This particular event celebrates the workshop area opening up into another room which fronts on Broadway. The main drag through downtown Fargo.
Previously member of this group of 20-30 year olds just had access to the studio area. They’ve pooled their own resources, and done the insulating of the roof area, and remodeling of the gallery room themselves.
What I like is the wide variety of art, paintings, photos, metal scuplture, pottery. One guy makes a great living making custom sinks out of pottery… he’s got a website, I’ll see if I can find it.
Not too bad… just pissed I had to bring work home again this weekend… but I’m banning it tomorrow, and will only spend 2-3 hrs max on it Sunday. I have other things I need to be doing around here!
Another open windows, warmish night with a nice breeze … they’ll get up there eventually, I hope. 🙂
I’m gonna have to snag that one, if you don’t mind. It is freakin beautiful. And now that I see the birdie… I don’t feel so stupid anymore. And I thought ya was just funnin me there for a second Chester. hehe
Looks like a goldfinch to me, but it could just be the effects of the light. I’d think you’d know those lil guys… they’re the IA state bird. About the size of a large canary, and if you’ve got thistles, they love em. We let a thistle bloom in the front garden one year just for the goldfinches to eat… big mistake. Still diggin those damn things up! (the thistles, not the birds…)
If you’ve got them around out there, you’re very lucky. Lovely lil birdies and though a bit skittish, they’re very nice and can be really good singers. We’ve noticed lately that we have what they call “purple finches” in our yard now (though they actually are more red than purple) along with the cardinal couple in the spruce, so we consider ourselves very lucky. Well, and along with the many robins who like to hang out at our place and get worms tossed to them when we’re out digging.
that’s what I’m thinking. The gold finches don’t have those black striped on the belly.
We’ve got lots of gold finches. The males are easily identifiable, but even though the females and immatures have some stripes they’re not as black, and less definite.
And their call is so beautiful as well … We have them at the cottage and there’s nothing like waking to the sound of loon calls floating across the lake.
We go canoeing early in the morning w/ misty fog still laying on the water. And sometimes the loons will pop right up next to the canoe. They’re really beautiful, haunting birds.
I really don’t think it would work (I never perfected it, unlike my girlfriend who went into championships!), but I sure as hell wouldn’t want to find out! LOL.
Sask and MB on the Churchill River, heard a bunch of loons going at it in an area where it echoed… so the whole bunch of them were like singing with their echoes… very hard to explain, but very mesmerizing…
almost had to rap my male canoe partner over the head with paddle to get him to take time out for the “concert.” … well, wasn’t quite that bad… but still, some people are just all so focused on the physical muscle end they have a tendency to miss natures gifts.
Oh, my! You have just made me so very lonesome for the wilds. I have been spending way too much time in the city in recent months, years, etc.
You ever read Arctic Dreams, by Barry Lopez. WW and I talked about that one once, but don’t know if we did. You seem like one who would very much enjoy Lopez work.
it’s things like loon calls that keep my spirit alive. The calls brought back some very fond memories. And remeinded me that at least one of the two canoes I own ought to hit water this year.
Sometimes RL just gets a grip on one and won’t let loose.
And it’s actually part of the draw, having to carry everything w/ you: food, sleeping, clothes, transportation over water and land. You can select some routes w/ no portaging, some w/ few, and some w/ long (like miles long).
I looked it up in my Audobon field guide on eastern birds. The cape may looked familiar and then I went to google to get a link to show you. So there. 😛
I’d email them now, but the time stamp… some times people will ask if I’m OK? Ha! So most of the time now I try to remember to do the emailing in the other morning… the one that comes before noon.
Do you mean taking a pic of the bird from a distance? B/c my lenses are close up ones, so I have to be physically close to the subject. Maybe dada can elucidate more on this …?
He’s only started showing his photographs in the last few years. He’s published a book of the black and white photographs from this trip, but I don’t have a link to it.
Extremely talented artist. He’s a very private man, perhaps even more ascetic than I am. I’ve known him and his wife for over 30 yrs. and his work continues to awe me.
(no negative talk … you gotta give it a fair chance. 🙂
I am in awe of film photographers … I truly understand the debate now between film vs digital and what is “true photograhy.” I didn’t really appreciate that before. And I’m not sure why I do now, b/c I’ve never worked w/ film.
