Sent into Hell by those Who Won’t Ever Experiance, on this Planet but will in the everafter, Cheered On by False Flag Waving Patriots of Same Ilk, than Shit On When They Return, Same Ole-SameOle!
Now Instead of Paying To Help, Label Them and Strip Them Of Their ‘Freedoms’ and ‘Outcast’ them from Society!!!
Why not make them wear a Sign ‘Once Sane now War Veteran and Insane’, after all will tracking them be enough!!
You Don’t Want To Help Them, Than Don’t Send Them and Cheer On The Destructiveness Of Wars!!
TSA Looks to VA and DoD for Mental Defectives
The TSA is looking for contractors to build new databases to help screen airline passengers. They want to include information about military personnel from Department of Defense (DoD) files and veterans from Department of Veterans’ Affairs (VA) files. According to the TSA, here’s what they want: “Examples of new data sources would be DoD files for military service histories or VA files for lists of persons who have been declared mental defectives.”
{You can leave a comment to this at above site URL of Veterans for America}
How far are we willing to go when it comes to “security” on commercial airline flights? The ugly side of that question came to light on November 15 when the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) posted a “sources sought” inquiry on their web site.
The TSA is looking for contractors to build new databases to help screen airline passengers. They want to include information about military personnel from Department of Defense (DoD) files and veterans from Department of Veterans’ Affairs (VA) files.
According to the TSA, here’s what they want: “Examples of new data sources would be DoD files for military service histories or VA files for lists of persons who have been declared mental defectives.”
Read Larry Scott’s complete column here
Now Scott’s Report was written, and posted, on December 18, 2005. visit the site and read what he has to say!
Above was reported long before what occurred yesterday:
Official: Passengers tackle Iraq vet ramming cockpit door
A U.S. Army soldier who had served in Iraq was tackled by airplane passengers after he ran down the aisle and rammed the cockpit door on a flight from New York to Tampa, an official said.
It would be extremely interesting to find out Exactly how much Help this Soldier recieved prior to this Clear Incident of the Trauma of PTSD took hold on that flight!
It would also be Extremely Interesting to find out how much Help the Soldier, now accused of Rape and Murder in Iraq, wether military suspected the incident or not, after he was Dumped Back Into Society on an Already much reported Mental Disorder, this one was a Time Bomb waiting to go off, if the Aligations are true about Iraq Atrosity!!
Any Budding Investigative Journalists Interested? Here’s your chance, along with So Many Others, but with this one ‘You’ can Make a Big Differance for All of Society and beyond!!
Now as a Vietnam Vet, having returned some 35yrs. ago from In-Country, and seeing to many of my fellow brothers from ‘Nam living with the Destruction of Their Nightmare Lives, we get the following:
Veterans benefits commission to focus on PTSD
The Veterans’ Disability Benefits Commission will focus on post-traumatic stress syndrome during its July 13 meeting. Commissioners will look at studies being conducted by the Center for Naval Analyses and the Institute of Medicine on how the military diagnoses and assesses new PTSD cases and also at post-deployment health programs and how eligibility for benefits is verified.
Question: What The Fuck Have These People Been Doing While Collecting Our Paychecks To Them, With The Great Bennies??? Besides recently taking Sensitive files Home with them for god knows what purpose!!
And than of course we have the Modern Military, All Volunteer, and Comprised of More Women Serving Direct Combat Duty, knowing what the Trauma does to men and innocents, how will it effect:
Women at war: Mental health toll unkown
More American women are closer to combat in Iraq than in any other modern war, and there are many unknowns about the mental health effects they may experience when they come home from the war zone. “In the civilian world, post-traumatic stress disorder has traditionally been much more common in women than in men,” says Col. Elspeth Cameron Ritchie, the psychiatry consultant to the U.S. Army surgeon general. “This is the first time that we’ve really had a large number of women that are over in a combat zone so we are studying how they do, but the results aren’t out yet.”
With the daily trauma of War wearing on all, women have to face even more from the few, frankly deranged, male counterparts:
Command Rape
Suzanne Swift’s story begins in an all-too-familiar way. A dead-end job, a friendly military recruiter, a promise that signing-up as military police would mean no deployment to Iraq, a broken promise, and a trip to war. Then it takes a less commonly heard of turn, one involving a practice known as “command rape.”
