That’s right, I’ve been napping. Or I just bought the whole season of so I could watch/listen to all of the Indians games and I’ve been trying to watch an inning and then listen to the local radio broadcasters call the game. I wish I could watch the video, but listen to the local guys, but alas I cannot.
Yes, and unfortunately I ended up spending way more than I intended. I only wanted to listen to the Cleveland broadcasts, but I signed up for the TV broadcast instead, thinking you could do both, but you can’t. So then I had to find the audio portion and pay for that separately. Yikes.
People down here don’t really watch baseball because they don’t have a team. So unless the Indians are on ESPN (rarely) or playing the White Sox (WGN) I never get to see them.
Are yo kidding I’m normal for my family. Of my brothers the runt is 6’0″. I’ve got a nephew now that 13 Y.O. and he already 6″4″ and wears a 16 shoe. When he was born the doctors predicted 6’11”, but said they were probably underestimating.
My oldest nephew is 7’0″ and I’ve forgotten what size shoe he wears now.
Down here it is ACC college basketball. They are craaaaaaazy for it. There’s a big rivalry between the 3 teams that are within 20 miles of each other NC State, UNC and Duke. It’s wicked. You have to sign your alligience in blood to one of those teams.
We moved back home here when I was in the 10th grade. After the first football game I went to with our town rivals, another town 9 miles away, one of my cousins told me we were all going to the roadside park in between both towns.
It ended up all the high school guys from both towns met at the park and all of a sudden I was in the middle of the biggest brawl I’d ever seen.
I was lucky and only got a bloody nose.
I didn’t know when we moved back here that was like an annual thing.
I wasn’t going to do baskets this year since my remaining kids are 21, 18 and 16, but they told me they’d be crushed without bubbles and Silly Putty and garishly colored marshmallow peeps.
Yea but now I’ve got a drunken dog. You ever heard a drunken dog ask where the bathroom after too much beer. Nope, they just go, and I still haven’t found a little doggie ice bag for his head for his hangovers.
I thought that those cheers were for the Red Wings, seeing as I believe that they have already clinched the President’s Trophy and home ice for all of the play-offs.
I think I’ve seen it before, but it’s not one that’s known to be. I’ll have to do some research on it. Unless we find a smartalec, say like IVG who knows what it is.
Clean cafe and ready for business. All drinks free.
Happy vacation to me!!!! I’ll buy the first round…of free drinks.
Hi ya doing Toni? You’re on vacation, congrats.
Have any drink our heart desires.
Bailey’s on ice, as always. Thank you much. Will George be getting that?
I’d better bring it. George has been sipping the guest drinks before he gets to the table.
yay…vacation! Are you making Andrew an Easter basket?
Seen any good naked bodies lately?
Not for a few years. But there’s always hope.
I’ve been wondering where you were at?
You’re beginning to take more naps than me.
That’s right, I’ve been napping. Or I just bought the whole season of so I could watch/listen to all of the Indians games and I’ve been trying to watch an inning and then listen to the local radio broadcasters call the game. I wish I could watch the video, but listen to the local guys, but alas I cannot.
What is a ‘a season’ of — a way to watch games online?
Yes, and unfortunately I ended up spending way more than I intended. I only wanted to listen to the Cleveland broadcasts, but I signed up for the TV broadcast instead, thinking you could do both, but you can’t. So then I had to find the audio portion and pay for that separately. Yikes.
There’s some money that not having broadband saves me. Although since wgn is on the directv I don’t need to pay for the cubbies anyway.
People down here don’t really watch baseball because they don’t have a team. So unless the Indians are on ESPN (rarely) or playing the White Sox (WGN) I never get to see them.
I know you people from the big cities are big baseball/basketball/football/hockey fan, but I’ve just never gotten into it.
I used to watch pro basketball in the 60’s and now I watch Alabama football, but that’s about it.
I still contend that the 2000 Orange Bowl between Michigan and Alabama is one of the greatest college football games of all time.
Hey ej what going on?
Actually I don’t remember that one. I didn’t start getting back into to Alabama football until I moved back home.
The entire family are AL fans. Makes sense, since it’s only an hour away from here and a lot of my relatives have gone there.
You mean “Bama” right?
Of course.
Oh man you missed a great one. I think the final was 35-34 Michigan, in OT. That was back when Shaun Alexander was at Alabama, he was ridiculous.
Football never was my sport. We’re all very tall in my family and in a very small high school when you 6’4″ your automatically on the basketball team.
Whoa, how’s the weather up there? 6’4″!
Are yo kidding I’m normal for my family. Of my brothers the runt is 6’0″. I’ve got a nephew now that 13 Y.O. and he already 6″4″ and wears a 16 shoe. When he was born the doctors predicted 6’11”, but said they were probably underestimating.
My oldest nephew is 7’0″ and I’ve forgotten what size shoe he wears now.
It’s gotta be the grits.
My husband’s nieces are both over 6 feet tall, one of them is only 13. But not in a good way…kind of…homely, poor things.
What are you wowing about, the height?
I’ve always said I was normal height and everybody else was just short.
Well, except for your nephew. 🙂
Down here it is ACC college basketball. They are craaaaaaazy for it. There’s a big rivalry between the 3 teams that are within 20 miles of each other NC State, UNC and Duke. It’s wicked. You have to sign your alligience in blood to one of those teams.