Heya dada-o … nice pic upthread… kind of like Ansel Adams on acid (my off the cuff reaction, hope that doesn’t offend). Things are kinda slow out my way too, not just earthlink, but the user at the keyboard as well.
And my old friend the headache is back again tonight. Even though I snoozed in the chair for a while, still kind of bugging me a bit. But we did get the yard mowed (yes, lots of grass left, hon) and Chris sprayed for mosquitoes, so it will be safe to go out at dusk now for at least a month.
when the eye correction is fine. Just kind of runs in the family I think. Believe it or not you kind of get used to them (and I bet FM would agree on that point). I hate it when Chris gets one because you’d think it was the end of the world! But that’s because he so rarely gets them, it is like the end of the world for him, lol.
LCD, flat screens (without the electromagnetic field emanating from them) has any bloggers with headaches, or are they all on the CRTs. (cathod ray tubes)
My eyeballs are about 30 inches back from my CRT screen.
My work screen is the other type, and I do have problems w/ it. Had to have an erg ass’t done b/c I was getting bad eye strain. Apparently there are diffs w/ how far away I sit from each, the angle of view (down w/ laptop, up w/ monitor), etc., so the erg person set up the work stuff to imitate the laptop, and things have been a lot better since.
You might have somethin there, buddy. CRT user here, and though I do stay back quite a ways, that could well have something to do with it, plus the fact I’m staring at one all day at work. I should so some total withdrawal from them for a while and see if that makes a difference. Yeah, fat chance of that happening!
Aww, you’re way too kind, Olivia. Don’t worry, I’ll be around for a while. I go through phases with this stuff, and I’m probably also ignoring my allergy to trees blooming right now as well… though I have noticed that the sneezing and headaches have let up a little bit lately. Now that those damn maples are done. But something was really making me sneeze up a storm earlier, lol.
Glass lens will protect you from the… (now I’m in trouble ’cause I’m not sure what they’re called, but I’ll try) photons, or whatever actually leaves the screen and hits ya. Didn’t there used be a sort of screen that was put in front of the CRT to protect from that.
And then there’s the pos electric field. I’m not sure if that can be measured with instruments or not, but I know people who have “doused” and found a pos elect field. + ions are not good for you. People get sick from them a couple of days ahead of sand storms, for example.
The magnetic component drop off rapidly over normal viewing distance, so not considered a factor.
Heh… we came up with that all on our own. Though my more lewd take on her is that she’s spent way too much time drinking cheap whiskey and doing things to lines of men in dark alleys… and with that, I’ve already said too much.
It so perfectly describes her. So obnoxious! And the only female anchor in the MSNBC line up, isn’t she? Did they deliberately choose someone so kind of — er — white trashy to prove some kind of twisted misogynist point? Okay, overthinking again….
Actually they do have Allison Stewart doing some kind of daytime show now (have only seen the promos for it), and I have actually come to like her a lot. She used to sit in for KO and could almost do the snark properly. That poor nerdified new guy Brian just doesn’t cut it. He was on tonight, and I can only feel pity for the poor schmuck because he must innately know he can never fill KO’s shoes. Though he does wear fewer pinstripes… something that I wish KO would rid from his wardrobe.
Way down deep KO is a nerd, and that’s what makes him so irresistable. I agree about Alison Stewart, though I thought she had too much personality to sit in for KO. I’m glad she’s getting her own show.
headache proliferation. Just doesn’t seem normal to me that so many people should be having problems with them. In RL I only know a few with serious headaches.
I can feel it doing a 3 hr. radio show in a studio chock full-o-electronics that emit all kinds of stuff…it definitely has an effect on the body.
Interestingly, it manifests itself as dehydration…all the on-air people at the radio station always bring water or another beverage…:{)…to get thru their shows. No scientific basis for that, just personal experience and anecdotal info.
makes complete sense to me in that the H20 molecule is slightly neg, (think neg ion generators, or hot tub and spas with the moisture in the air and influence on well being.)
So I’d guess the intake of water is an attempt to neutralize the + ions that the body has taken in/on/up, whatever.
Got to finish some downloading before I head for bed — got two days worth of “Daily Show” and “Colbert Report” to put on the iPod (that’ll keep me occupied while the spouse and I get haircuts tomorrow), plus I decided to splurge on Arthur Fieldler’s Classics for Children; it’s the only recording of Saint-Saens Carnival of the Animals that also had the Ogden Nash verses to accompany each movement — love those poems! 🙂 (Had a book that had all of them once…would love to find another copy.)
