Peter Daou contrasts the coverge in the blogosphere with its counterpart in the “traditional media”-

The White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner was televised on C-Span Saturday evening. Featured entertainer Stephen Colbert delivered a biting rebuke of George W. Bush and the lily-livered press corps. He did it to Bush’s face, unflinching and unbowed by the audience’s muted, humorless response. Democratic Underground members commented in real time (here, here, and here). TMV posted a wrap-up.

Mash at dKos says, “Standing at the podium only a few feet from President Bush, Colbert launched an all out assault on the policies of this Administration. It was remarkable, though painful at times, to watch. It may also have been the first time that anyone has been this blunt with this President. By the end of Colbert’s routine, Bush was visibly uncomfortable. Colbert ended with a video featuring Helen Thomas repeatedly asking why we invaded Iraq. That is a question President Bush has yet to answer to the American public. I am not sure what kind of review Stephen Colbert’s performance will get in the press. One thing is however certain – his performance was important and will reverberate.

The AP’s first stab at it and pieces from Reuters and the Chicago Tribune tell us everything we need to know: Colbert’s performance is sidestepped and marginalized while Bush is treated as light-hearted, humble, and funny. Expect nothing less from the cowardly American media. The story could just as well have been Bush and Laura’s discomfort and the crowd’s semi-hostile reaction to Colbert’s razor-sharp barbs. In fact, I would guess that from the perspective of newsworthiness and public interest, Bush-the-playful-president is far less compelling than a comedy sketch gone awry, a pissed-off prez, and a shell-shocked audience.

This is the power of the media to choose the news, to decide when and how to shield Bush from negative publicity. Sins of omission can be just as bad as sins of commission.

Howie questions: Can we ever hope to put some limits on this administration if the media isn’t doing its job? Or, if we can see video of the Naked Emporer, is that enough? Courtesy of Seattle’s Stranger, here’s “the video everybody—everybody who doesn’t watch C-SPAN on Saturday evenings, anyway—is dying to see.”

A tribute site, ThankYouStephenColbert, has videos, links and a place to say “thank you.” You will observe a lot of nervous laughter as well as blank stares from the First Family. However, if you read Monday’s story in the New York Times about the event, you will observe that Colbert has been completely airbrushed out of their account.