Good pastrami is a whole nother story. Yummy. I really miss the great delis I grew up with down in South Florida, all up and down Miami Beach and into Hollywood. Simply the best.
My dad doesn’t even like it — and that man will eat damn near anything. You know that section of the grocery store with the jars of pickled pigs’ feet and the canned weird fish from countries you’d have to google to know exactly where they are? That’s where my dad does 90% of his shopping. But he won’t eat Miracle Whip or fake butter, so neither will I. 🙂
You know, I was going to participate in this thread, but after that little culinary picture I think I’ll pass.
Maybe I’ll go indulge my own culinary weirdness, such as it is. Nathan’s Hot Dogs. If I’m going to kill myself with nitrates and stuff I might as well do it with the best available.
but not on pastrami — it’s Gulden’s or bust for that (though I rarely have pastrami these days).
Used to love beef tongue, but haven’t had it in years…not sure if I’ve lost the taste for it. I still like liver though (but no onions, please); my mom-in-law makes a Chicken Livers Marsala dish that’s to die for.
Heading out for good soup/salad tonight — need to eat early so we can fast for 12 hours; want to finally get our lab work done at the clinic tomorrow…
Not a tea day, alas. Currently sitting on the screen porch and doing all the line edits for Cybermancy. Had an interviewer for the local arts magazine over earlier, which was kind of fun.
Miracle Whip or Mayo? MW for sandwiches. Mayo for cooking.
A little scattershot actually. Going through line edits always make me feel a little disconnected because I’m jumping around the book without actually ever reading more than a sentence here and there.
You know I never thought of that or how it would be for a writer to do their editing. I think most people have the idea that writers just spit out so many words a day and that’s it.
The editing’s not so bad when it’s linear stuff, i.e. me going through and making fixes. But when it’s a me going through someone else’s note on one of my manuscripts it really knocks me for a mental loop. Especially on days like today when I’m reading through comments from several readers.
See that’s something else I didn’t know or think of. How you have it fixed in your mind how the book will go, but then other peoples ideas having you jumping back and forth, and you trying to tie it all together.
Good news on the spousal employment front — it’s going to be delayed a bit, but looks like sometime next month he’ll be re-employed! He has to get another work physical (his CA DMV medical card expired), but they said he can have his personal physician do it instead of the clinic they contract with (which may have been part of the problem — the bedside manner of the doctors there leaves much to be desired). He has an appointment already scheduled for Sept. 5, so he’s going to see if he can change it from “office visit” to “physical”. After that gets done and the paperwork submitted, he’ll have a two-day retraining (one day behind the wheel and the second one a refresher on basic customer/passenger service), then he’s BACK TO WORK!!! So, it looks like we’ve weathered this crisis…now on to the next one…
Going to go celebrate with a nice cup of tea; I’ve got some Fusion Green/White from Stash that I’ve been meaning to try… 🙂
I went to the correct DMV, stood in the correct line, and got out of there in under 1 hour with a handicapped parking placard. I’m feeling very good and successful.
It’s insane here. There are separate places for driver’s licenses and plates and tags. So, which one handles a handicapped permit? I guessed correctly and only had to wait for 30 minutes or so. Sometimes things work out.
So the tag thing is a crap shoot. We only have one office and everybody there is pretty friendly.
Nope no tanning. We’ve had nothing but thunder all morning and now it looks like it’s going to rain. I did hold the computer screen to my bony knees to try and get a little light shined onto them. 😛
I used to be a tanner – blonde blonde hair and brown skin. Now that I know better, and now that I live in the Amazon I mean South, I’m pasty as hell in the summer because I never go outside. I hide under a rock until October.
Yeah but look at how many people want our sun and heat during the dead of winter. I’d actually prefer to be in a much cooler climate so I could be pasty year round.
It was a hairy morning … afternoon not so bad … and yes I did get out at lunch … I just downloaded 410 photos LOL! I had a lot of fun … I’m not sure what’s there, but hopefully something good.
I sure could use a pastrami on rye right about now. And even though I live in the South™ NO MAYO!
mmm…I had one of those here last week.
They caution you against ordering it with mayo on the menu. 🙂
I had the best pastrami at Andi’s house. Of course she tricked me into eating tongue too…
And how was that?
Did she really? If so, I’m going to have a pack a very large cooler when I finally get out there to visit.
I will take the long way to Dayton and stop at Shapiro’s to get you some.
I am very picky about which tongues I put in my mouth, and I refuse to even consider dead ones. 🙂
and I don’t mind people being put off by the idea of tongue; it just means more for me — and feel free to twist that in any way you want. 😉
Good pastrami is a whole nother story. Yummy. I really miss the great delis I grew up with down in South Florida, all up and down Miami Beach and into Hollywood. Simply the best.
I’ve had pastrami all over the U.S. — including New York and Chicago — and put Shapiro’s up against any of them.
Of course no mayo. You want Miracle Whip.
That stuff is so gross.
Actually I’m the only one in the house that uses it. 🙁
My dad doesn’t even like it — and that man will eat damn near anything. You know that section of the grocery store with the jars of pickled pigs’ feet and the canned weird fish from countries you’d have to google to know exactly where they are? That’s where my dad does 90% of his shopping. But he won’t eat Miracle Whip or fake butter, so neither will I. 🙂
There’s no understanding good taste. 🙂
on pastrami and none of us will be able to save you from an eternity in hell.
Now Andi, I do have some standards. Well actually I don’t, but the next pastrami I have, I won’t let ya’ll know the condiments. 🙂
I try very hard to be open-minded but some things are so vile they can not be forgiven.
Yes you’re right it is vile. Could I interest you in a lutefisk stuffed chitlin?
