In response to an article Wednesday in which Vice President Dick Cheney’s lesbian daughter is quoted as calling Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) a “son of a bitch” for mentioning her sexuality in the presidential debates, Kerry’s office fired off this retort to RAW STORY.
Kerry spokesman David Wade said Mary Cheney had “flacked for the most anti-gay administration in history.”
I don’t like Cokie Roberts.
Tell us more. What did she do now? Something other than her normal patronizing inside-the-beltway group think commentary? Can you tell that I don’t like her either? Has she ever had an original thought enter her head?
Kerry is a bad, bad man ;o)
Who gives a #&!$ what Mary Cheney thinks? The fact that she allowed her Daddy and his puppet to use her for political gain, while simultaneously driving the gay marriage wedge on the other hand is Puuuuthetic.
Talk about an identity crisis.
publicly to Democrats? First Leahy, now Kerry. It’s getting obvious that expletives–for both father and daughter–are their middle names. Perhaps this is where they bond.
You never hear about either one of these guys cussing out Repubs in the same manner and publicly. I am all for Leftblogastan letting it out a lot of frustration and anger–I mean, who feels it, knows it. But these Cheneys are all anger, arrogance and hubris. I mean, even the Log Cabin Republicans have painfully seen the light. Doesn’t Mary realize that if caught between his ducats and power and his family, her own father would sell her out, too? But I guess when you’re a winger, you’re vaccinated from any germs that might kill you.
really want the country to revisit the debates? ‘cuz I for one would looooove to see them re-broadcasted. I attended the block party outside of ASU at #3 in Tempe, what an experience.
Interesting that she would target Kerry. I haven’t read the book (which was probably ghost written and for which she probably got millions of dollars irregardless of whether or not she has any writing ability or talent… talk about exploitation…). However, I wonder if she addresses her father’s homophobia and Karl Rove’s manipulation of homophobia for political gain? Is that an issue for her?
her name is Mary. She’s the privileged daughter of a highly privileged man. The Dems and their gay supporters aren’t the way to go…she’ll get her way in the world by simply being Mary Cheney.
Unfortunately, this is exactly the mindset of people like Roy Cohn, Cardinal Spellman and J. Edgar Hoover–all closeted gays, all railing against gay activism or rights, all indulging themselves privately but yet practically killing people daily and publicly.
Mary baby is just a pimped out stupid person who was willing to sell out the non- straight community for a lying sob that displayed his true concern for his daughter over and over. If any non straight person ever trusts that bitch they deserve whatever screwing the get1
When, in one of her interviews, she spoke out saying that given her choice of supporting the party that has attempted to totally marginalize the gay community stand with the party that has always remained faithful to the concept of equal rights for all, she chose to not only support the gopers. However, the greater disgrace of this lowlife bitch is the fact that she spewed forth that ad nauseum garbage that the gop was stronger than the dems whenever this country was threatened from outside.
She is a waste of time and she should be attacked every single time she opens her mouth. What a slut!
I am simply pleased to note that Kerry’s office responded promptly and appropriately. Always hit back at the shrills.
Funny thing is that the Repugs won’t be able to touch this story. The “value voters” would go beserk over the part about her mouthing to Edwards to go f#$% himself during the debate. Oh the mouth that girl learned from her father!!
value crew nuts. Try not to be too hard on Dick though about her mouth….sometimes you just can’t blame a swearing girl’s father for her swearing. I think we just like to swear, particularly when we are angry and frustrated. She does seem confused though and based on personal experience swearing at the people you really want to swear at deep down inside silences the Swear Monster.
Google Earth photografed a ballte in Iraq. This blog posted it. Also some really nasty comments. Talk about providing intel to the enemy
A ballte? You mean, battle?
You got it! quick fingers slow brain I’m imitatimg Bush 🙂
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
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Defeat Hillary — with Communism?
Hadn’t thought of that one.
What a lousy design!
Now that the odious Porter Goss is returning to Florida will he stand against the idiot looney Harris in the GOP primary so he can run against Bill Nelson in November?
“I would like to see Jeb run at some point in time, but I have no idea if that’s his intention or not,” the president said in an interview with Florida reporters. He said his brother would make “a great president” and that he had “pushed him fairly hard about what he intends to do.”
Jeb Bush, 53, will end his second term as governor in January. His brother George ends his second presidential term in January 2009. Neither can seek re-election because of term limits.
The governor got the buildup from his brother on the same day that he got some bad news out of Tallahassee.
Florida House Speaker Allan Bense said that despite personal appeals from the governor, he will not challenge Rep. Katherine Harris for the party’s nomination for U.S. Senate.
Jeb Bush has said he doesn’t think Harris, the former secretary of state famous for her role in the 2000 Florida recount that clinched George Bush’s presidential bid, can win the seat.
The Bush name could hurt as well as help in national politics right now. But because of that familiar name and family connections throughout the country, Jeb Bush has the luxury of being able to wait and decide if he wants to run while other candidates have to get to work early.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
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I believe the deadline for filing a candidacy for the GOP primary in Florida is tomorrow, so if Goss does want to challenge Harris, he’s got only about 24 hours to choose to do so.
I for one would not be the least bit surprised if he did.
I just read on CNN that the first picture of Anjelina Jolie’s na d Brad Pitt’s new baby is expected to fetch up to 3 million dollars.
Um…..(super slams his head repeatedly into his desk)
I wonder how much food could be purchased for that kind of money and sent out to feed children in Iraq who’s Father’s are dead because they had no choice but to join the Iraqi Police, or security forces and were killed for collusion?
Sometimes the depth of the shame I feel at being an American is beyond my ability to describe.