Takes a while to download the videos, so I’ll be up for a little while. “Seinfeld” is on in the background…I hate that show but I’m too damn lazy to go change the channel, but I probably should so I don’t get aggravated…
know what you mean about Scamfeld… loathe that show. And hon, zapping him is what remotes are for! Nothing gets me reaching for mine sooner than seeing Rita ‘Bossy the Cow’ Cosby rasping on MSNBC… at least they put her on later than KO these days, but now I have to zap Smirky McScabrous now… no winning on that time slot. When’s MSNBC gonna wise up and hire Aaron Brown and get rid of the detritus they follow Keith with?
Hey Manny! Didn’t see ya down there guzzling the beer … but I’m a slow poke tonight. How’s it going out there? You and Bud have plenty of ice cream and dog treats?
Oh, and btw, lit candle #1 tonight for the solidarity showing tomorrow night. This one is San Judas de Tadeo. I’ll light San Martín and the Virgen de Guadalupe tomorrow. Even recited the prayer too… aren’t you impressed? lol… 🙂
you enough for these gestures of fellowship. It’s a great morale booster as well as a growing of the non-violent movement in this country. woohoo for peace!
Jeez, Manny, if I can’t be there in person to help out, it’s the least I can do on my end. I did, however, replace every instance of “yo” in the prayer with “la gente mexicana” since the intent of the prayer was not to benefit me.
We do have a pretty significant and growing Latino population here you know (don’t remember if I ever told you that) and many go back several generations (to 19th century). I think people around here are finally waking up to how much that presence adds to the community.
down there, even though I don’t I comment in all the various diaries. I sort of feel like the SW folk are the proverbial canaries in the coal mine.
Like, if fascism makes some sort of quantum leap from the present existing national levels I think it will likely happen in your neighborhood.
Progressives (and well anyone for that matter) not supporting the immigration movement goals do so at their own peril, as it’s hard to say who will be next if indeed fascism does take a more serious hold.
I’m sensing a bird theme this evening, color me suspicious 🙂
I know what you mean. Things have been getting exponentially more tense over the past several months. Just gotta keep on pushing for the humanity meme, it’s the only one that lets me sleep at night.
if I’m coming or going. I had to DJ a high school senior dinner starting an hour after I got off work. It has been a long day, but I’m now relaxing on my couch with an ice cold Honey Brown and the cafe at my fingertips. There’s a snoring dog around here somewhere too.
for a couple of hours tomorrow (I’ll go in when I feel like it for as long as I wish, the life of a salaried slave). Then I’m sitting the fence on whether to attend either the candlelight vigil protesting the militarization of the border or the Samaritan Training Session.
What are your big plans? (apologies if you’ve already mentioned them tonight)
we don’t mess with daylight savings time (we have enough) so right near we’re in sync with the Lefties while the rest of the year we’re hangin’ with the Rockies.
Any thoughts?
This particular event celebrates the workshop area opening up into another room which fronts on Broadway. The main drag through downtown Fargo.
Previously member of this group of 20-30 year olds just had access to the studio area. They’ve pooled their own resources, and done the insulating of the roof area, and remodeling of the gallery room themselves.
What I like is the wide variety of art, paintings, photos, metal scuplture, pottery. One guy makes a great living making custom sinks out of pottery… he’s got a website, I’ll see if I can find it.
… I like how the lines in this one are blended — flows, gives a sense of both movement and connection. Cool.
temp titled: crop circles and human, be Tessa P.
Tessa P. did the previous one also.
temp titled Chest X-ray by Tessa P
All photos taken and presented here with permission of artist.
I like the boldness of the black lines. And the colouring.
I’ve sent a link to the artist for this 24/7 diary. I’m sure any feedback on the work will be appreciated.
BTW, the artist is well able to tolerate critique.
But look at all those blossoms! What a grea place to sit for a spell. 🙂
that it sounded like one was sitting next to a bee hive or several.
Where is the lil bugger? 🙂
That is absolutely gorgeous, NDD… I thought it was another painting at first glance, till I looked at the larger version.
Bet there will be plenty of apples there come summer! Is this one from your farm property?
