In yet another example of the world going to hell in a hand basket, noted black holologist and childrens book author Stpehen Hawking said Tuesday that it is imperative for the human race to begin colonizing the Moon and Mars within the next 100 years, since he believes the earth is imminently threatened with extinction from either (or both) a man made or natural disaster of cataclysmic magnitude.
In an apparent seizure of donkeytalesque schizophrenia, Hawking made these startling comments at a news conference intended to publicize his new book “Understanding the Universe for Children”.
Hawking, wheel chair bound because of ALS, gathered a group of tykes closely around him and then promptly proceeded to scare holy shit out of them with some of the direst predictions ever made this side of the mildly left political blogosphere regarding the fate of our doomed planet.
“I am issuing a challenge to all three year olds,” Hawking said. “As your teenage siblings will tell you without you even asking, your parents have completely f*cked everything up….Legos are the essential building blocks of the universe. You better figure out a way to get your dads to stop cussing over that 78,000 piece Starship Enterprise he’s been diddling with the past couple years and urge him to find a way to make that sucker fly to the moon!Pronto!”
Hawking delighted in watching the kids laugh and slap high fives with each other as the incompetent earth killing dads smoldered silently in the background.
“While there isnt much to do on either Mars or the Moon, I believe we already have the ability not only to maintain human life there, but also to hardwire these planets for video game technology and the Cartoon Network. Bring along enough Coco Puffs to last a couple hundred years and life as we know it should be fairly sustainable.”
When one skeptical reporter asked Hawking to explain how humans, the very same people who have ruined earth, will be able to do any better for themselves elsewhere in the universe, Hawking brushed the question aside.
“I dont talk to journalists, except for that Ar**ndo guy from DailyKos. Is he really going to stop posting or what?”
When asked if he was a member of DKOS, Hawking shook his head “no”.
“As a rocket scientist, of course, I am interested only in the meta side of the blogosphere. All that third rate political analysis bores me half to death. We dont have time to argue! The planet is doomed and it really doesnt matter whether Warner, McCain,Feingold or Hillary win in 2008 (although I do believe that dope Frist stands no chance of getting the Reptublican nod). These kids need to get the hell off this planet NOW.”
Hawking admitted that he had heard President George W. Bush propose sending manned spacecraft to Mars, a policy brief which was issued by the President during the 2004 presidential race.
“I think Bush would do well for himself if HE could get away for awhile, say a couple of lightyears, then come back for a third chance. Right now it is clear to me that he is stuck in a double reverse negative time warp, which means that no matter what he tries to do it will turn out badly for the entire human race. This guy couldnt sell a space heater to an eskimo and at the rate he is going it wont matter because the eskimos will soon need air conditioners anyway!”
When asked about the Hawking press conference, Bush press flunky Tony Snow broke down in tears. “To see President Bushs vision of a colonized galaxy confirmed by one of the greatest scientific minds in history is just awesome! Needless to say, the president has pledged to continue furthering those policies which will lead to the complete destruction of the earth and thus speed up the time for his familys departure.” Snow told a gathering of reporters that First Lady Laura Bush had already purchased four first class tickets on the first flight “outta here.”
Snow refused to set a schedule for the worlds ultimate demise, other than to say he was fully confident in the presidents ability to “make something happen during the remaining two and one half years of his second term.”
“As you know this President likes to tackle the big subjects and here we have one of the biggest!”
When asked how colonization of outer space would play with the fundamentalist base, Snow grew angrily dismissive. “F*ck those pew jockeys. Don’t need them anymore. We cant run for reelection again anyway.”
More a case of Bush agreeing with folks who have been saying we should do this “as an insurance policy” for years now.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Bush, not so often, but once in a while by random chance (i.e. Brownian motion, a.k.a. “the path of a stumbling drunk”) he might stumble across something correct. Usually he’d just pee on it then, however.
I didnt know that Brownian Motion was a stumbling drunk. Even I dont get that personal with the other posters on this site!
Pay attention to what Steven Hawking says, and just hit the mute button when Bush opens his mouth. The only voice in the room that matters is Hawking’s.
The math says Earth is overdue for getting hit hard by a meteor strike. The math says sometime in the next couple of thousand years, we are more likely than not of the Earth taking a cataclysmic hit. A “nuclear winter” scenario hit.
NASA isn’t a nationalistic luxury. A (peaceful) space program is a long-term necessity. We need to be moving onward and outward. We need to be looking at starting to get resources from space, and stop tearing up the Earth getting them here. All the raw materials we could ever need are up there for the taking, and we don’t have to ruin our planet to get them anymore once we start getting them up there.
Our long-term survival on Earth depends on us starting to meet our needs off planet.
I totally believe you and hawking.
Do they grow dope in space, too?
Excellent writing Donkeytale. Great diary. I talked to a few people at work today who read it and really dug it. Send me an email so we can talk about promoting diaries and my role in that. I don’t want be a shitty person, but there are a few issues about responding to personal requests for front page promotion left in comments that I still haven’t worked out. I don’t mind it at all, but I feel like I have to be careful about encouraging everybody and their monkey to ask me for a diary promotion in public comments. Sometimes it just can’t work, and not always because of the contents of the diary.
I’m pretty new at this admin shit on a popular site and some of it is more than just a little weird to me. Some of the other front page writers may be a little less weird than I am, so I only speak for myself. Everybody has their own thing. Anyway, I don’t hide my email address for a reason. I want to be as receptive to the readers and diarists of this site as I can, even though it’s not my site and I’m really just trying to work on my own groove. Email me when you have something you want me to check out and promote. It will really make the whole deal a lot easier.
Cool. I am glad you and your colleagues enjoyed it. Must be a lively place where you work.
Think more along the lines of life sucking, then you’ve got it.
I have been enjoying your stuff by the way.
Yeah I have to pretty much go back to work next week and so I wont be able to spend much time here having fun for a while.
You work with Chris? He keeps a pretty cool head amidst all the insanity. His karma added a lot to my last few diaries.
Thanks for the nice words. It means alot.
Yeah, we work together. I’m relatively new to this site, and I haven’t even bothered to write my own diary entries yet. So far I just comment on other people’s stuff.
Anyway, I’ve read some of your diaries and I’ve liked everything. I appreciate that you try to bring a sense of humor to the site.
Sometimes I find that to be lacking around here. 🙂
I was just having a few laughs. I truly dont care about being on frontpage. I think my writing works better when I am on the outside looking in.
I have a much higher calling than popularity.
Popularity is another term for codependency, IMHO.
as I told square peg I think you are more than up for the challenge. You added alot to my diaries the last few days, just that early morning interaction. Inspiring actually in a relaxed yet weird way. Thanks