First posted as a comment, I thought it was long enough to share as a rant. Thus, here it is, slightly modified but otherwise intact.

Kos recently posted the following at the end of his front-page post Bush is Failing in Iraq:

The current “leadership” has no clue what to do in Iraq except maintain the present, failed, course — one that is quite clearly doomed to failure.

I agree.

And it’s worse than that.  It’s much, much worse.
Like the inevitability of a wave reaching crescendo, the Bush Iraq War Chronicle was flawed from the start, and failed the instant that Rummy overrode the troop counts.

And like the tsunami’s surging waters as they inevitably overtake the shoreline, the powerful wave of rhetoric and propaganda used to push the GWOT failed the instant that the Pentagon decided not to commit ground troops to Tora Bora.

Just as the breaching of the levee led to the then-unavoidable drowning of New Orleans by the raging waters of Lake Ponchatrain, the failure of the Bush Administration to properly plan, fund and execute any coordinated effort to accomplish any task occurs at the point of failure but manifests later, with disastrous results.

The Bush Administration isn’t “failing” anything — it failed, at everything, a long time ago.  The events of today are the butcher’s bill for the follies of yesterday, yet still this inept and clumsy excuse for leadership is supported by mindless puppets and pundits clamoring to “stay the course” for the good of their nation.

This is not a failing enterprise.  It is a failed one.  A spectacular accumulation of failures that should strike shock and awe into the very soul of the nation.

And yet this lumbering behemoth lunges forward, unchecked.

Is there time yet remaining in this game to quell the voices from “on high” that claim we should allow this deadly rampage to continue?

If so, there isn’t much.  

Each successive new failure breeds contempt and a delicious arrogance that fosters a sense of immortal invulnerability.  As the consequences of each failure begin to break and wash over us — and the world — another failure is initiated, to distract and to further us along this dangerous gauntlet.

We need to derail this sucker, and fast, before we run out of track.

Crossposted at ePluribus Media and DailyKos.