I’ve been advising the Bush administration to define down their definition of victory for the whole-year-plus I have been blogging, and they have obstinately done the reverse at every turn. Most recently, Dick Cheney expressed things in near apocalyptic terms in an exclusive interview with John King of CNN. Here’s what Cheney said in response to a question about the Democrats’ drawdown plans (both Levin’s and Kerry’s).
You’ve got to remember that the Osama bin Laden-types, the al Qaeda-types, the Zarqawi-types that have been active in Iraq are betting that ultimately they can break the United States’ will. There’s no way they can defeat us militarily. Their whole strategy, if you look at what bin Laden’s been saying for 10 years, is they believe they can, in fact, force us to quit, that ultimately we’ll get tired of the fight, that we don’t have the stomach for a long, tough battle and that we’ll pack it in and go home.
If we were to do that it would be devastating from the standpoint of the global war on terror. It would affect what happens in Afghanistan. It would make it difficult for us to persuade the Iranians to give up their aspirations for nuclear weapons. It would threaten the stability of regimes like Musharraf in Pakistan and the Saudis in Saudi Arabia. It is absolutely the worst possible thing we could do at this point. It would be to validate and encourage the terrorists by doing exactly what they want us to do, which is to — [pull out of Iraq]
This is terribly unfortunate rhetoric. By engaging in this kind of hysterical rhetoric, it makes it impossible for Cheney and Bush to spin a drawdown as anything but a great victory for jihadists. And that is absurd. Moreover, it is delusional to think we can stay in Iraq or not announce a timetable for withdrawal. This will become very plain tomorrow when Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki announces his national reconciliation plan.
A timetable for withdrawal of occupation troops from Iraq. Amnesty for all insurgents who attacked U.S. and Iraqi military targets. Release of all security detainees from U.S. and Iraqi prisons. Compensation for victims of coalition military operations.
Those sound like the demands of some of the insurgents themselves, and in fact they are. But they’re also key clauses of a national reconciliation plan drafted by new Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who will unveil it Sunday. The provisions will spark sharp debate in Iraq—but the fiercest opposition is likely to come from Washington, which has opposed any talk of timetables, or of amnesty for insurgents who have attacked American soldiers.
I think Spencer Ackerman of The New Republic put it best.
It’s hard to see how Bush can reject Maliki’s proposal, but it’s worth stating that he should accept it wholeheartedly and begin negotiations for a decent interval to get out of Iraq. He’ll be able to say, first, that he ended the war, and second, that he ended it in accord with his objective of allowing a democratically-elected government to decide its future for itself. It may not keep Iraq together, and it may not get rid of jihadist terrorism emanating from Iraq, but it’s as close as we’ll get to victory, and allows us withdrawal with honor. Let’s take it.
That is solid advice. But, of course, he won’t be able to convincingly say that he ended the war in accord with his objectives because of the kind of bullshit paranoid apocalyptic language being used by the likes of Dick Cheney, Richard Perle, Michael Ledeen, and a host of right-wing bloggers. By repeatedly mischaracterizing the resistance in Iraq as primarily a foreign, jihadist, and al Qaeda-affiliated resistance, they have pretty much precluded the possibility of a pullout being spun as any kind of victory whatsoever.
No matter, it’s never too late to do the best thing available at the time. And, when Maliki asks us to provide a timetable to leave Iraq, we should give him what he wants. A failure to do so will only make matters worse. And Democrats should not make a stink about the proposed amnesty for insurgents. Yeah, we could score political points, but we if we need to help Bush save a little face in order to get him to accede to our desire for a timetable, then we should be gracious.
The only question remaining is, does Maliki have a preference between Kerry’s and Levin’s proposals?
Someone on”Air America” last week, I’m sorry I can’t remember who, had the following observation, and I paraphrase here. We should take GW’s May of 03 mission accomplished speech at its word. We won the Iraq war at that time. What we have been doing since then is occupying a conquered nation. So chuck this “war on terror” stuff out the window. The debate, if any is needed, should be about when we end the occupation of Iraq. The war has been over for three years now.
The Bush/Rove White House gets rave reviews for its ability to “frame issues”. It seems to this observer that they sure as hell missed the boat on this one.
