What Are Ya Havin’?
This is an Almost Hosted Cafe.
Nosh on the table.
Nosh on the table.
Rude, crude, lewd behavior appreciated.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Open bar and self serve tonight. What will you have?
What kind of happy hour starts at 9:01 EDT? And why are you still awake?
It’s happy hour all the time here.
I’m still awake because that medicine has had me falling asleep all day. Just nodding off while still in my chair.
Did you get your stuff at the grocery store.?
Just wanted to stop in and say HI!!!!! I took a nap after getting home and my back is a little better. I will be taking drugs and going back to bed after I work on some designs. LOL
Hi Refinish. I’m glad you’re feeling better. OMG, I had just noticed, you took a nap. 😛
LOL!!! Yes I took the nap to dul;l the pain. I didn’t want to take a painpill that early.
It’s the muscle relaxant that’s knocking me out. If I even think of closing my eyes, I’m asleep for 5 minutes.
LOL well one of my painkillers is one they use posy operative pain so it is very strong.
Yes, milk and $20 cash back somehow turned into $95. How did that happen?
You walked the aisles LOL
Sucker. :/
I can never walk into a grocery store without overspending what I planned to.
Somehow I convinced myself I needed olive oil soap for my face. What can I say, I love the smell of lemon verbena.
Now please tell me how olive oil soap smells like verbena??? Do you cook herbs into it?
WEll, I don’t personally cook herbs into it, but it smells good! And it’s not made with cow fat or whatever other soap is made from. So even if I’m not a vegetarian, my face is.
How’s Hopeful Jr?
Hopeful Jr. was not pregnant, merely still in the swollen throes of heat and she came through surgery well. I’ll pick her up in the morning.
The cats have been enjoying this brief respite from hiding in dark corners and high shelves.
Glad to hear all of that. Especially since dogs can’t vote.
I was able to clean the house today for the first time since we got her. It’s honestly like having a newborn again.
I wonder if she’ll have one of those goofy collars on.
that she’s already weaned.
(None of our dogs had to wear a lampshade after they were fixed.)
glad to hear Esperanza made it out of surgery okay and won’t be replicating her cuteness in your household without your consent.
Me too, Manny. I’ve been calling her Esperanza about half the time so she learns both languages. Now I know that and aqua from watching Sesame Street. Oh, and Cerrado…or something like that. It’s been awhile since I watched Sesame Street.
You know I meant agua, right?
you know that I speak bad spanish fluently? As for good spanish, pues es una cosa mas diferente.
I don’t know what that means, but aren’t you supposed to be out spawning?
will have to wait until after I get laundry and cleaning done, my dad is arriving tomorrow and spending the night so I’m trying to keep the lecture topics to a minimum.
translation: well, that’s a different thing altogether (or something like that)
If you’re not spawning, and your house is clean and the laundry is done, what will be likely lecture you about?
think of something, I assure you. I’m just making sure he has to work for it.
Nodding off in your chair? 🙂
Family Man get his legs up that high.
Pasty legs I might remind you. 😛
Please, FM, I’m trying to get them out of my mind.
You didn’t get a good look at the knobby knees. 🙂
You could always post another little video of them on your b.
Lets see. Either knobby knees or George doing his bidness. The choices I have to make. 🙂
If that’s the choice I’ll have to take your knobby knees. Well, not actually TAKE them…
I figured the knees would win out. 🙂
Hi Olivia. Nah I wouldn’t do that. I’ve had to much practice at it.
What are you doing tonight – nothing? 🙂
you mean you close your eyes and your head stays upright … no drooling either? 😛
I’m doing Nothing w/ a captial N. 🙂
No the head droops a little, but that what wakes me up. The drooling I save until I really go to sleep. Don’t want to do a job half way. 🙂
Good for you on the capital N.
Well don’t sleep on your back or you might drown.
Couldn’t anyway. I’m one of those tosser and turners even while asleep. See that’s where I get my exercise.
I’m so impressed … 🙂
to invest in a depilatory or was your day better than you thought?
It’s bound to be a hairy friday … and not better … just different … how ’bout you?
