Peace Vigil 9/06/06
Peace Vigil 9/06/06
Peace Vigil 8/16/06
Peace Vigil 8/9/06
Peace Vigil 8/2/06
I share these photographs of the faces of those opposed to war and the Bush Administration because you will not see or hear of them on the news. They are your neighbors, your co-workers, your teachers, your students, your bus drivers. I want to share that they are you and I.
I hope to capture the energy of these peace vigils and more importantly the passion of the people. I hope to empower others to find their local vigils or create their own. To at least know that they are not alone.
Washington County Peace Vigil 56th Week.
Beaverton, Oregon, 6:30 to 7:30
Cold, windy and getting dark
Celebrating their 20th Wedding Anniversary…
So we sang to them…
And the band played on
and on…
Danni and Wesley with the Peace Cranes
That band still doesn’t have a banjo.
I like the peace cranes. Remind me sometime to show you how to cut and fold a piece of paper to create four cranes, connected at the wingtips.
Please come on down and join us 🙂
Have to share this:
Yes to Peace
I received this just now in our codepink email…
something many can do 🙂
I saw this and it instantly made me think of my own daughter and how she is constantly using sidewalk chalk to make rainbows and peace signs on our driveway… something she’s been doing since she was old enough to hold the chalk (without attempting to eat it)
Yes. To Peace. Something about that just makes me glow inside.
Well, actually two cool ideas, but my chances of making it to Portland are not all that great since I don’t have a car. They’ll be even lower once I get back to work next month.
The chalk thing reminds me of what first attracted John Lennon to Yoko Ono. For those who don’t know the story, at a show of hers he attended there was a ladder in the middle of the room, and as I remember it, at the top of the ladder there was a magnifying glass and a very small message on the ceiling. And if you climbed that ladder and took that magnifying glass, you would see that the message was very simple:
Not that you need the Incentive, Janet, for these but read this Report:
Reservist felt she lacked training
She is state’s oldest war casualty in 50 years
You Can E-Mail Scott Williams
Posted: Sept. 11, 2006
Again the ‘Incentive’ isn’t needed but the Following Should Be Listened To, Closely:
The NewsHour offers an excerpt of a KCET production on War Veterans suffering from Brain Injuries.
This is the Podcast of ‘War Wounds’ that just aired on the PBS NewsHour, which you can visit later to see if there is a Video Link up to Actually View this Report!!
Thank you ((((((((Jim))))))))))))))
Everytime I see your posts… I sometimes like to think it’s a way I can somehow feel somewhat connected to my father who is very very estranged and even disconnted from reality…
You and Bohica have both help me see my father (viet Nam Vet – who returned but never really came home) in another way.
Sorry lots of typos. Major vertigo/ear stufft oday which hit me out of the blue.
And it’s hrard to type through tears.
XOXOXOX – <— always typo-free 🙂
oh and YES… Mr. Damnit is insisting I actually return to the doctors and undergo the freaking tests and hearing stuff…
I think maybe standing outside last night in the cold wind did a number on my ear.
But… it’s for Peace! 🙂
uhh Mr. Damnit said, “fuck peace, go do the tests Doc. B wants you to have”.
It sucks living with a hockey player LOL
You have a beautiful family Janet :o)
And thank you again for going out there consistantly.
This is where I’ll be next Tuesday:
United For Peace And Justice…We are Marching-Permit, or no permit
Yesterday they had an online survey, asking advice about what to do in response to the NYPD denying UFPJ a permit to protest Bush’s UN speech. Looks like they took our advice! :o)
I remember a diary from MilitaryTracy titled, “We will get arrested. I think she was right, and next week might be one of those times. Anyone want to bail me out! :oP
We will set up bail for you here and elsewhere!!!!
Pleaese be safe and please march with me sitting on your left shoulder okay. And please take pictcures 🙂
Gawd I wish I coudl be there with you. This will be POTENT PEACE!!!
Left shoulder it is :o) And whether she likes it or not, I’m taking Tracy with me too.
I’ll be careful, don’t worry. And I’ll get some pictures for you :o)
The beared man in the second to last photograph… was very pleased to meet Danni. He actually shook her hand and said that he thought kids just were dragged to these things.. but then he herard her talk about her lettrer and Bob Dylan… and the dude was a bit choke up about it.
Danni takes is all with her. 🙂
You are helping to insure our future by teaching Peace to your babies Janet, the best any of us could ever do. And you do it so very well :o)
They made their decision based on the overwhelming support to march anyway.
Here’s one of the replies that says it all for me:
“There comes a time when standing down equates to backing off. The people of this nation have been known as courageous in the face of oppression. It is time once again to stand up to the oppression from within.” –Nordland, Washington
I remember how we looked at the rooftops in DC… where gunmen stood. You, me, BotonsJoe and BroFeldsrarp… and we shared the same thought.
This march you are about to to undertake is one of those wrinkles int time that will forever be stamped on our collective souls for all time.
Thanks you my dear friend and brothrer.
Nah…Thank you for continually inspiring me and so many others. Hell, if I can’t get to NY, I’m worthless.
I feel like Bush is an intruder in my State and in my Country. This is still America, and they can’t tell us that we can’t be Americans. Fuck that!
Fucken A, dude!!! 😀
and… the Gorge is home to sailing and windsurfing, too. Jobdango Portland jobs. You’d LOVE it here!!!!
I always wanted to check out the Pacific NW. It’s possible that I was born a misplaced West Coaster :o)
If you need to visit it first, you can crarsh at our place.
I figured out what I have wrong with my erars!!
HAHAHA!! :o)
You ain’t right!! Hey, they look hungry. Go ahead and cram a couple of bananas in your ears and see if that does the trick :o)
you were going to do this, so I did have to show up just to say that there are different bridges we will cross and different cusps we will arrive at in awakening the Peace and empowering the Peace within our democracy and I think you are approaching a big one here, know that I am with you in heart and spirit and take care of yourself and those around you. You guys will have too many to count to bail you out but I think this is going to be one of those important times to get arrested and I pray that that remains the biggest “physical inconvenience” that anybody faces that day.
That’s it, blame it on me… 😉
SuperDude!!! I just fwd a UFPJ email because they won their right to march at the UN.
I am so damn happy!!!!!!!! I wish I could be there.. but I’ll be doing my thang in portland.
So janet, did you go to the doctor and get your ear taken care of? And as always you know how I feel about you-love to you and take care out there.
Your diaries and pictures here always inject a small niche of hope, peace and calm for me after reading daily all the depressing shit we are bombarded with…your diaries are a gift of hope to all of us here.
Uh… no I did not. Err… Yet. I have managed to run errands today and … well.. I think Mr. Hockey Damnit forgot to remind me… But!!! I’ll go in next week because last night was a bit skeery. Wasn’t as nauseaus as it sometimes hits… but made me really woozy.. and I was REALLY hard to type.
I’ll get the ear monkeys, I promise.
As to the Photo Journal. I have received quit abit of positive feedback via email and from the vigilers themselves. One lady wrote that she decided to start her own vigil because she never though of doing it near a library which she felt was a rather safe place to gather 🙂 We need to see these faces.
(((((Chocolate Ink)))))