Atrios thinks Lieberman should name his party-of-one the Bullshit Moose Party.

Here’s your standard Joe Klein GOP talking point:

“It shows that the loony left has taken over the Democrat Party and it shows there is little room for anyone but pacifist, liberal, haters of traditional American values on the Democrat ticket this year,” Carros said.

Also, don’t forget.

Hannity:I need to know, do you want my endorsement?

Lieberman: Well, it’s good that you asked me in private like this [yuck, yuck]. I appreciate your friendship and I appreciate your support.

Hannity: If you want me to do it, then I’ll do it.

Lamont Blog makes some sports analogies.

Make your own analogies (and jokes). Today is the perfect day to honor America’s rich history of political satire.