Just a quick note to thank everyone for the expressions of support and love for both my daughter and me. My daughter has her “Ma” to baby her and lots of doctors to put her back together again, so the love and hugs from the Booman Tribune community seems like a special present just for me – which I both need and appreciate right now.
Ryan was riding her bike to class yesterday afternoon on her college campus, crossing an intersection with the light, when she was hit by a pickup truck turning left, which failed to yield to her. He says he didn’t see her as he was pulled way up under the traffic light waiting for oncoming traffic to clear.
She saw the truck and knew it was going to hit her but she couldn’t do anything to avoid it. She said time slowed down just like it does in the movies and she had time to wonder about how badly she’d be hurt, how she’d catch up if she missed classes and that she ought to have been wearing a helmet.
The impact threw her onto the hood of the large truck and when he finally slammed on his brakes she then slid off, headfirst, onto the street.
She has four broken bones, two in her lovely face – her nose and the bone directly under her nose which holds her front teeth in place. Her wrist and one of the long toe bones on the top of her foot are also broken.
Several of her teeth are broken and the two front ones are pushed back 15 degrees. After three years of wearing braces she had just recently gotten them off and was really pleased to have a beautiful smile.
I’m using this photo of her from last month because this is how I’d like to picture her – currently she’s sort of scary looking and unrecognizable to me. I can understand how that family in Michigan could have stayed by the bedside of another girl thinking it was her after a car accident.
So, she is home with us now and really worried about missing her classes. She has ADD and has learned to compensate by being very methodically organized, writing lists and adhering to schedules. She’s never had an easy time catching up.
In the next two days we have to see an ENT for her broken nose, an orthopedist for her broken wrist and toes, her orthodontist to try to move the two front teeth back into place and a dentist to try to repair the broken ones.
On a side note, but probably the most important point I want to make, she had just gotten her bike repaired and picked it up from the bike shop. She planned to ride it to her late afternoon class and then go buy a helmet. We are so very lucky that she didn’t sustain horrible head injuries or lose her life when her head hit the ground.
I appreciate so much the thoughts and good wishes of everyone here at BT. You’re all very dear to me.
Sending good vibes her way.
SN, so very sorry to hear about this accident. My love and healing energies to both you and your daughter. Sounds like she was indeed lucky that it wasn’t much worse.
Hope she won’t worry too much about catching up at school. If she needs the time to heal, then just heal. There will always be another semester of school when she is doing better. The stress of worrying about it won’t help her heal faster.
I know she has a terrific mom to help her through it all, so just know that “old Aunt Shirl” is cheering her on from the far west sidelines.
Hugs and loves to you both
I am sending Warm Thoughts of Love and Healing to you both!!!!!
Thanks for the update. I’m so glad she’s going to be all right, and that her injuries weren’t worse.
Love and hugs (and a roll of bubble wrap) to you and Ryan.
You must be a nervous wreck. I’m so glad she’s more or less all right. And I’m so glad you posted, I was worried about both you and your family all evening.
I got hit by a car in a very similar way when I was 13, but I was so lucky, I actually got up with only superficial injuries and was able to walk my (totally ruined) bike home. You know, if she winds up having to miss one semester to heal up, that’s not at all a big deal in the grand scheme of things. Easy peasy to work that out if need be. I wish her a speedy recovery, of course, and I hope you know you can email me or call me if you need to.
I’m so sorry about her injuries and so glad they weren’t any worse. Jim and I send all our best thoughts to you, Ryan and the rest of the family.
I’m so relieved to know your daughter will be alright SN. She’s very beautiful, btw. I wonder how that happened? :o)
I want you to know that your daughter’s misfortune had a profound effect on me last night. A very positive one. That might sound weird or even disconnected from hers and your pain and fear, but it jarred me out of the swamp of self pity and sense of powerlessness I’ve been struggling with lately as I obcess about everything I percieve to be wrong in my life and how I can control it. It all comes down to one inescapable reality. And that is that our kids, mine and yours, are the most beautiful blessing any of us could ever be given, and if the world itself fell away from, if I still had my kids, I would be the most fortunate lifeform to have ever lived.
Try to rest Mom. Love to you and your family.
I care about the world – I really do. But at times like this, when you receive that phone call that nearly stops your heart, everything shrinks down to just you and your child, your family.
I wish all children were safe and loved. My daughter is so fortunate to be surrounded by the comforts of her life – her family, good medical insurance, emergency personnel that really know what they’re doing, friends who filled the ER waiting room.
Those who hurt alone, who die unrecognized by anyone other than their parents, are the ones who break my heart.
Thanks, Michael. And everyone – we’re off to the doctor now.
Oh SN – that you can be so aware of your daughter’s good fortune in all of this and your empathy for those without, I consider a sign of a person with a HUGE heart.
Holding your daughter and you in my heart-thoughts.
Please continue to update.
SN…I had no idea this had happened as I try to stay off the computer on weekends. I am sending out love and healing energy for you and your daughter. She sure is a very lucky gal to have you as a Mom. Take good care of her AND yourself too.
Big hugs SN and I’m so glad you’re keeping us up to date.
OMG SN, I hadn’t heard about this until now. I’m so very sorry you and Ryan and the rest of your family have to go through this, but I am glad she wasn’t hurt even more seriously.
I know she will heal quickly, from what you’ve said about her (and knowing she must take after Mom) she is a fighter. And you may not recognize her now, but it will only be a short time before her inner beauty shines through and makes her whole again.
Best wishes, and big hugs.
I’m so sorry to hear this. I’m glad that she’ll be okay. This must have been very scary.
SN, I’m so glad that it wasn’t worse. Ryan is a beautiful girl and it sounds like she inherited her Mom’s tenacity. The young have an ability to bounce back from injury. I’ll certainly keep both of you in my thoughts; sending some love and good vibes your way.
