Update We are ONE VOTE AWAY from killing this bill in committee. Yes, that means even Republicans need a call. Details over at Firedog Lake.

Just got this information via email regarding the pending committee vote on Net Neutrality, and the Snowe-Dorgan amendment that’s to be offered:

What Stevens is really banking on is getting 15 votes so that when it goes to the full Senate it has more oomph behind it. BUT – it may not go to a full Senate vote for months. There are lots of other pressing things on the docket, and as we know, the Congress takes more time off from work than they put in anymore, so it’s a guessing game when it goes to the floor. What Stevens may try to do is -with 15 votes in hand – add it to the omnibus appropriations bill coming up soon. He will try and get it in through an end-run. It may work.

He can only get more than 12 votes out of committee if Democrats join him. It’s very important for those of you who have vacillating Dem Senators on the committee to call them, fax them, get to them however you can TODAY. We can’t let Stevens get more than his caucus voting in favor. The Dems need to stick together on this, because it’s all about perception (12 votes, 15 votes, 16 votes, etc.)

The Dem senators really, really need to hang together in this vote. If you have any connections with constituents for these Senators (or you are one), please encourage them to give a call in support of the Snowe/Dorgan amendment.

Co-Chairman Daniel K. Inouye (HI), 202-224-3934
John D. Rockefeller (WV), (202) 224-6472
John F. Kerry (MA), (202) 224-2742
Barbara Boxer (CA), (202) 224-3553
Bill Nelson (FL), 202-224-5274
Maria Cantwell (WA), 202-224-3441 (co sponsoring the Snowe-Dorgan amendment, yay!)
Frank R. Lautenberg (NJ), (202) 224-3224
E. Benjamin Nelson (NE), (202) 224-6551
Mark Pryor (AR), (202) 224-2353