Every Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 7:30 across from the Beaverton, Oregon, public library.
Danni with our sign from Ft. Lewis vigil.
Singing Songs…
and carrying signs…
Peace Mongers!!!
My son… watching and waiting for honks.
My daughter patiently sits with her sign…
Last week we received an email stating that there were 57 in attendance along with two profiles of sign holders. I’ll try to include that information in later photojournals.
Signing out from Beaverton… Peace.
This diary is for Chocolate Ink, Scribe and RubDMC, people I’ve never met yet but helped me find my path. And to all those here at BoomanTribune who know that marchers aren’t “meaningless”. Thank you!
I’ll be diarizing (is that a word?) the weekly local Peace Vigils with the permission of the Washington County Peace Vigil Organizers.
Hopefully people can see that it’s just “We The People” out there as well as see how the vigils change throughout the year, the seasons and with media events.
Right now it’s summertime, a firetruck rolled past us and honked, an old man drove by and flipped us off…
It’ll be different in the rain. The heat. The ice. It’s always different.
When the sun crawls down earlier… you’ll see the candles.
Also, I was told by a hockey pal that a local station does a “Peace Report” in the am drive and it mentions this vigil and said a “Code Pinker with kids” was there. I’ve sent them the link to the “photojournals”.
On August 16th, this particular vigil will sharing in the National Day of Education and show support for Lt. Watada.
Dear Janet. I’m not a very “warm and fuzzy” type person, but that how your dedication of this diary made me feel. Thank you. And know that I really am there with you at all of these actions, watching your back always. Thank you for marching for me.
and… always let them know they were with you.
Wow, good work!Maybe now I’ll quit making rude remarks about Washington county!(Lived there 25 years, still work in it)
Sunday will be the Hiroshima No Nukes Shadow event in Portland. You goin? Me and the kidlets will be there. I’ll probably be taking the Max in for that. I’ll send you an email tomorrow morn with the deets. It wasn’t added to the site or big email for “stealth” reasons I guess.
For Janet and her children
“It is like trying to ignite – to pass on the responsibilities as much as possible to everyone else.”
Ravi Shankar
One day, you and I will meet and we’ll raise a glass and toast Peace for all our children… everywhere.
Janet, as always thanks for the diary because these diaries give me hope-hope that people are waking up and starting to stand together as hopefully more and more people realize war is not the answer.
‘Peace Monger’..great Tshirts-that kinda sums up the whole anti-war movement doesn’t it. Might have to get one of those to add to the several other Peace tshirts I have.
You know I can’t give much more support than recommending your diaries but if you ever feel down you can always just send me and email that says fuck the bloody warmongers and do some serious venting/ranting..love and peace -although I haven’t been feeling too peaceful these last few weeks myself..and just heard some fucken brainless asshat today saying that ‘liberals’ want us to fail in Iraq-sick lying prick bastard.
I remember reading a list of five things a government will do when they want to go to war with someone. I wish I could remember the other four, but I remember #2 was “demonize and dehumanize the enemy.”
This is how we know that they consider us The Enemy — they demonize and dehumanize us every chance they get.
And every time I hear stuff like this I think of Adlai Stevenson’s famous maxim, “If they’ll stop telling lies about us, we’ll stop telling the truth about them.”
is the term the Admin uses.
I am so sick of that Spitting on troops after VietNam lie. I’ve been reading where that is a lie told by Papa Bush before the Gulf War to try to squash any debate or dissent on the war.
Speaking of spitting… from my small bit of experience it’s the people who support illegal occupations that do the spitting.
And the military marches detained war resisters up and down the barrack quarters so that the rest of the uniformed can … spit on them. How degrading eh?
Jeff Patterson, first to resist the Gulf War, said that he sat on the tarmac refusing to go and his “buddies” spat on him, kicked him, threatened him and his loved ones and would say… one more chance to be our friend…
Like spitting and kicking and threatening is forgotten.
And.. remember as you’re marching, vigiling… to keep an eyes out for those fast food super sized soda cups. Those tend to come flying out of car windows.
“Support the Troops… throw litter out of moving vehicle”
that’s the shirt I want 🙂
Wingnuts try to make that a four a letter word.