Is it a goldfinch? If not, I am seriously blind. lol
but I didn’t take time to rummage through my bird book at the farm, so now I’ll have to try to find online…
… it’s hard to tell b/c of the shadows.
How’s it going tonight?
Not too bad… just pissed I had to bring work home again this weekend… but I’m banning it tomorrow, and will only spend 2-3 hrs max on it Sunday. I have other things I need to be doing around here!
Another open windows, warmish night with a nice breeze … they’ll get up there eventually, I hope. 🙂
I can relate: I had to bring some home too … And it’s a long w/e!
Ah, you open-windows-nice-breeze guys … It’s just not fair. 🙂
and actually the same tree that the closeup of the other night came from.
I’m gonna have to snag that one, if you don’t mind. It is freakin beautiful. And now that I see the birdie… I don’t feel so stupid anymore. And I thought ya was just funnin me there for a second Chester. hehe
I’m going to go crop the birdie and see if someone can ID it.
Looks like a goldfinch to me, but it could just be the effects of the light. I’d think you’d know those lil guys… they’re the IA state bird. About the size of a large canary, and if you’ve got thistles, they love em. We let a thistle bloom in the front garden one year just for the goldfinches to eat… big mistake. Still diggin those damn things up! (the thistles, not the birds…)
If you’ve got them around out there, you’re very lucky. Lovely lil birdies and though a bit skittish, they’re very nice and can be really good singers. We’ve noticed lately that we have what they call “purple finches” in our yard now (though they actually are more red than purple) along with the cardinal couple in the spruce, so we consider ourselves very lucky. Well, and along with the many robins who like to hang out at our place and get worms tossed to them when we’re out digging.
because of the dark eye/ear patch and the striped breast.
That’s my best guess.
that’s what I’m thinking. The gold finches don’t have those black striped on the belly.
We’ve got lots of gold finches. The males are easily identifiable, but even though the females and immatures have some stripes they’re not as black, and less definite.
question is… who’s the bigger bird brain? The one who makes the mistake or the one who gets the right answer about the bird?
always a loon.
And their call is so beautiful as well … We have them at the cottage and there’s nothing like waking to the sound of loon calls floating across the lake.
We go canoeing early in the morning w/ misty fog still laying on the water. And sometimes the loons will pop right up next to the canoe. They’re really beautiful, haunting birds.
Loon call. I had them show me, and managed it, but very briefly, very very hard to do. Probably couldn’t do it now for 1,000,000 $C
I’ve seen a loon some 11 miles W of farm, otherwise they are fairly rare in ND, however, almost any MN lake has them.
I couldn’t do a loon call … but I was taught how to call moose!
And just what did you do with him when he arrived? Scratch him behind the ears???
I really don’t think it would work (I never perfected it, unlike my girlfriend who went into championships!), but I sure as hell wouldn’t want to find out! LOL.
Sask and MB on the Churchill River, heard a bunch of loons going at it in an area where it echoed… so the whole bunch of them were like singing with their echoes… very hard to explain, but very mesmerizing…
almost had to rap my male canoe partner over the head with paddle to get him to take time out for the “concert.” … well, wasn’t quite that bad… but still, some people are just all so focused on the physical muscle end they have a tendency to miss natures gifts.
This is the haunting one: [link]
Others: [link]
I know what you’re describing NDD — it’s an amazing sound.
Oh, my! You have just made me so very lonesome for the wilds. I have been spending way too much time in the city in recent months, years, etc.
You ever read Arctic Dreams, by Barry Lopez. WW and I talked about that one once, but don’t know if we did. You seem like one who would very much enjoy Lopez work.
You can bookmark the link and listen every once in a while. 🙁
No — I haven’t heard of him. I’ll have to look it up.
it’s things like loon calls that keep my spirit alive. The calls brought back some very fond memories. And remeinded me that at least one of the two canoes I own ought to hit water this year.
Sometimes RL just gets a grip on one and won’t let loose.
… has got me wanting to pack up my gear and go on a portage. Haven’t gone in a few years now!
W/ all the rivers and lakes up there, you gotta ‘portage’…you need a new guide…:{)
And it’s actually part of the draw, having to carry everything w/ you: food, sleeping, clothes, transportation over water and land. You can select some routes w/ no portaging, some w/ few, and some w/ long (like miles long).
Here’s where we go: Algonquin Park
but I done carried too many canoes and rafts over rocky terrain.