I’ve been thinking for a while that it was a misnomer to refer to this is the Iraq War. The war was over when the statue came down. We won. What’s been going on ever since is an occupation. We should be calling it the Iraq Occupation, because that’s what it is. And the question before us for a long while now has been not “how do we win the war?” but “how do we end the occupation?” Well, al-Maliki may have just given us an out.
The smart thing to do would be to accept Maliki’s proposal.
That said, these people have never been known to do the smart thing.
I’m just not sure who. Al-Maliki’s proposal comes days after Bush parachutes into the green zone and shows up at his door unannounced. It’s hard to believe the two of them didn’t have some kind of conversation about what comes next in Iraq. Is al-Maliki thumbing his nose at Bush? Or is he reading the memo Bush gave him? And if that’s the case, then it’s pretty obvious Bush and Cheney aren’t even speaking anymore. What I’m wondering now is, when the music stops who’s not gonna have a chair?
Hey Ignorant, you are getting very perceptive in you (old?) age!
My grampaw used to say,
Too soon old, too late smart.
I think this is a golden opportunity for him to gasp do the right thing and score political points.
If he agrees to the points put forth by the Iraqi government (which from a diplomatic standpoint he almost has to do), he has a chance to:
I have never been convinced that GWB is a true neocon. This is his opportunity to distance himself from the failed neocon foreign policy doctrine and save a little face.
My desire to see Bush suffer politically is infinitesimal compared to my wishes of getting our troops out of Iraq ASAP.
I think he has always been a sock puppet for Cheney and Rumsfeld. If he grasps the opportunity he’s been given, I may have to revise my estimation of his intelligence.
When dealing with liars, it is best to decipher the intent behind the lies rather than analyzing the literal meaning of the lies. Paraphrasing by simplifying can be a helpful way to begin. The quote from Big Dick can be simplified in this way.
Paraphrasing Big Dick’s threat to stability as our loss of control is accurate because he predicates stability on our military presence and promise of violence.
Simplifying this brief quote demonstrates two or three things. First, the global war on terror is his raison d’etre. As long as he is in power, it will continue. Second, his ‘global’ war on terror’s raison d’etre is the control of the region in which it is fought. Third, he is a murderous liar.
King George aint gonna accept no amnesty. Actually didnt the senate just overwhelmingly also reject the idea?
Oh an of course the insurgents or freedom fighters or whatever you want to call them probably dont have much time for no Vichy government.
They’ve been following their legal framework irrespective of the view from this side of the ocean. While we follow the daily violence of the conflict in “our” media, in-Country GW & Friends are merely tolerated, and nearly irrelevant. Congress itself is positively out to lunch – with the exception of John Murtha.
Whatever the scheduled date for withdrawal, – or any other decision made by that sovereign nation – it will come from the Iraqi government, and not ours. We are working for them, and not the other way round.
“By engaging in this kind of hysterical rhetoric, it makes it impossible for Cheney and Bush to spin a drawdown as anything but a great victory for jihadists.”
Actually, the more hysterical the rhetoric, the easier it is to turn it on the dime. This is about reinforcing the emotional fanaticism of the true believers — not making a rational strategic argument. And if there’s one thing history has taught us about hysterical, fanatical followers, it’s that they can be led to believe ANYTHING, even if it is 180 degrees away from what you led them to believe yesterday.
Besides, to Cheney’s core audience, the enemy within (i.e. the liberals) are what really matters, not Al Qaeda. And that never changes.
As for the vast silent majority? They don’t listen to any of this shit anyway. They’ll just be happy to hear that the troops may be coming home.
That MSNBC/Newsweek story seems to be badly outdated — or else they know something that no one else does: “Amnesty for all insurgents who attacked U.S. and Iraqi military targets.” Juan Cole seems to have the latest on the subject:
(Informed Comment, 6/25/2006 06:32:00 AM)
When the original version of the amnesty was announced (leaked?) over a week ago, Senate Democrats immediately complained that it mustn’t apply to anyone who had killed Americans. Word was quickly relayed to the prime minister of the sovereign nation of Iraq that his proposed amnesty was unacceptable. The Maliki aide who had told the press of the amnesty resigned (and/or was fired) and the amnesty proposal was modified as described by Cole above.
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