We moved back home here when I was in the 10th grade. After the first football game I went to with our town rivals, another town 9 miles away, one of my cousins told me we were all going to the roadside park in between both towns.
It ended up all the high school guys from both towns met at the park and all of a sudden I was in the middle of the biggest brawl I’d ever seen.
I was lucky and only got a bloody nose.
I didn’t know when we moved back here that was like an annual thing.
Oh yea those wonderful high school days.
Sometimes in those little towns high school sports is all there really is to get worked up over.
I think that the same way in some states. I mean Alabama doesn’t really have any pro teams and it all college football.
Other states I’m sure are the same way.
He hasn’t had any candy, yet. I’m going to see if we can hold out for a little longer. How are you doing SN.
I wasn’t going to do baskets this year since my remaining kids are 21, 18 and 16, but they told me they’d be crushed without bubbles and Silly Putty and garishly colored marshmallow peeps.
Do you the the flour thing with your fingers to make bunny tracks to the baskets?
They caught onto that trick last year. I still shake the jingle bells in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve and pound on the roof, however.
I’m just thankful I never had to put on an big bunny costume for Easter. I put my foot down on that one.
What is life without bubbles. I think we’ll pull some out this weekend.
But forget the free drinks — you know what we really want.
When we go on vacation this summer, you’ll need AA. I’ll work on a photo here in a second.
Andrew Anonymous!
I didn’t think he could get cuter, but he is.
He’s moved beyond looking like a baby. He really looks like a little boy. It just doesn’t seem real that it has been 7 months.
With being on vacation, I will finally have time to write that China diary.
He’s looking like a little man in this one, missing the baby-ness.
It is so much fun getting to see him ‘grow up’ — he has such a lively and expressive face.
He has tons of personality and energy. I love showing him off. The ladies at work can’t get enough of him.
That’s the best possible news — your vacation and free drinks! 😉
Hay FM only hosts happy cafes.
Even with George licking the empties on the tables.
Are you kidding. He laying on his back under a beer tap right now.
Poor George he was such a nice little doggie before the cafe.
Oh shush…he was a wimpy little girlie-dog before we toughened him up.
Yea but now I’ve got a drunken dog. You ever heard a drunken dog ask where the bathroom after too much beer. Nope, they just go, and I still haven’t found a little doggie ice bag for his head for his hangovers.
Hi Olivia! How is the capital city?
The Ottawa Senators just tied the hockey game w/ 2 seconds!!! left on the clock in the third. Did you hear the screams and cheers in Windsor 😉
I thought that those cheers were for the Red Wings, seeing as I believe that they have already clinched the President’s Trophy and home ice for all of the play-offs.
Okay how ’bout this, did you just here the cries of dismay as the Sens just lost in OT to Florida… :/
Ouch. I haven’t really been following hockey too closely this year (hmm…I think I have been really busy).
The Sens are making the play-offs, right?
Vying for first in the eastern conf right now. The real question is how will they perform in said p-offs. They’re not on a good roll right now.
p-offs. What an interesting term.
I don’t know how the Wings will hold up. I don’t have much confidence in the goalie – Osgood.
Looks like I’m beating FM and SN out the door tonight.
Everybody have a good evening.
Olivia, have a great weekend and Happy Easter.
Good night, Andi.
Night Andi.
Night Andi, I’m not too far behind.
Have a good night.
Happy Passover!
I’m signing off too. See everyone tomorrow.
Night SN.
How you holding up — I’m awaiting your bedtime announcement any time now.
(check your email)
I’m tired. I’ve been up since 3:30 am and most of it’s ben at the computer all day. I’ll go check right now.
I went and checked and thanks.
I think I’m going to stay up until we get around 90 comments and then open a 24/7 cafe.
Sent reply.
as I promised our waiter from tonight’s meal that he’d find a photo of the beer and food on BT, so hope he can find it in the next FBC.
You could call it the Thai Orchid Lounge… ha, after the restaurtant Thai Orchid…,
no pressure FM, but he might get a kick out that.
Night SN.
I wonder where the normal late nighters are tonight?
I’m in and out. I’m multitasking.
One of those multitaskers huh. Wish I could do that.
can’t chew gum and walk at the same time.
Multitasking in my mind is an activity best observed from a distance… so one can avoid physical and mental harm.
I try to multitask, but I end up getting next to nothing done.
I am bailing now , too. I am going to get a start on sleeping in for the next week.
Night Toni.
What’s left of the seed pod part of maryb’s green weed from last fall
That’s cool NDD. What is it?
I think I’ve seen it before, but it’s not one that’s known to be. I’ll have to do some research on it. Unless we find a smartalec, say like IVG who knows what it is.
I think you picked the right person for ID’ing.
I think I missed that conversation.
I like the colours in your photo — looks like gold. And I bet IVG would know too.
as it seemed maryb had some sort of sensory overload on all the color in the flower picks.
I do remember that. 🙂
She’s a late nighter too. I expected her here tonight.
Well I think I’ve gone as far as I can tonight. I’m going to open a 24/7 and leave to all of you.
Bull Thistle?
New Café Here