The only portage I want to do now is at the put in, and take out points…I’ll float or paddle and deal w/ whatever we encounter on the water…:{)
cape may warbler
cape may warbler
I think Ms. Google-rama may have found the match here… or at least an acceptable doppleganger.
scroll down to bottom of link
Woo Hoo!!!! Do I get a prize!!!! (I’ll split it w/ dada since he got me started w/ Warbler — so it can’t be chocolate. 🙂
NDD NS(frog)A! The Marsh is currently looking for volunteers for frog monitoring ….
I looked it up in my Audobon field guide on eastern birds. The cape may looked familiar and then I went to google to get a link to show you. So there. 😛
who are familiar with ND breeders and migrators.
It was the only one in the guide w/ yellow breast + black markings + dark area around the eye. Also, check the Pine Warbler.
Yeah, I’ll be sure to let you know.
I’d email them now, but the time stamp… some times people will ask if I’m OK? Ha! So most of the time now I try to remember to do the emailing in the other morning… the one that comes before noon.
… getting a start on the day! LOL
I’d better go looking for the smoke
… And to view the pix at large size for full effect!
I was really wishing I had a bit more than 3X when I shot this one.
Do you mean taking a pic of the bird from a distance? B/c my lenses are close up ones, so I have to be physically close to the subject. Maybe dada can elucidate more on this …?
Here’s one by a friend of mine, for you NDD,
Across the wide Missouri, Fort Bertold Indian Reservation, North Dakota.
black and white photograph 16X20. Chuck Forsman
You can see more of his work, paintings and photography, HERE
very trippy that guy, will have to persuse that site later in depth. Was not familiar with him, so very much appreciate the intro to him.
And what a great site. Love this one. And how cool is this one!
He’s only started showing his photographs in the last few years. He’s published a book of the black and white photographs from this trip, but I don’t have a link to it.
Extremely talented artist. He’s a very private man, perhaps even more ascetic than I am. I’ve known him and his wife for over 30 yrs. and his work continues to awe me.
I’m very pleased that you like it.
He’s got a very distinctive style that’s evident immediately. Give him my regards on his great work!
(sometimes my expressive abilities are impaired, so better I let o speak my thought here now.)
If’n I get down that way be sure to remind me to go see his works if it’s up in a gallery.
I’m going to be sending that link off to some people I know interested in B & W
does all his own processing and printing, etc. Chuck’s very, very good!
I still love B&W…just can’t justify a darkroom…major bummer. One of the things that’s causing me problems w/ the XT…it just ain’t the same as film.
(no negative talk … you gotta give it a fair chance. 🙂
I am in awe of film photographers … I truly understand the debate now between film vs digital and what is “true photograhy.” I didn’t really appreciate that before. And I’m not sure why I do now, b/c I’ve never worked w/ film.
it’s good you get it now, whatever the reason…Maybe I’ll get some slack now, eh?
Don’t hurt yourself laughing…:{)
I guess I realized that it’s not the difference between the actual cameras that you have to adjust to but all that other conceptual stuff.
it seems… scanned quickly through the last one then saw this one pop up. Glad to see the regular loons have gathered around the watering hole…
This one’s running a little slow — we’ve lost dada somewhere and mythmother’s in lurker mode (hi mm!!).
I’m not lost just movin’ slow…ISP gets real busy on fri. nite and things don’t go very speedily…who ya gonna call?
Heya dada-o … nice pic upthread… kind of like Ansel Adams on acid (my off the cuff reaction, hope that doesn’t offend). Things are kinda slow out my way too, not just earthlink, but the user at the keyboard as well.
And my old friend the headache is back again tonight. Even though I snoozed in the chair for a while, still kind of bugging me a bit. But we did get the yard mowed (yes, lots of grass left, hon) and Chris sprayed for mosquitoes, so it will be safe to go out at dusk now for at least a month.
IVG, you should really see about your eyes. That’s not good that you’re getting h/a’s.
when the eye correction is fine. Just kind of runs in the family I think. Believe it or not you kind of get used to them (and I bet FM would agree on that point). I hate it when Chris gets one because you’d think it was the end of the world! But that’s because he so rarely gets them, it is like the end of the world for him, lol.
Maybe NDD is right — there’s some strange draw for h/a sufferers to BT LOL.