I just finished up one of the three projects I’m juggling.
are you doing anything special this w/e?
that would ruin our standing as the second most boring couple in the world.
Another round for the geezers, eh? 😛
it’s quite a different experience to be an elder around these parts, I think I like it. 😛
Hi ya Manny.
I’m sitting on my porch with my feet up and enjoying an ice cold bottle of water, thinking about spawing every seven seconds. Or am I?
You can spawn every 7 seconds?! Ah, the joys of youth.
mean I’ll reach a point in my life where 7 second spawning is a good thing? :/
I’m talking more refractory period rather than duration, mind you. I’m just jealous, don’t mind me.
Don’t look at me.
Don’t worry, I’m not just looking at you alone – I’m looking at the entire lot of you, shaking my head with a sad grimace. 😛
Look at you Psi. No more getting up early and now you with the night crowd.
Oh the children least the nest to soon. 🙂
Heh. 😛
Tell your dad you’re not really clear on the facts of life thing. That could be entertaining.
wasn’t entertaining in middle school and I doubt would be 14+ years later for either of us. heh, dad and I actually get along great now that I’m older. We have completely different hobbies and work inclinations but the exact same personality. It drives my mom crazy.
Are you an only child?
my parents didn’t do their part for the liberal cause in quantity, but I’m trying to salvage their reputation by offering quality [groan]
I learned the facts of life (wrongly) from my older sisters. My mother would rather have died than talk to me about it. I’m surprisingly uncomfortable talking to my kids about sex – almost as uncomfortable as they are.
FWIW, I think you’re right about quality. 🙂
recall that day vividly, but not because it was awkward for me, more because it was probably the first time I recall seeing my dad vulnerable. He always put on the machismo act growing up and that talk was all about stammering umms and pale clamminess. Quite hilarious in my memory-viewer.
I’m really interested in this so don’t mind me if I seem weird.
Did he talk mostly about the physical stuff, or did he go into emotions and respect and stuff like that? I’m still trying to perfect that clumsy talk with my younger boys.
mostly emotional stuff, self-respect and responsibility. He also gave me some condoms (I was in the beginning stages of my first “serious” relationship). My parents were big on teaching me about thinking through things and considering outcomes of my actions. Those things always stuck with me, I suppose.
That’s great. I think most kids learn the plumbing stuff from school and friends, but the part your dad taught you is what’s really important. It’s a hard talk for a mother to have with her sons without coming across as a prude or whatever. I’ve stumbled through a couple of attempts with my boys but I figure that since they treat girls respectfully in their everyday lives, I probably don’t have anything to worry about in their relationships. But I have bought condoms – that’s for sure.
Ok, I’m done prying now.
worries, I don’t mind. Can’t wait to chat with my dad tomorrow over dinner tomorrow and tell him that I had several chuckles at his expense tonight 🙂
my abiility to type in a coherent manner is deteriorating rapidly. All that spawning talk must’ve distracted me 😛
It’s past my bedtime and I’m starting to drool, so I best get to bed.
Everyone have a good night.
That’s kinda pathetic, really. 😛
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George W Bush Supreme Idiot
Busy day today — mainly grocery shopping and other assorted errands.
About to shut down the computer early for some extended Domestic Tranquility Time — got “Countdown” on the DVR, plus want to watch “Slap Shot” so I can get it sent back to Netflix. Tomorrow we’re making an hour’s drive so I can take care of some financial transactions, then come home and emulate Refinish and FM in the napping department; we’re hoping to make it to a midnight showing of my favorite movie, “TRON“, at a local theater. Yeah, I’ve got the DVD with all the extras, but it’s not the same as seeing it in the theater, especially when Jeff Bridges’ character gets zapped into the computer. Definite cool factor…even minus weed… lol
(Actually, marijuana never had an effect on me — I’m naturally goofy and I’ve always got the munchies anyway…)
Have a good evening, everyone…
I love theatres that show films like that. I think the last midnight marathon I attended were the Star Wars Trilogy films (the originals), can’t beat them on the big screen.
I know you’re lurking, hope yer feelin’ better this evening!