The Impeachment of George W. Bush is in process! Thanks to Rep. John Conyers.
This presentation on CSPAN (Sorry I don’t know when it will be re-aired) was so UPLIFTING!
The speakers on this panel/forum were:
Lewis H. Lapham, editor of Harper’s Magazine
Rep. John J. Conyers (D., Mich.), ranking member, U.S. House Judiciary Committee
Michael Ratner, president, Center for Constitutional Rights
Elizabeth Holtzman, member of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee during Watergate
John Dean, White House Counsel to President Nixon and author of Worse Than Watergate
Moderated by Sam Seder, host of “The Majority Report” on Air America Radio
I was so inspired with FAITH that America may be saved sooner rather than later with a lot depending on the 2006 elections. We must take back Congress in order for the Impeachment process to go forward sooner. It was suggested that John Conyers become the Chair of the Judiciary Committee if the Dems win back the majority.
The later part is that Bush can be impeached even when he is out of office and those plans are in affect also. All bases are being covered.
Much of this discussion was about the Media’s complacent role over the past years. It was suggested that WE THE PEOPLE needed to continue our letter writing to Newspapers, congressmen and women and let the media know how disgusted we are with their NEWS reporting.
It was also suggested that We The People need to be more demonstrative in public.
This is a call to ACTION folks. Lets not let America down.
At the very least, please send an email to Rep. John Conyers and let him know you support his efforts.
I hope you all get a chance to watch this again. I tried to find a schedule on cspan but their website is hard to follow.
I have more hope today than I have felt in years!!
I found the video on cspan and just watching it now. I wouldn’t have known to look without your diary.
Hope is a welcome commodity!
THANK YOU! for finding the video link! I swear I couldn’t find it on Cspan to save my soul. I posted it on dkos in my diary there also.
Roseeriter – I thought you might like to know that someone proposed a resolution tonight at my precinct caucus for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney. It passed – 39 to 1. And these are my neighbors!!
Thanks for posting this Rose.
One suggestion: You might want to put the word IMPEACHMENT in the title (Impeachment: Hope is Alive!)–I almost ignored the diary b/c I’m just not in the mood for any more desperately contrived optimism about the ‘state of the nation’ or thumb-twiddling attempts at salvaging the lameass-lying-in-the-lap-of-luxury-Dems–from the title as it stands, I thought “oh god no.”
Am glad I overcame my cynicism to open the diary and read it.
Also suggest putting the C-SPAN link provided by cotterperson into the diary.
It’s interesting to watch–nice strategy, basically, first defining WHAT “high crimes and misdemeanors” are (i.e. not necessarily criminal violation)
The other term they’re throwing around might be an “eye catcher” in diary title, too, rose (i.e. as alternative to “impeachment”)
or James Madison’s “Maladministration”
Nice quote by Lewis Lapham: It’s not just that he’s a bad president, he’s a dangerous president.
We must act now! The congress has to find its voice and understand that these abuses of power are not just a part of this moment….[they could become part of how the government of US works]we can’t allow that to happen on our watch.
(John Conyers)
John Dean: I wonder if ignorance is a defence. I don’t think GWB is stupid, I do think he’s ignorant!
It’s interesting that Air America which is not really ….last I heard united in pulling out the troops without all kinds of qualifications and Move On which is not focused on developing protests against the war are hosting a show that has no opinions from people that are farther to the left.
At this point, it’s looking to me like WITHDRAWING this administration from office is the far more pressing issue than withdrawing troops from Iraq.
Here some links I’m putting together as I watch
Elizabeth Holtzman, in The Nation The Impeachment of George W. Bush
Michael Ratner, with action alert! Center for Constitutional Rights
Articles of Impeachment against George W. Bush
Support John Conyers’ HR 635 by signing the petition.
John Conyers’ Report, “The Constitution in Crisis: The Downing Street Minutes and Deception, Manipulation, Torture, Retribution, and Coverups in the Iraq War” can be downloaded here
Could someone do another diary with all these links and post it at dkos etc., I’ve used my one diary up and I really think more people need to hear this video.
The diaries disappear so fast over there LOL!
I doubt that me posting a diary over there would exactly “be a hit”. š
can’t you just go in and UPDATE your diary with these links?
Do an Action for Impeachment diary- Just copy and paste my diary if you want and add the video links and the other 4 SUPER links you posted in here. It’ll take 2 minutes LOL!
Dear, you don’t understand: I cannot say “boo” over there without being subjected to an allout blog-flog. Thanks but no thanks!
I do think it would be a good idea b/c you can sit here as I’m doing and watch the C-SPAN video while writing letters and signing petitions at the same time.
Why don’t you just update your diary with the links (maybe, as you suggest, change the title to ACTION ITEMS or something).
At any rate, my name is mud at the Big O (actually, worse than mud, more like motherfuckingassholefreeperplantfrauddrunkenindianracisthatemongerbitch! lol.) , so there’s no point in me posting there
and, as to here….well….your diary is already there….so just update it with the links provided by cotterperson and me.
I see it’s already made it to the rec list. Good.
ooops, I didn’t see that it already disappeared over there.
Someone else should post this stuff over there, someone with “Mr or Miss Congeniality” points over there. lol.
LOL! I’ve taken my licks over there also, but I keep on putting my shit up LOL!
Well maybe I’ll repost it tomorrow in a better fashion. Thanks for the links! Or maybe another commentor here will do it??? Please for the good of America??
The other link that should be included here is to Harpers.org
The “flamboyant” cover is up on the site now and could theoretically be included as a visual.
Where’s Suskind when you need him?
It would be a good idea to get this thing up on the Big O where, despite all the bs, we know we could count on people to ‘take action’ (however symbolic this may be at this point). It would at least give Harpers, C-Span, CCR, Conyers and others validation and support–especially if they see a spike in activity while the C-Span video is out there.
So c’mon someone, step up to the plate, cannibalize this work, post it at the Frat club (kind regards from their all their favorite racist bitches, freeper frauds and other “undesirables” ! lol).
I’m taking one for the team. We’ll see what happens.
I e-mailed you. Keep Hope Alive !
Thank you for posting this and to everyone who added great links. Just finished watching the 2 hour show and now would like one of you technically competent geniuses to tell me how I can create a disk for DVD format and download.
What I’d like to do is make copies and pass out a few.
Hi Maureen, what a great idea! But its out of my realm unless maybe you save the video from the file thing on top of the video box and then maybe you could save it on a CD and then I think you need a dvd writer to copy it onto a dvd. But I’m just guessing.
It is a good forum and I have saved it to look at it again when I need some hope LOL!
Whew… it’s been awhile since I could let out a political hope “whoot” š
I really did enjoy the panel and wished they had yet another hour to listen to. It all made sense to what they were saying too. I found it very informative and led me to think in different ways about the methods to be used. Lets get busy and let them know what we want so they can get on it asap!..as well as change the house in 06!