Promoted by Chris
Tomorrow, the House will be debating the Iraq War and the overall “waronterrah™”, which I guess we should at least be giving them props for doing as opposed to, oh, say flag burning or discriminating against same sex marriages.
And of course, House Majority Leader John Boehner is putting on a shiny happy face about having a fresh debate on the matter while behind the scenes they are planning more of the same tired old gameplan of obscuring the truth and attacking opponents.
Fortunately, the good folks at thinkprogress have gotten their hands on a “confidential message memo” from Boehner to House Republicans on how they are going to “debate” the absolute mess that has become civil war in Iraq.
More below:
Oh sure, we get the same tired pathetic attempts at “playing nice” and wanting to get to the bottom of the discussion from Republican House members:
House majority leader John Boehner (R) of Ohio, who has long planned for this week’s debate, hopes to match the serious, dignified tone of deliberation that preceded the Gulf war, in 1991. Most of his GOP colleagues support the idea.
“The House is a debating society in the best sense of the word,” says Rep. Henry Hyde (R) of Illinois, chairman of the International Relations Committee. “Everyone that listens with an open mind will find an aspect to this that they hadn’t thought of.”
It’s the right thing to do,” says Rep. Christopher Shays (R) of Connecticut, who has been to Iraq 12 times, more than any other member. “There’s a logic in debating an issue that has not turned out like any of us hoped, and then determine why that’s the case.”
But of course, the true intent is to do what the Republicans do best – willfully and incorrectly link Iraq to 9/11, smear opponents as “sheepish”, and rekindle the “either you are for war in Iraq or you are for the terrorists” attacks on those who dare question Dear Leader and his merry band of war criminals.
The entire (2 page) memo is here but I have copied a few of the choice sections below (emphasis mine):
During this debate, our Republican Conference should be focused on delivering these key points:
The Importance of Our Actions
It is imperative during this debate that we re-examine the conditions that required the United States to take military action in Afghanistan and Iraq in the aftermath of the attacks of September 11, 2001.
Link Iraq to 9/11. Always a tried and true strategy, despite the overwhelming evidence that Iraq had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with 9/11.
The attacks we witnessed that day serve as a reminder of the dangers we face as a nation in a post-9/11 world. We can no longer expect oceans between us and our enemies to keep us safe. The plotting and planning taking place in terror camps protected by rogue regimes could no longer go unchecked or unchallenged. In a post-9/11 world, we could no longer allow despots and dictators like the Taliban and Saddam Hussein to ignore international sanctions and resolutions passed by the United Nations Security Council.
We are fighting them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here. Another great lie that we have heard so much of. Not to mention that Bush and the neocons have basically ignored the UN when it came to the illegal invasion of Iraq.
So, during this debate we must make clear to the American people that the United States had to take action in the best interests of the security of our nation and the world community. As Republicans who supported military action against Saddam Hussein and terrorists around the globe, the United States had to show our resolve as the world’s premier defender of freedom and liberty before such ideals were preyed upon, rather than after standing witness to their demise at the hands of our enemies.
Lump Saddam in with terrorists around the world. While it may very well be that he was a horrific dictator that did horrific things to Iraqis, that isn’t why we were told we HAD to invade Iraq. And we can’t forget to call the US the “world’s premier defender of freedom and liberty” – except here in the US of course.
A Portrait of Contrasts
[w]e must conduct this debate as a portrait of contrasts between Republicans and Democrats with regard to one of the most important political issues of our era.
In a post-9/11 world, do we confront dangerous regimes and the threat of terrorism with strength and resolve, or do we instead abandon our efforts against these threats in the hopes that they will just fade away on their own?
Nice push poll-type question. How about this one instead: Are you for killing thousands of innocent people and pissing off the entire world, thereby making the US less safe or are you for actually doing the things that are necessary to make the US safer? I bet the Republicans don’t want the question framed THAT way….
Republicans believe victory in Iraq will be an important blow to terrorism and the threat it poses around the world. Democrats, on the other hand, are prone to waver endlessly about the use of force to protect American ideals. Capitol Hill Democrats’ only specific policy proposals are to concede defeat on the battlefield and instead, merely manage the threat of terrorism and the danger it poses.
These are troubling policies to embrace in a post-9/11 world. During this debate, we need to clarify just how wrong the Democrats’ weak approach is and just how dangerous their implementation would be to both the short-term and long-term national security interests of the United States.
Ooooooooh, those evil and wimpy Democrats don’t want to kill innocents and ruin what little goodwill the US may have left by actually trying to come up with a reasonable solution other than “let’s keep killing `em all!!” And please tell me how this haphazard and dangerous post invasion “plan” is helping the short and long-term national security interests of the US. I’d love to hear it.
Resolve Will Triumph Over Retreat
As a result of our efforts during this debate, Americans will recognize that on the issue of national security, they have a clear choice between a Republican Party aware of the stakes and dedicated to victory, versus a Democrat Party without a coherent national security policy that sheepishly dismisses the challenges America faces in a post- 9/11 world.