We have failed in Iraq. War is failure on all accounts.
How about one of those field jackets like the FBI wears during field operations, except instead of FBI on the back, it says LIBERAL?
Hmmm I like that idea!!! But I might get arrested for attempting to impersonate a monger type! ACK!
Pink… it’s easily seen and less likely to be confused with crowd control 🙂
Liberal T-shirt
Who said it couldn’t be a pink field jacket??
The human in me just can’t bring herself to don any military-like gear.
Speaking of which.. have you seen all the New School Clothes line up?? Most have cammoflage crap on em… Even PINK cammies. Something about dressing our kids up to look like soldiers is disturbing to me.
Dress em up to look like warriors while pretending the war isn’t happening mentality. ACK
Thanks for the pix! Now this is my idea of “peace gone wild”! 🙂
It was a wild busy weekend for CodePink. Today I can’t go out because my son’s old 1:1 aide is coming back to visit again before she heads back to Calif., but tomorrow we’re going to the Hiroshima Shadow No Nukes rally. That’ll be wild. I’ll try to get some clicks in.
a sitting ovation (only because I can’t stand and type at the same time)…
See. I can’t either 🙂
Janet, you and youre family are an inpiration.
Thanks Cruz, … the “inspired ones” have yet to find any inspiration to wash their hands thoroughly or clean their rooms… 🙂 ACK
Forty years from now, no one will remember or even care whether your kids washed their hands or clean their rooms. (I assume you’re talking about the Damnlings and not Mr. Damnit.)
But they’ll remember marching off to peace rallies with Mom and they’ll be better people for it.
Kinda how I feel, too. I’m a bit of a push over when it comes to that.
Make cookies or clean up the yard… COOKIES!
Make yer bed or MARCH. MARCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like Cookies, chocolate chip. 🙂
my cookies can be… well.. shocking 🙂
Hey another coolio t-shirt
[Enemy http://www.northernsun.com/cgi-bin/ns/1957.html}
but that would go against my vigil diaries that are trying to show that we’re not enemies, or terrists, or (fillintheblank) we’re just people. Your neighbors, your friends,… humans.
I could do shocking cookies. 🙂
Like the t-shirt and I know.
Ahem… you haven’t seem my cookies… my creative “talents” went nuts on some adult styled cookies for a pleasure party… the men in attendance didn’t partake of the frosted cookies for some reason 🙂
Ahem… I have seen your cookies. Just forgot about those particular ones. 🙂
That reminds me, I have almost an entire roll of cookie dough that I haven’t used yet. My granddaughter likes eating raw cookie dough (I sure hope those eggs in there are pasteurized), but you know, call me crazy but I just think cookie dough is better utilized to, oh, I don’t know, make cookies??????
Be back in a bit.
Or…used in chocolate chip cookie dough cheesecake! 🙂
Great pictures Janet. It’s good to see the kids involved. Besides being a good karmic action, it teaches them a valuable lesson — that dissent is patriotic, that it is their right and, indeed, in times of crisis, their duty.
“Dissent is Patriotic” that’s what Danni’s other sign says that she made. We had to help her with the spelling though 🙂
My son misses the No War Drum Corps.
Sometimes I wonder if the anti-war stuff in our lives is too much on them, like if it’s a burden… but then it’s them that are leading us. I think it would be more of a burden to live in apathy rather than empowerment, you know.
Plus… I remember the line, “what did you do, once you knew?” and we’ll all have our own answers for that. Including Wes and Danni.
You rock … your whole family rocks … I’m in awe of you all …
Thank you: {{{DJ & Family}}}
I gotta share this… so it will bring us back down to earth in your eyes 🙂
while there.. at a PEACE vigil… my kids started to fuck with each other. You know, the casual taunt of one another. ACK!! I had to say, “Don’t make me ground you at a freakin’ peace vigil” The woman next to me found it very hard to not hold in her laughter 🙂
Now that is cute … and funny 🙂
Miss Flowertographer Queen BumbleBee LadyBug of Hockeydom! 🙂
but you won’t see this one first from our news.
US Activists, Iraqi Lawmakers Demand US Troop Withdrawal
Yay Pink Fasters!!!!
Thanks, Janet, just thanks. And Danni too.