Get Them The Hell Out Of This Mess, NOW!!
Let the economy collapse, because right now this conflict is the biggest thing holding this stagnant economy from collapsing completely!
And When They Get Home TAKE CARE OF THEM!!
And this Country owes it to the people of Iraq and Afganistan to Take Care of their Citizens Traumatized by the Wars We’ve Inflicted on them, not just blowing them off as we recently did to the Vietnam Innocents!! {I would suggest a re-visit on that subject after We The People Take Back Our Government!!}
rec list Jim. My husband and I were talking about the poor soldier who attempted to storm the cockpit door, we wondered what that would have been like holding the guy down while his brother explained most likely yelling over the chaos that this is due to Iraq and they are trying to fly and get him some help. I was just wondering how many warmongering neocon supporters got off the plane that day asking themselves a few more questions about things than they normally do……having your life flash before your eyes whether you are in Iraq or on an airplane over the United States tends to make us all ask ourselves some pretty hard questions! My husband doesn’t seem too happy this afternoon either thinking that maybe he gets to be on a new and improved watch list for flying! He seems kind of pissed!
Thoughts are Mine!
I Flipped when getting most of the above in the Veterans For America Newsletter, Especially after the Flight Incident, which already had me Burning!!
And ‘Why’, Because I Knew Exactly What Many On That Flight Were Thinking and it Wasn’t About PTSD, Iraq Service, or Anything Connected!!
If they could of some would have Actually ‘Spit’ on him than went on thinking they were the ‘Normal’ and he was the ‘Never Was Normal’, a few will be stating He’s Faking It All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Terrorism is the taking of innocent lives for a false political purpose.” Colin Powell – 2002
This young Lady has another short but ‘Powerful’ New Flash up!!
Independence Day
I can easily imagine a term like “mental defectives” being just vague enough to be badly abused by those with any modicum of authority within our public and private bureaucracies. Wouldn’t be the first time in our sad history. Been reading a book on the eugenics movement, and the stories are hair-raising: “mental defectives” were ordered sterilized without consent, warehoused in asylums, etc. In an odd sort of way the endeavor by our nation’s elites at the time to breed a master race of Nordic humans was framed as a national security concern.
The neocons and all those who are a part of their authoritarian apparatus certainly want to declare others victimized by their policies as mentally defective, not only because they need to maintain their delusion that their policies are perfect, but mainly because they need to blame these victims to divert attention away from the simple fact that they themselves are the mental defectives for having engineered this war and sent all these people over there in the first place.
Who’s more mentally defective than Cheney and his minions?
The truths you point out just really piss me off today! My husband is mentally defective because they used him to do something and it broked him….he must have been broked in the first place because this wouldn’t have broked a real man or a real American or a patriotic American or a Christian American. Our poor soldiers are hurt and PTSD can be a very shaming thing to suffer from because a person loses their ability to distinguish between certain realities when it is triggered….but they aren’t crazy since they can discern that there is discord within and crazy people don’t know that they are acting crazy….people with PTSD know something isn’t right though most of the time but don’t know what to do about it. For men I have found that this is very shaming. Then have your President and his worshipers shame you some more with labeling you mentally defective. PTSD is a sign of being mentally effective…..a person experiences a trauma that often could not be emotionally dealt with at the time because it would have compromised the beings ability to survive the current situation and/or environment….so the mind stores it and waits until things are safe enough to pull it out and try to process it!
The true spitting on the troops doesn’t come from us “hippie (insert your own labe) it comes from the ones who beamed with Nationalistic pride and burned with hate and fear. It is they who don’t realize that Bush rapes the VA and benefits. they holler about sanctity of life when it comes to stem cell science when our men and women and Iraqi children could reap so much from that one cut research.
No one has to spit on the troops. Bush and followers do it every damn day.
Oh and want to know how they are counseled about PTSD when they’ve been in Iraq frontlines for three motherfucking tours????
They counsel them telling them that don’t have to worry about PTSD… that only pussies believe that shit.
Our govenment and it’s warpigs are the ones fucking up our troops.
Help them… bring them home NOW and DEMAND they get the help they need!!!!
No one in the history of our country has ever shown more contempt for the human beings in the military than this Bush regime. They are a disgrace to humanity on every level.