Atrios thinks Lieberman should name his party-of-one the Bullshit Moose Party.
Here’s your standard Joe Klein GOP talking point:
“It shows that the loony left has taken over the Democrat Party and it shows there is little room for anyone but pacifist, liberal, haters of traditional American values on the Democrat ticket this year,” Carros said.
Also, don’t forget.
Hannity:I need to know, do you want my endorsement?
Lieberman: Well, it’s good that you asked me in private like this [yuck, yuck]. I appreciate your friendship and I appreciate your support.
Hannity: If you want me to do it, then I’ll do it.
Lamont Blog makes some sports analogies.
Make your own analogies (and jokes). Today is the perfect day to honor America’s rich history of political satire.
pacifist, liberal, haters of traditional American values
Pacifists are haters of traditional American values, which I guess means in his eyes the traditional American value must be warmongering imperialism. Good to know.
I will never hate my country, but I definitely despise some of my more bloodthirsty and sanctimonious countrymen. Evil bastards, the lot of them.
Pacifists are haters of traditional American values
wow, Carros is demonstrating ignorance, as well. To say pacifists hate is to show that he doesn’t understand pacifism. If he did he woudl realize that hate is an emotion springing from violent motives.
NOT pacifistic
I’m no good at these things, but what the hell? Nowhere to go but up. Perhaps somebody would be kind enough to fix this for me.
Joementum’s gonna get you
Gonna shoot you right in the face
Better get yourself together darlin’
Join the Bushit Moose Party’s brand new face
How the world is gonna blow
If you’re laughin’ at fools like Joe
Who in the hell d’you think you are
A pacifist a liberal or a hater
Well, right you are
Well we all wank on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Yeah we all wank on
On and on and on on and on
If you cut off my head/power, I will just grow another and another! I am entitled to this position, period!
Image found at the following site
Great visual! So very, very right on!
Talked with my 83 year old aunt in CT yesterday. She is upset about “Joe’s temper tantrums” and the truth of what he has being doing finally coming out in the “Hartford Courant” newspaper.
So, has anyone heard yet if Hillary Clinton is doing her ‘Rupert Murdoch bag lady’ thing and funneling money to Joe Lieberman from Murdoch as she and other right wing Dems have done for Bob Casey in Pennsylvania. The progressives don’t stand a chance against Reich wing checkbook democracy. Compound the checkbook democracy with the denial of acces to polling places, gerrymandering and apportionment subversion that are all common practices by the Reich wing against everyone else in America and only Reich wingers and their appeasers have a chance in hell of winning any election in America.
The Bristol Press link does not bring up the article.
My favorite piece of snark on the depth of Joementum’s loyalty to the Democratic party was on the Huff post where Marty Kaplan says that lieb is saying a lawful primary is “a non-binding suggestion” and, of course, anything my friend Howie Klein has to say on the matter. Atrios’s ‘Bullshit Moose Party’ is superb.
Joementum was everywhere yesterday and obviously enjoying being in the spotlight once again, he even dragged out poor old Hadassah. What a pathetic attention hound he is. I thought that the Lamont campaign’s aggressive responses calling bullshit on Lieb were effective and admirable.