This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
The time is right for dancing in streets
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s shine on you
Good morning Andi. I love that picture. It’s so hobbity.
How’re ya doing this am?
Doing just fine. Are you still guestless?
Nope they got here last night. Went through Georges mandatory barking, but I got to sleep before I started climbing the wall. π
reminds me of the old song; “Let the Sun Shine In”
g’morn’n, and happy summer…may this be the first day of the rest of your life…”Let the Sun Shine”
peace…it’s no secret, just dumbed down
Morning IP. If my geezerly memory doesn’t fail me, that was the 5th dimension.
How’s the day starting?
yeppers, the 5th Dimension, oh, those were the days…LMAO…at least that’s what my old friends tell me…(I really don’t recall much ; )
another day in paradise brother…think I’ll walk out to the beach, and see if I can destroy some perfectly good film..LOL
later gators
Filme?! Is that the curly stuff they used years ago?
LMAO….er sump’n like that….you gotta remember, I’m old ; )
‘Summer in the City’ was always my favorite summer song.
Now I know I’m geezerly, because I know who sang that too.
The Lovin’ Spoonful was one of my favorite groups; they were so snarky.
And I assume you also know which group provided the title for today’s cafe.
I’m afraid not on that one Andi. Who?
Martha and the Vandellas.
dancing in streets now I remember.
Good morning to all and happy summer. Cool drinks for everyone!
Morning Boran. I’m trying to decide on the happy summer part. Cool drinks are good though.
Hay, FM! I’m gonna need some help with my lawn later on. I heard that you’re the man.
You heard wrong. I want my lawn to be either desert or jungle. Either would do since I wouldn’t have to mow. π
Zen Garden.
Of course you’ll still have to rake it regularly, but a rake’s a lot lighter than a mower.
It’s funny — summer’s my least favorite season but I always feel happy when it arrives.
I love summer but the humidity here can get very uncomfortable.
Give me winter and 10 feet of snow. I love to hibernate.
Mornin’ folks – sorry I’m late! Still plowing through WSJ online…
Morning Psi.
I know you don’t read their opinion page but I’m afraid its cooties have infected the whole paper and so can’t touch it.
Nope; the portions of the paper that cover business don’t get into the politics of its editorial board. Otherwise, I’d be subscribing to Financial Times.
Time for the dogs and I to go walk in the woods and see what got knocked down by the storm last night.
Fabulous picture Andi!!!!! Just wanted to satop by and say good morning to all my froggie friends. I am running late this am so will check back later from work if I can. I did a new podcast this am.
Zeig Heil
Have a great day!!!!
Hi/bye Refinish.
It’s not even 6:00 am and I’ve got to get started on the day. God I love when relatives are here.
I can see some serious slacking coming my way later on.
now this is why, we’re in the shape we’re in….;(
BOCA RATON, Fla. – A hundred bucks might buy you more than six dozen burgers from McDonald’s, but the the swanky Old Homestead Steakhouse will sell you one brawny beef sandwich for the same price.
Boca Raton Mayor Steven Abrams could barely speak between bites as he devoured the 20-ounce, $100 hamburger billed as the “beluga caviar of sandwiches.”
“Heaven on a bun,” restaurant owner Marc Sherry said.
The burger debuted Tuesday at the restaurant in the Boca Raton Resort and Club, where a membership costs $40,000 and an additional $3,600 a year.
“We’ve never had a hamburger on our menu here so we really wanted to go to the extreme,” Sherry said, calling it “the most decadent burger in the world.”
At about 5 1/2 inches across and 2 1/2 inches thick, the mound of meat is comprised of beef from three continents – American prime beef, Japanese Kobe and Argentine cattle.
The bill for one burger, with garnishing that includes organic greens, exotic mushrooms and tomatoes, comes out to $124.50 with tax and an 18 percent tip included. The restaurant will donate $10 from each sale to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
sting) :
now how freak’n wonderful of them to donate the $10…I’m just shak’n my head here.
Turns out summer looks pretty much like spring — wet, green, misty.
I could handle that Andi.
I’ll be happy to trade you hot, humid and brown.
Happy summer everyone. Those woods look beautiful, Andi.
I used to get deeply depressed on this day when I realized that the days would begin to get shorter from here until winter. Seasonal depression got me big time back then. Now the solstice passes in a sweaty haze.
Morning SN.
Did you already make breakfast for the crew? I’m contemplating what to have after my coffee helps me to clear my sinuses.
No breakfast yet. I figure I’ve got another hour before they’re up and hungry. I did start early and got things cleaned up though.
I made a breakfast casserole last night and I’ve just got to pop it in the oven. So today is starting out kind of smooth.
George hasn’t even started barking. π
Sorry to hear the sinuses are giving you trouble.
I love those breakfast casseroles. They should pay for breakfast if you ask me. You didn’t. π
I could see that happening. π
I did put down one rule a long time ago. I told everybody if you don’t like the cooking, don’t tell me. Because if you tell me I’ll never cook for you again.
I haven’t heard any complaints so far.