You know, I was going to participate in this thread, but after that little culinary picture I think I’ll pass.
Maybe I’ll go indulge my own culinary weirdness, such as it is. Nathan’s Hot Dogs. If I’m going to kill myself with nitrates and stuff I might as well do it with the best available.
but not on pastrami — it’s Gulden’s or bust for that (though I rarely have pastrami these days).
Used to love beef tongue, but haven’t had it in years…not sure if I’ve lost the taste for it. I still like liver though (but no onions, please); my mom-in-law makes a Chicken Livers Marsala dish that’s to die for.
Heading out for good soup/salad tonight — need to eat early so we can fast for 12 hours; want to finally get our lab work done at the clinic tomorrow…
Not a tea day, alas. Currently sitting on the screen porch and doing all the line edits for Cybermancy. Had an interviewer for the local arts magazine over earlier, which was kind of fun.
Miracle Whip or Mayo? MW for sandwiches. Mayo for cooking.
Pastrami – DZ Akins in San Diego!
MW for sandwiches. Mayo for cooking. Hah! A man of exception gastronomical acumen.
Don’t ask. I don’t know what the hell I just said.
Hope you’re having a great day.
Hi Kelly. Its been pretty good so far. Squeezed in about an hour nap. I’m up moving around and getting prepared for the next nap. 🙂
How has your day been so far?
A little scattershot actually. Going through line edits always make me feel a little disconnected because I’m jumping around the book without actually ever reading more than a sentence here and there.
Sounds like perimenopause – you should get that looked at. 🙂
Thanks for your concern, but I’m afraid being a writer is incurable. Fortunately, it’s rarely terminal.
You know I never thought of that or how it would be for a writer to do their editing. I think most people have the idea that writers just spit out so many words a day and that’s it.
The editing’s not so bad when it’s linear stuff, i.e. me going through and making fixes. But when it’s a me going through someone else’s note on one of my manuscripts it really knocks me for a mental loop. Especially on days like today when I’m reading through comments from several readers.
See that’s something else I didn’t know or think of. How you have it fixed in your mind how the book will go, but then other peoples ideas having you jumping back and forth, and you trying to tie it all together.
Sounds like a lot of work to me. ::shudder::
Good news on the spousal employment front — it’s going to be delayed a bit, but looks like sometime next month he’ll be re-employed! He has to get another work physical (his CA DMV medical card expired), but they said he can have his personal physician do it instead of the clinic they contract with (which may have been part of the problem — the bedside manner of the doctors there leaves much to be desired). He has an appointment already scheduled for Sept. 5, so he’s going to see if he can change it from “office visit” to “physical”. After that gets done and the paperwork submitted, he’ll have a two-day retraining (one day behind the wheel and the second one a refresher on basic customer/passenger service), then he’s BACK TO WORK!!! So, it looks like we’ve weathered this crisis…now on to the next one…
Going to go celebrate with a nice cup of tea; I’ve got some Fusion Green/White from Stash that I’ve been meaning to try… 🙂
Congrats to the spouse and you Cali.
I went to the correct DMV, stood in the correct line, and got out of there in under 1 hour with a handicapped parking placard. I’m feeling very good and successful.
Congrats to you too SN. Another advantage of living in a rural area is, I don’t think I’ve spent more than 15 minutes in our DMV when I’ve had to go.
It’s insane here. There are separate places for driver’s licenses and plates and tags. So, which one handles a handicapped permit? I guessed correctly and only had to wait for 30 minutes or so. Sometimes things work out.
Have you been out tanning your legs?
So the tag thing is a crap shoot. We only have one office and everybody there is pretty friendly.
Nope no tanning. We’ve had nothing but thunder all morning and now it looks like it’s going to rain. I did hold the computer screen to my bony knees to try and get a little light shined onto them. 😛
I used to be a tanner – blonde blonde hair and brown skin. Now that I know better, and now that I live in the Amazon I mean South, I’m pasty as hell in the summer because I never go outside. I hide under a rock until October.
Yeah but look at how many people want our sun and heat during the dead of winter. I’d actually prefer to be in a much cooler climate so I could be pasty year round.
Got a batch of laundry ready to take down, about three loads worth, so at least I’ve accomplished something… 🙂
Other than that, been pretty lazy…par for the course…
Well you’ve done more than I have. I’ve been thinking for the last 3 days I’ve got to get my laundry done. I’ve got one clean shirt left.
The age old story. If FM fell in the forrest, would anyone in the cafe hear it.
I’m saved, someone heard. 🙂
you need more difficult philosophical problems.
Shut me up real fast I’ll tell ya. I’m still trying to think of something to say on that.
Ha. My thinker thing hurts after that.
Don’t feel alone. I think he did that on purpose.
no doubt.
FM is not there.
If there was more than one snake, FM would have fallen over from a heart attack anyway.
There are multiple snakes in the forest.
FM does not go where there are snakes.
Therefore, FM does not fall in the forest.
So we can x-off that as a heart attack cause and move right on to smoking.
So did you have a hairy work day but still have time to get a flower photo over lunch?
It was a hairy morning … afternoon not so bad … and yes I did get out at lunch … I just downloaded 410 photos LOL! I had a lot of fun … I’m not sure what’s there, but hopefully something good.
How was your day?
I can’t decide between comme ci comme ça and ça va. Which would you go for? 😉
Scurry on through all those pictures and find a nice one for tomorrow.
So is anybody else planning to watch the Spike Lee/Katrina documentary on HBO tonight?
Hmm…I keep forgetting monday is my day. I’m a crappy host, aren’t I?
Let me open up the bar.
you have a cafal dispensation since you have both Ryan and Colin to worry over.
That sounds catholic, but I’ll take it.
New Lounge open, but I’m too apathetic to link to it.