people with an I.Q. talk about them! I will have no more breaks Bill until after the elections! If I didn’t laugh I would cry and I need help laughing now Bill so no breaks for you until further notice from Militarytracy!
That’s the only reason I wish we got HBO. Morning, Tracy!
has been the only reason to continue keeping HBO right now. He talked about how much has happened in the last three months…….he ought to have to live around here for awhile and all the FUBAR. He just abandoned us the asshole, and there wasn’t a laugh in the air for weeks and weeks. You just can’t do that to the troops, they have no moral left!
Good morning to all.
Nice cafe.
I’ve figured out how to get Norwegian netradio. Following the Olympic Games since early this morning. Continuous coverage, no commercials – no worry, I’ll be quiet regarding the medals so far today.
And I must add:
Happy birthday to swimmer!
My daughter turns 16 today.
Happy Birthday to Swimmer and good morning to the proud Dad. You have to be a lucky man to have such an intelligent and articulate, friendly child.
I feel very fortunate. She is growing into an independent, bright young woman. It’s almost as if my job is already done.
I think our feelings in this regard must be very similar – I’ve seen the post about your daughter’s musical performance and others about your kids.
I don’t know any 16 year olds that can write like that. You must be very proud of her.
where is the coffee???? What happened to the lox???? LOL Good morning all and good luck to maryb2004 on her first hoasting. I am sure you will do great!!!!!
We had the lox last night for dinner with lovely garlic bagels. There are couple of pieces left but we’re going to have them with scrambled eggs. So sorry. 😉
LOL That is okay I will get the gorgonzola(sp) and have an onion bagel.
There was SUPPOSED to be Lox but the delivery guy didn’t show up. Well actually he showed up — he’s still in the basement though.
so I take he is cute then. Find out if he had a gay brother. LOL
Better yet, a gay evil twin. Or would that be an evil gay twin? Either way, a twin. He IS cute.
So that’s what a sunrise looks like …
Be still my heart. Big sky.
and giving to you and ND. Gorgeous photo.
thanks for the compliments BTrs, I’ll let you know when all the snow has melted and it’s safe to visit then you can come and see the sunrises and sunsets for yourselves.
Time to go and see if I can get more peach pastel on the walls than on me. On second thought, it would be cool to launch myself into the wall and see what kind of pattern that leaves :o)
Carry on Frogs and a special thank you to our new hostess. She’s a real Sweetheart ;o)
Have fun painting!!! I love painting when I move into a new place.
I have some errands to run and will check back with you folks later today.
It’s a mess in here. I wonder what happened to George? So bring your coffee over, I’ve opened a new cafe