I’d like to do a little project here. I don’t know how many members here are supporters of Russ Feingold for the Presidency of the United States, but my guess is that he has more support than any other likely candidates. He certainly has my support. I’d like everyone to read this Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel piece. Here’s the intro:
When Gallup polled Democratic voters this month on the party’s 2008 hopefuls, it didn’t even offer Russ Feingold as a choice.
But in one corner of the Democratic universe – the readers of liberal Web logs – the Wisconsin senator has emerged as a political favorite.
In an online poll last month on the nation’s most widely read liberal blog (DailyKos.com), Feingold led the Democratic presidential field, picked by 30% of the 11,000-plus people who visited the Web site and voted.
“He definitely is the most popular Democrat among the ‘netroots,’ ” said liberal blogger Chris Bowers, referring to activists in the party who engage in online politics.
And here is another snippet:
“They’re pulling Democrats to the left,” said Patrick Ruffini, a onetime conservative blogger who now heads up Internet campaign efforts for the Republican National Committee.
GOP spokeswoman Anne Marie Hauser said:
“It’s not surprising that Russ Feingold is a popular figure in a far-left subsection of the online community. But after Howard Dean’s blogosphere popularity turned into catastrophic collapse, the question remains whether Democrats can translate blogger support into broad appeal to win elections.”
Darr, of George Washington University, said that if “you think of these blogs as little online tribes of like-minded people . . . they can feed off each other. So I think the blog activity is going to drive each party more toward its ideological extreme.”
It might be true that the left-wing blogosphere is ideologically extreme. I don’t like the adjective ‘extreme’ but we are extremely well informed. So, let’s explain why we support Russ Feingold. We may not all think he is the best choice to be the Democratic nominee, but I bet virtually all of us admire his efforts.
What is it about Russ that we see and admire and why would we like to pull the party towards Russ’s way of thinking.
Put your thoughts in the comments section and then we’ll send it along to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel and see if they’ll report on it.
enough about him to make a firm decision, but what I’ve heard I like.
How about the fact that he can apparently cross the aisle (McCain-Feingold) without selling out his soul?
While I think Russ is a pretty good pol and he would probably try to push a more center-left program I don’t think he can succeed. Why? Well with out a strong center-left to left superstructure (which we most definitely don’t have now) to inform and support him what would he be able to do? I guess with some luck he could pull it off to some degree. But, if he didn’t it would ruin any chance of a somewhat lefty movement in this nation for some time.
Hear that Mr and Ms. Clinton!
Yeah. Let’s go for “electable.” Not. : )
From what I have read so far, a Russ Feingold candidacy would be a breath of fresh air after all of the DINO’s that we have had to put up with. Especially w/his stance re: health care. That is enough right there for the rest of the country. And, what is the big deal about whether or not a canididate is favored by the blogosphere anyway? As demonstrated in the past, we are the real media–how much stuff hits the blogs before MSM picks it up? So, instead of buying into the “left-wing-blogger-is- out-of-touch” mentality, I see the blogosphere as made up of the leaders who really know what’s going on!
Since when is a reasonable, thoughtful, and articulate man unappealing to American voters. We’re more likely to support one who doesn’t vaccillate according to the prevailing winds, one who doesn’t take positions based on politics.
What Russ wants is what we all want – to know when we’ll be out of Iraq, and an ethical reform of the way our government operates.
I’m still not taking a firm position in the primary, although I am leaning Warner. But I adore Feingold for fighting against the civil liberties abuses in the Patriot Act.
I am liking the Senator more for his ability to see through the hubris of all that the gop tries to push on us as a society. I think he is legit in his sincerity. I do not care that he has been divorced. So have I but I am a good person. Just how many gop’ers are divorced. His personal life is none of my concern. I like it that he is willing to go against the grain of politics and call an ace an ace, which is rare in a politician, it seems. I think he is fair and honest, if that can be said of any politician. He is thoughtful and considerate and wants to see the whole of things before voting for it. He was the lone senator who voted against the patriot act in the beginning. He was right too. I htink he gives things considerable thought before he does anyting. I suppose I could go on with more things, but this is enough for a start.
I didn’t even know that he was divorced. And, if the repubs (or DINO’s) try to make that an issue, here are a few facts:
So, what’s the big deal? Don’t people have more important things to worry about? God!
Well, yes, God may enter the equation, since Feingold is Jewish too.
LOL! That is one thing that I have never completey understood, the prejudice against people who are Jewish. But, now I am wondering if a Feingold candidacy could blow up in the faces of the wingnuts. That would be sweet!
..again, can’t you just hear it now,,,,coming from the far right…It is just so nauseating….anyhow, I look at the man not at his religion or his race or ethnic or his love life. I do think he has sincere ideas for us all as far as health care and the poor and the right way to run a government. I think he will think things through very clearly before he makes a judgment call on anything. I do not think he will allow just anyone group of ppl or corps. or church or the like to sway him on making decisions.
Oh, but can you not hear it now…the Christians of the right wing and the swiftboating of him for this very reason! I know it is sicking; however, we have to see the shit before it comes or else we will be hit by it from the fan…
Yeah I know…that is why I mentioned ray-gun. And, as someone wrote, there are alot of other repubs who are divorced. IMO, it’t time to play hardball, as opposed to just accepting the crap that they dish out w/no response. In other words, call them on their hypocrisy!