And just what is that coherent national security policy that the Republicans have? Other than to bomb (or threaten to bomb) every country that has oil or “brown people” and to scare Americans into giving up their civil liberties?
Democrats are all too eager to seize upon the challenges we face as their rationale or motivation for retreat. As Republicans, we understand the diplomatic and national security hazards of such a move. We must echo the American public’s understanding of just how great the stakes are in Iraq and our long-term efforts to win the War on Terrorism.
Just shameless. But hey, thanks for being sloppy enough to allow your talking points memo of “divide the country and obscure the facts” to get out a day in advance.
this press conference, that’s called the kick off. The game is on and the final quarter will be the November elections. Helmet up, this isn’t going to be for the weak hearted and we don’t get much press coverage as we have no Rose Garden!
the Dems need to be on top of their game now. The fact that these things are being leaked should give the Dems a heads up (at a minimum) on what the Repubs. plan to do.
They can’t (for the sake of the country) drop the ball here.
We also don’t have a newspaper chain, or a news weekly, or a TV network either. That reality is going to make taking back either branch of Congress very difficult at best!
Yeah, ’cause all those clueless Democrats in blue Manhattan living at/near the site of the WTC couldn’t possibly understand! Cripes, it’s well past time for a new writer, is there anybody who really believes this crap anymore?
I don’t know what day but they are going to vote/debate on that idiotic flag burning amendment this week. There are 9 dem senators for this although I don’t know which ones offhand-presumably Hillary is still for it, right? This is such blatant pandering on her part to make herself seem what?..patriotic? Rethug lite, or just plain fucken stupid.
I’ll be curious to see which debates are the longest or cause the most news on our MSM.
this is SUCH a good point. I have diaried as nauseum over at Kos re: these stupid distracting debates. Additionally, I was able to ask Sen. Boxer at YKos about why the Senate Dems aren’t invoking Rule 21 and forcing closed door sessions like Reid did last year.
Her answer to me was very unacceptable (a “keeping our powder dry” moment) and I was going to do a follow up diary about why/how the Senate Dems could do so much by invoking this rule every day for a week, either to promote their agenda or to force discussions of the administration’s crimes that the Republicans have been brushing under the rug.
ha ha…the dems do more-wow that would be oh I don’t know a bit of a novelty wouldn’t it. A few dems here and there try and do things but there is no cohesive plan by the dems to work together, have a message and get that message out. And just being against bush ain’t a message.
This damn flag burning thing always shows up around election times going back to well a long way back…drives me fucken nuts.
I’m also wondering since the official federal guidelines for destroying respectfully a flag that is tattered, dirty, wind whipped by burning, so how exactly is that going to work? Wouldn’t all someone who wants to do to make a statement by burning the flag simply say they were officially disposing of a worn out flag?
Why don’t you do a diary on Rule 21, sounds like a good idea.
Thx for the support…..this is one that I did earlier in the week about flag burning (warning – it is more rant-ish).
And here is the original diary I posted on Rule 21 last month.
I think the new one will be more slanted to (1) why Boxer’s answer was unacceptable and (2) the ways that the Dems can use it to their advantage.
And I promise to use a sexier title than the yawner of one I used last time….
Thanks for the links. I swear for someone who hangs out here so much it seems like I miss a lot. Must have an evil twin who takes over or something and goes and does fun stuff instead of reading and zones me out.
I like well done rants-sometimes that is the only way to get rid of so much pent up shit we hold in with the daily onslaught of crimes being done to the public and in our name. So damn hard to focus on the crimes when we’re literally overwhelmed by this Mafia administration.
And slightly off topic(well maybe a lot)but I mentioned the upcoming elections and dems disaray. I know people think especially according to polls that we are going to win so many seats and I’ll say it again-I have here before-I think the dems are going to be in for a big fucken surprise…and they aren’t going to win near what they want to. One reason for my reasoning is one little fact in a lot of polls that has shown up is the simple fact that while people are saying they are fed up with repthuglican senators/representatives when asked about THEIR own Senator or Representative they say they are perfectly statisfied and will probably vote for their Congressperson…it’s the rest of the country’s congresspeople who are the bad guys sooooooooooooo that is just a bit scary to my way of thinking. I have other reasons but I found that a bit of a bellweather warning. I’m not trying to be cynical just my reading of things so far.
Ok, we may have our answer about what the MSM is going to be talking about. I just looked over at Blitzer and the Situation Room and the list of stories didn’t include Iraq war debate but did have the flag burning issue up. Oh good god..when did Miss America become a political office..she’s speaking out for flag burning fucken disgusted.
From the Boehner memo referenced above comes what I regard as the pivotal point that Democrats must confront.
However, they mustn’t answer the question as framed by the Republicans.
Instead, they must turn it and ask,