LCD, flat screens (without the electromagnetic field emanating from them) has any bloggers with headaches, or are they all on the CRTs. (cathod ray tubes)
My eyeballs are about 30 inches back from my CRT screen.
Notice any diff, or did ya start with one?
My work screen is the other type, and I do have problems w/ it. Had to have an erg ass’t done b/c I was getting bad eye strain. Apparently there are diffs w/ how far away I sit from each, the angle of view (down w/ laptop, up w/ monitor), etc., so the erg person set up the work stuff to imitate the laptop, and things have been a lot better since.
You might have somethin there, buddy. CRT user here, and though I do stay back quite a ways, that could well have something to do with it, plus the fact I’m staring at one all day at work. I should so some total withdrawal from them for a while and see if that makes a difference. Yeah, fat chance of that happening!
Seriously though, if it’s hurting you … that’s not good. I’d sure miss you though. 🙂
Aww, you’re way too kind, Olivia. Don’t worry, I’ll be around for a while. I go through phases with this stuff, and I’m probably also ignoring my allergy to trees blooming right now as well… though I have noticed that the sneezing and headaches have let up a little bit lately. Now that those damn maples are done. But something was really making me sneeze up a storm earlier, lol.
glass or plexiglass.
Glass lens will protect you from the… (now I’m in trouble ’cause I’m not sure what they’re called, but I’ll try) photons, or whatever actually leaves the screen and hits ya. Didn’t there used be a sort of screen that was put in front of the CRT to protect from that.
And then there’s the pos electric field. I’m not sure if that can be measured with instruments or not, but I know people who have “doused” and found a pos elect field. + ions are not good for you. People get sick from them a couple of days ahead of sand storms, for example.
The magnetic component drop off rapidly over normal viewing distance, so not considered a factor.
Plastic lenses here, finally! (After many years of very heavy glass ones.)
Glad we don’t get sand storms down here… I’d hate to be the harbinger of such things. 🙂
Heh… we came up with that all on our own. Though my more lewd take on her is that she’s spent way too much time drinking cheap whiskey and doing things to lines of men in dark alleys… and with that, I’ve already said too much.
It so perfectly describes her. So obnoxious! And the only female anchor in the MSNBC line up, isn’t she? Did they deliberately choose someone so kind of — er — white trashy to prove some kind of twisted misogynist point? Okay, overthinking again….
Actually they do have Allison Stewart doing some kind of daytime show now (have only seen the promos for it), and I have actually come to like her a lot. She used to sit in for KO and could almost do the snark properly. That poor nerdified new guy Brian just doesn’t cut it. He was on tonight, and I can only feel pity for the poor schmuck because he must innately know he can never fill KO’s shoes. Though he does wear fewer pinstripes… something that I wish KO would rid from his wardrobe.
Way down deep KO is a nerd, and that’s what makes him so irresistable. I agree about Alison Stewart, though I thought she had too much personality to sit in for KO. I’m glad she’s getting her own show.
headache proliferation. Just doesn’t seem normal to me that so many people should be having problems with them. In RL I only know a few with serious headaches.
I can feel it doing a 3 hr. radio show in a studio chock full-o-electronics that emit all kinds of stuff…it definitely has an effect on the body.
Interestingly, it manifests itself as dehydration…all the on-air people at the radio station always bring water or another beverage…:{)…to get thru their shows. No scientific basis for that, just personal experience and anecdotal info.
Interesting observation there, dada … No scientific basis for that … I bet you could get a job in the Shrub administration if you wanted!
But I know… you have way too much Luddite integrity for that (whew!)
makes complete sense to me in that the H20 molecule is slightly neg, (think neg ion generators, or hot tub and spas with the moisture in the air and influence on well being.)
So I’d guess the intake of water is an attempt to neutralize the + ions that the body has taken in/on/up, whatever.
Ladybug on rose bush, Taken 2006-05-16
makes for a nice contrast with the red bug.
Still trying to figure it all out there NDD.
Got to finish some downloading before I head for bed — got two days worth of “Daily Show” and “Colbert Report” to put on the iPod (that’ll keep me occupied while the spouse and I get haircuts tomorrow), plus I decided to splurge on Arthur Fieldler’s Classics for Children; it’s the only recording of Saint-Saens Carnival of the Animals that also had the Ogden Nash verses to accompany each movement — love those poems! 🙂 (Had a book that had all of them once…would love to find another copy.)
