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- Day Five: The Fascist Regime Came for the Inspectors General
- Day Four: Fascist Regime Comes for the Transgendered and Native Americans
- Day Three: Fascist Regime Assaulted Health Information and Agencies
- Day Two: Fascist Regime Shuts Down Spanish Language White House Website
- Day One: Fascist Regime Gets Laken Riley Act
(except Manny and Kidspeak who will have a spider morning instead)
Morning Andi.
Imogen and I just got home from another day of working on her brother and sister-in-law’s house. I got the kitchen plumbed, and Imogen helped sis-i-l primer all the walls. Luna spent the day with us keeping the dirt piles from blowing away, rolling in muck, and in general being a dog.
So the plumbing’s done — time to be rewarded with a nice tig welder?
I wish the plumbing was done. I spent too much time drilling and chistling concrete this last week to have made the progress I had hoped (note to concrete pourers: limit spill-over by making forms at least as deep as pipes running into the house). But, it is getting close to the wire.
I’ve got the poly pipe from the water tank to the water pump and then to the hot water heater and finally the house to still cut and fit> I tried to do it today cut couldn’t because the bro-i-l bought the wrong size poly tubing.
The lint- and grease-traps are in place, as is the vent and the overflow, they just need to have the connecting pvc pipes cut and glued in. If I could make a straight cut through a 100mm OD pvc pipe, this would go much faster.
They hope to be in the house by xmas, and I’m sure I’ll have it done by then.
So, it’s mostly just fiddlely things at this point. Oh, and there’s still the temperature limiting valve to install.
Good morning Andi and Keres!
Are you trying to scare people away from the cafe with the spider? 🙂
Good morning!
Quiet in the cafe today.
Bliss-a writing day. Won’t really be around, but wanted to say hi.
Empire Keemun today. Hooray!
Here’s 2 of my 3 ducks. Lily adores Daffy, who is apparently her dream man. (Lily is the white one) I have no freakin’ idea how I’ll catch them to get them into the barn for the winter. I have about 2 months to figure it out.
I love them ducks-they are soooo cute! A trail of Purina Duck Chow into the barn should do the trick!
Here … this should help …
Made a decision over the weekend with the help of the spouse — I need to get my shit together health-wise, as well as keep things together marriage-wise, so I dropped my classes this quarter. At least I’ve got the books and the green sheets, so I can do some reading ahead and take some notes before winter/spring quarters, depending when I decide to take them again.
I was really stressing about things over the weekend; doing much better now. I’ll have a chance to get some healthy patterns set — we’re going to head over to the local YMCA and check out their facilities, then set ourselves appointments to go over there at least 2-3 times a week.
Off to erranding — back later…
How is everyone doing?
I just got back from a dental appointment. I will be so glad when all this is over.
Things in FMville are going about the same, but looking up. Hope everybodies day is going good.
Was it a reg appointment … You’ve been doing the medical rounds lately.
Hi Olivia.
This was one set up a couple of months ago for an extraction. After everything is taken care of I plan to stay hunker down in the house and not see another doctor for years I hope. 🙂
How’s your day been going?
Poor FM.
So, so here … but then I can’t really c/o in the face of a tooth extaction! LOL
I don’t know. I’m trying to decided which would be worse. The extraction or FCH. 🙂
So, is your mouth still frozen?
Nope, just hurting, but I’ve taken something for it, so I’m not feeling to much pain. 🙂
How did your Thanksgiving dinner come out?
Although I was thinking I should have had my pie first … filling up on the other stuff isn’t a bad thing though. 🙂
That’s one of the things I always look forward to on Thanksgiving and Christmas, the food. Isn’t Penguin and Blubber pie a staple during the holidays in Canada? :~)
yep … we’ve got to pack on the pounds ’cause winter’s coming … 😛
It’s supposed to get into the high 30’s here on Thursday night. You know what that means? Worrying about the lawn will be a thing of the past in a little while. Yippeee!
It’s been awhile right?
It has been about month and a half since I’ve done it, but we had a guy come over to do it about two and a half weeks ago. It’s in bad need again, but the guy charged us $70 for doing the yard and weed eating. That’s outrageous, so it looks like I’ll have to get out there and do it one last time.
I hope at least it will be one last time. 🙂
how much you could be making if you were getting paid to do it!
make sure you don’t do it all at once — take breaks.
Olivia have you ever know me not to take breaks and naps. 🙂
It’s getting close to time for you to head home isn’t it?
(I’m home now … )
Geeze is this one of those week long Canadian holidays. 🙂
When you get a chance send me an e/m about the photobucket site dada put up for the fotofair. I must have been putting in the user id wrong because I couldn’t find it.
I’m still not feeling the best so came home.
I’ll send you an e/m about the fotofair.
Well I hope you get to feeling better. Chicken soup, that the ticket, lots of chicken soup. 🙂
I’ve got to run downtown for FMom real fast.
I’ll check back in a little bit.
Is this a private cafe for just you and Olivia or are we allowed in? 😛
Hi SN.
I just got back from downtown. Of course it’s not private. It wouldn’t be the cafe without SN. 🙂
or the muddier … 😉
Happy day after Thanksgiving, O. Eating leftovers today?
Just had some for dinner … 🙂
How are things at casa Nature? Everybody recuperating?
Phew – yes, everyone is on the mend.
My daughter had an appt. yesterday having to do with her broken teeth and I heard the best Southernism™ yet. It went something like this: “heeeerezsuuu a eenk pin”….which after some parsing I figured out was ‘here’s you a ink pen.’
Geeze some people just don’t understand plain English. 😛
It explains why everyone down here thinks my son’s name is Bin.
My brother’s names is Bin. Of course people farther north would say it’s Ben. 🙂
I’m not sure you’d understand my kind of English … ;P
We always enjoy hearing people trying to speak correct English. 😉
How come he got Bin and you got…what you got? Did Mom love him more? 🙂
Nope, it’s tradition in my family to name each child after a relative. Each of us is named after an aunt/uncle or great aunt/uncle.
Now you can see why I named Cat – Cat. No flare for names. 🙂
I love that tradition but the males names in my family are hideous – Cecil, Alfred, Francis. One of the boys has Francis for a middle name but I wasn’t about to saddle them with the other two.
Depending on the name it can be brutal during grade/high school. Later on you sort of learn to appreciate a unique name.
For some reason we only have turkey in the house on Thanksgiving and Xmss. I guess that’s one of the reasons I look forward to eating it on the holidays.
Do you do all the cooking?
(Btw, I think we busted this diary.)
for happy hour (and an exterminator)
I used to like turkey until I was newly pregnant around Thanksgiving in 1980 and the smell made me puke.
Now I’ll fix it for thanksgiving, but for Christmas I’ll make a ham or just a bunch of fancy appetizers.
We always have both for each holiday, and being from down here you’ve always have to have untold numbers of casseroles.
Come on over to the Lounge.
Oh, and say hallo to my lil frien