Here’s a little story for your cooking amusement…Utah Phillips: Mooseturd Pie
dada you always find the best stuff. I’m still laughing about “It’s good though.”
I would have to make some adjustments though for this area of the country. Cow patty pie or pigturd torts.
Thanks dada.
MMMM Road Apple pie, ain’t nuttin’ like it. π
Hi DJ. Creativity that’s the word, taste has nothing to do with it. π
The problem I have with summer is that it’s too much like summer. Why can’t we have summer where there’s no heat, humidity, and big thunderstorms?
I just don’t like weather extremes at all. If I could find a place where it was constantly between 50 and 80 degrees I’d be in heaven. But I need big storms.
You just had one with flooding. You want more?
There weren’t any storms with the flooding. Just rain rain rain. I want thunder and wind.
Ah I see. You want the light show with sound effects. π
Where I live it is hilly and so heavily forested that I can’t see more than the sky directly overhead. I miss watching massive black storms roll in over Lake Erie. I miss the sky.
Sometimes I think that’s the better way to get a storm. Just know it’s coming and not get worked up when you see the black clouds rolling in.
I have to admit to being an idiot many time by going outside and gawking at the black clouds and lighting. One of those, gee it that a funnel could type moments.
Yeah, the lack of storm-watching is one thing I miss, (although the effect of an approaching storm on the woods is pretty nifty).
I used to like to lie down on the sidewalk so I could watch the action. Drove my mom crazy.
Where I grew up at it was flat and hardly any trees, or building for that matter. You could see for a long way off any storm coming.
In her book kansas describes an approaching storm on the prairie – it’s magnificent.
Yes, kansas really did a stellar job of making Kansas come to life (but Rex and Abby should have gotten together; phooey on Mitch).
For awhile there I thought Rex was psychotic. But if he had a nice ass I could probably overlook that.
I love watching storms come in, too. Biased by growing up in Miami, perhaps, I think there’s nothing as beautiful and intense as watching them roll in over the ocean.
I still remember my 17th birthday, sitting on my 2nd ex-step-dad’s penthouse apartment balcony with my then-girlfriend watching as the clouds gathered, darkened, and then let loose with the light and sound show right over Biscayne Bay & downtown Miami. Amazing.
(Guy who shot these is a friend of mine; I have permission to link and promote him. He can be a bit of a jerk sometimes but he’s reasonably decent with a camera.)
Ooooh, pretty.
Morning Indy. How’re you doing today?
Tired, as per usual. Fortunately, the only stuff I had to do today I already got done. How’s the family visit going so far?
I have so much to do today that I’m not even starting. How messed up is that?
Heh, I kinda did that, too. I looked at my list, did the stuff that absolutely had to get done, and then was so overwhelmed by the rest of it that I just wrote it off until next week.
Quiet at the moment, but I expect it to get going pretty soon.
One thing though, I don’t have to worry about having peaches in the house for awhile. They bought two crate of peaches with them last night. Now I’ve got to figure out who the heck we can give some away to and how to put up the rest. More work.
of emailing you about the fire in Oak Creek Canyon. I’m having a serious bout of personalizing the news — hiking the West Fork of Oak Creek is one of those magical experiences that’s so encompassing that you completely forget that the rest of the world. I hate the thought of it being decimated.
And what if the fire gets to Flagstaff and Macy’s burns?
I know, it’s bad. E’s waiting for the closing docs on the condo to come to the door right now, anxiously hoping to close before the damn place burns down.
Last I heard, they have been able to keep it from jumping the road and as long as they can do that, they think they can contain it.
Oh no! Crossing my fingers that doesn’t happen (((Indy))))
Both are magical … π
I’m really late in getting answering this comment but I’d hadn’t been back in the cafe for awhile and missed it. How’s FCH — ready to start a countdown to the end?
Book’s going gangbusters, 10,000 words in the last four days, and four more days like that’ll see the draft done.
Tea! Downy Tip Green. ‘Cause it sounds cool and it’s one of the Tea Source’s web specials today. Sweet and aromatic with a grassy undertone.
Morning Kelly.
Hey there, FM. Hope you’re having a good time with your company.
Whoa, yay Kelly! Sounds like you’re on a roll.
And I just got back from one. Took a quick 7 mile ride on the state trail that runs a few blocks from our place. Now I’m off to write. Have a great day.
Is yahoo mail down or something?? Of course when I have to do some stuff via email oh like coordinate a Ft. Lewis road trip – I can’t open yahoo… ArRGGGHH
Morning Janet. Can’t tell ya on Yahoo mail since I don’t use it.
Family is up and moving, got to get breakfast started.
See ya’ll later.
You find Koka the Gorilla photos in your photobucket album.
So got some photos to send to a beloved friend as a birthday post in a hockey chat… with Danni’s help.
My kids are very dissshturbed. π
Hey everyone! I’m late today because of this longest-day business. Proportionately, I’m right on time.
A likely story!
Izzy are you just getting your coffee now?
No, but I’m just getting some coffee now. I think we need a new cafe. I fell asleep watching this one. I’ll go put up a happy hour.
The happy hour lounge is now open.