Takes a while to download the videos, so I’ll be up for a little while. “Seinfeld” is on in the background…I hate that show but I’m too damn lazy to go change the channel, but I probably should so I don’t get aggravated…
know what you mean about Scamfeld… loathe that show. And hon, zapping him is what remotes are for! Nothing gets me reaching for mine sooner than seeing Rita ‘Bossy the Cow’ Cosby rasping on MSNBC… at least they put her on later than KO these days, but now I have to zap Smirky McScabrous now… no winning on that time slot. When’s MSNBC gonna wise up and hire Aaron Brown and get rid of the detritus they follow Keith with?
Are you recovered from the bummer hockey ending?
i just had a PB&J tortilla for a snack :-0
ain’t that blasphemy of some sort to combine those ingredients into a tortilla?
blasphemy is another’s synergy.
Hey Manny! Didn’t see ya down there guzzling the beer … but I’m a slow poke tonight. How’s it going out there? You and Bud have plenty of ice cream and dog treats?
Oh, and btw, lit candle #1 tonight for the solidarity showing tomorrow night. This one is San Judas de Tadeo. I’ll light San Martín and the Virgen de Guadalupe tomorrow. Even recited the prayer too… aren’t you impressed? lol… 🙂
you enough for these gestures of fellowship. It’s a great morale booster as well as a growing of the non-violent movement in this country. woohoo for peace!
Jeez, Manny, if I can’t be there in person to help out, it’s the least I can do on my end. I did, however, replace every instance of “yo” in the prayer with “la gente mexicana” since the intent of the prayer was not to benefit me.
We do have a pretty significant and growing Latino population here you know (don’t remember if I ever told you that) and many go back several generations (to 19th century). I think people around here are finally waking up to how much that presence adds to the community.
down there, even though I don’t I comment in all the various diaries. I sort of feel like the SW folk are the proverbial canaries in the coal mine.
Like, if fascism makes some sort of quantum leap from the present existing national levels I think it will likely happen in your neighborhood.
Progressives (and well anyone for that matter) not supporting the immigration movement goals do so at their own peril, as it’s hard to say who will be next if indeed fascism does take a more serious hold.
I’m sensing a bird theme this evening, color me suspicious 🙂
I know what you mean. Things have been getting exponentially more tense over the past several months. Just gotta keep on pushing for the humanity meme, it’s the only one that lets me sleep at night.
We were just up there IDing a bird. How are you tonight?
if I’m coming or going. I had to DJ a high school senior dinner starting an hour after I got off work. It has been a long day, but I’m now relaxing on my couch with an ice cold Honey Brown and the cafe at my fingertips. There’s a snoring dog around here somewhere too.
I saw your newest Friday Bud blogging photo — a couple of cutie pies in that photo ;).
Got any plans for the w/e?
for a couple of hours tomorrow (I’ll go in when I feel like it for as long as I wish, the life of a salaried slave). Then I’m sitting the fence on whether to attend either the candlelight vigil protesting the militarization of the border or the Samaritan Training Session.
What are your big plans? (apologies if you’ve already mentioned them tonight)
Thanks for the link. What an interesting site. (Be careful Manny. Like NDD said above, it sometimes sounds like things could go badly.)
I’m not doing too much — it’s long w/e here, so maybe garden stuff if it stops raining.
Show up late and bring the bong…jeeze, Manny, I’m ’bout ready for a handful of
and a litre of H2O…O’s been keepin’ us up pretty late, of late…:{)
’tis the Witching Hour here in the desert, amigo.
I always forget you’re on left coast time down there…that’s right, isn’t it?
we don’t mess with daylight savings time (we have enough) so right near we’re in sync with the Lefties while the rest of the year we’re hangin’ with the Rockies.
I think the inverse relationship exists. 😛
about your Wiley ways
Did you see the loon calls up there — I posted a link to ’em.
very eerie call. The only time I’ve ever heard it was in Vermont…didn’t know what it was at first..very haunting.
… and the tremolo combined. It’s wonderful.
the froggybottom hat and open a new cafe? 😉
I did the last one … 😛
fight it out, why don’t the rest of you head on over to the nice and clean Coffee House.
is quite the character 😉
hmmmm, I am having hunger pains, that’s not good. Must. Drink. Water.
… but I just had to do that to experience it, you know. I hear it’s the thing to do in fact. 🙂