Whew. We are going to be very busy people, aren’t we?
Yeah we are. And if they try that “I’m saved” nonsense again, point to the awful shape that the rest of this country is in due to gwb’s version of christianity. That would further demonstrate the bullshit and appeal to those who are turned off by the wingnuts. A different direction, maybe?
He appeals to me because I think he is principled and is not afraid to do what he thinks is right. He is not afraid to make unpopular decisions (see his vote against the USA PATRIOT Act, and the John Roberts confirmation as examples).
In addition, while I don’t think any politician is uncorruptable, he is obviously lacking in the most easily exploitable character flaw, which is greed. It puts a smile on my face to think of him voting against every single one of his pay raises, and when they pass anyway, him marching that cash right back down to the treasury.
Also, I like that he is so accessible to his constituents. He has truly not forgotten who he works for. He still holds listening sessions in every single county in Wisconsin at least once a year.
I do not think that the liberal blogosphere supports Russ because he necessarily shares our ‘radical’ views all the time. I think that you see this kind of support from us and not from the general populace because of one very simple reason : people who read political blogs pay attention to politics. When more people are exposed to Russ, I am sure they will have favorable impressions of him.
Well, except for the bigots. But we don’t want them anyway.
I’m a longtime admirer of Feingold after I heard some years back that he didn’t accept PAC money. donated to his last campaign though I’m not a Wisconsin resident. I don’t care if he runs for pres – he’s doing such a great job bringing up the important issues in the senate. he thinks clearly and isn’t afraid to state the issues clearly. As a national candidate he’s way ahead of the others because he votes his conscience – i think that’s what voters are looking for.
re: netroots. I appreciate his taking the time to post statements of principle on blogs.
If we don’t lose our democracy forever, it’ll be largely due to the blogosphere teamed with “our Russ”!
because he has been willing to take unpopular positions (not all of which I have liked) for the sake of principle.
It is sad, but true, that the gross and negligent failure of our government to address adequately the post 9/11 situation has been bi-partisan in nature.
Feingold stands out as the ONLY Senator who voted against the two most egregious failures of that government policy — the Patriot Act and the Iraq War Resolution.
If this country is ever going to have the chance to right itself from the downward spiral created by the Bush administration, then we need new leadership that is untainted by the flawed decisions of the past.
Feingold certainly can fill that bill.
I support Russ:
I’m pleased with his work and I’ve already voted for him once. I like his positions, but I like his integrity even more. Finally, he reminds me of Wellstone. I’m a transplant from Minnesota, so I’ve had the chance to be represented by two of the finest progressive politicians of the last twenty years, men with the courage of their convictions. And as huge bonus, they’re covictions that I happen to agree with.
Can you say integrity, honor, truth and compassion? Russ has all these fine qualities and so much more to offer. The sad thing is he will never get past the primaries even if he decides to run. It is truly the sad state of politics these days. Look what “the party” did to Hackett for cripes sake. I would vote for Russ in a heartbeat but are 100,000 bloggers going to make the difference when it comes to the campaign and finances. I hate to admit this but I know in my heart it is true.
Conservative Insight Magazine cited via Huffpo
“Cheney seen retiring after midterm elections.”
I ‘m speechless.
Oh heart be still! That would be sweet but sweeter yet will be seeing him indicted before he “retires”. Come on Fitz. We know you can do it!
I like Russ Feingold because he is liberal and not afraid to speak the truth. He hasn’t let the right-wing in America chase him away from his progressive values and ideas.
I like him because he was the only member of the U.S. Senate to stand up and vote against the USA Patriot Act, when it was rushed through the Senate in a period of patriotic hysteria following 9/11. Feingold stands for the true patriotism of fighting for the U.S. Constitution, not the Orwellian patriotism that has been stuffed down the throats of this country by the Bush administration and a Republican Congress.
I like him because in a world gone mad, he is standing up and fighting for people like me. A card-carrying ACLU member. A dissenter to an indefensible war. A person who does not believe we can bomb and shoot our way out of the propagandized version of the “War on Terror” that the Bush administration has sold to the American people.
comment about Dean’s popularity with bloggers is true. I think a great number of people believed that Dean was not “electable”. I have no clue who started that rumor – probably his opposition in the primaries. It has served us ill, that thought and I hope we do not succumb again to that kind of thinking. But I believe that those who supported Dean then still support him now. Maybe not as vocally having been slapped over the head so many times!
I agree with what several other people have said.
I like Feingold primarily because we share many of the same values in terms of the issues.
But more than that – he is willing to stand for what he believes – no matter the consequences. Sometimes I’ve agreed with him, and sometimes not so much. But he is a man of integrity – and that’s what we need.
You are all dreaming.
The fix is already in.
Clinton vs. McCain in ’08 as long as no viable 3rd party appears.
Wake up.
I agree with so much of what’s already been said. He takes a stand on issues that we’ve seen far too many politicans fold on, like the Patriot Act. He remembers that the United States has a Constitution, and thinks we ought to follow it. And his positions on personal freedoms are a positive too.