(((SN))) Love and healing energy to you both.
Take what lessons you can from this terrible trauma and recover as quickly as possible, but don’t rush into anything – it’s time for rest now.
Remember you’re not alone –
Blessings to {{{Ryan, SN and family}}}.
Oh,SN!! So many hugs for you and careful hugs for her!! She’ll be fine, fine, fine, and just as beautiful, but oh, in the meantime, much sympathy to all of you. Having had a kid go through braces, that’s the one thing I keep thinking about, superficial as that sounds, I know. Poor kid, to have to do that all over again. But she survived, she survived, she survived! I celebrate that much of this scary story.
Oh man! I knew I was missing alot around here. Hug her for me (but not too tight!) and a hug for you as well.
My little brother was hit by a car when he was crossing the street coming home from school. Thankfully only a cut on his head and a bruised hip.
I have a candle lit for the both of you and will be thinking of you both.
{{{second nature}}}
SN you know my thoughts are with her and with you and the family.
I am so happy that the injuries are relatively minor. It is so hard to see our loved ones in pain, but knowing that they are alive and will recover is what is important.
Bright blessings and a full and speedy recovery!
Hi SN, I am sending healing energies to you and daughter and best wishes on a speedy recovery…lots of hugs and love too.
SN – I’m so sorry to hear of Ryan’s accident. Before you know it, that beautiful, radiant young woman will be back on her feet, stronger than ever.
In addition to the immense blessing of her survival, the quality of her medical care, and the healing powers of love and support being sent in her direction … I have no doubt that your terrific sense of humor will work wonders in helping Ryan toward a quick and full recovery. Your daughter is blessed to be in such good hands.
Thank you for the reminder to treasure every child in our lives, and to make sure they know how much we love them.
Please keep us posted on Ryan’s recovery, and please know that we’re thinking of you and sending lots of love your way.
SN: I’m so far behind that I just learned about this. Take care of yourself as well as you daughter. The ability to heal — on levels– is amazing.
Love to your whole family.
Hi SN, thanks for checking in, I was thinking about you and the family the whole evening. All my best to you, Ryan, and the rest of the family as you heal together.
Love and hugs, SN, Ryan & family. How wonderful that she has come home to you and will heal in time. Hope that time is short. Blessings.
so very pleased to hear that the injuries weren’t worse and that she was able to come home and be with you and family.
Sending healing thoughts and blessings your way.
Like some others, I’m just learning about this. I wish you all the support you need and your daughter a speedy and complete recovery.
I just heard. I look forward to the updated version which tells us she’s recoverying beyond the doctor’s wildest dreams.
All my love, Second Nature! Take care of yourself, too.
Dear SN and Ryan,
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Yikes! just heard about this-I’m so sorry-it must have been so frightening! Best wishes to Ryan for a speedy recovery
I’m so glad your daughter came out of this OK. Makes my personal problems seem, well, kinda petty in comparison.
Best luck, best wishes and hang in there. We’ll keep the snark bubbling until you’re able to make it back and concentrate on other things.
Positive karma your way.
and quadruple it…
Will hold you and Ryan in my thoughts and prayers…blessings and peace to both of you…
Your description was horrifying–so I am glad to hear the injuries were not actually worse. I hope healing goes well.
From my own experience though, I suspect a very long and boring period lies ahead. May Ryan have the patience to let her body do what it needs to do. I have no good advice on how to do this. In my own case, I was held to it by the realization that if I could not let my body recover, there was no plan B. It had to work.
The last time I was run down (car running a stop sign AFTER coming to a full stop) I did not have so much as a broken bone, but I was immobilized for two weeks. The first week I could not get out of bed. The second week I could get up for a few minutes at a time. I ran a fever and ached. My body ran my life, and I paid close attention. At the end I was okay–and I am very happy for that–but healing really needs its own time.
Left-turning cars are very aggravating. It has happened to me, and I have seen it more than once. They never see you. The truth is they don’t look, but how can you make them?
It took a disaster to convert me to helmets. It was my friend’s, not mine. He was years recovering. Since then I wear one. Always.
And it has saved me at least three times.
Life’s agenda changes. Suddenly there is no other task but getting well. It cannot be hurried. There is nothing else do. Please accept my best wishes for this.
You are so right about this! At first, even in the ER with the neck brace on and blood everywhere, she seemed so relieved to be alive and was running on adrenaline, so her plan was to get back to class after maybe taking the long weekend off. Now I think a little bit of depression is sinking in as she realizes how much she hurts and how difficult it is to do even simple tasks with one non-dominant hand. Yesterday she spent most of the day vomiting her pain medication. She’s so young and spunky and this has thrown her for a loop.
What a tragic story. I’m so sorry. Thank goodness she is alive, and has people who love her to pull her through.
and add an idea which I hope may be of some help.
I very good friend of mine had a serious bike accident once, and happily she recovered very well. Well enough to do the double diamonds on the downhill ski runs.
But it was what she’d done during her recovery that amazed me. She said she had focused this “down time” on designing a landscaping scheme for her back yard.
It ended up so amazing that’s it’s hard to describe. But being that it’s in San Diego she’s got all kinds of greenery I’d have no name for, plus a pond, etc etc.
So I’m wondering if at some point in the recovery process Ryan might be encouraged to focus on some sort of equivalent of a “landscaping scheme” for her own life.
I have no idea what that might be for her, but the end result could be as wonderful for her as it was for my friend.
I wish Ryan, you and the rest of the family well, and I’ll be sending healing vibes as best as I can.
Prayers and well wishes for you all.
for you both.
Glad she survived, and wasn’t more seriously injured; even better to hear that she’s “back in the saddle” and not too afraid to ride again.
Peace and health to you both.