Right on cue, we have thinly veiled threats from Holy Joe (Lieberman for Lieberman) about caucusing with the republicans if he doesn’t get his way. And as kos points out on the front page (as well as what we all somewhat expected), this isn’t too surprising.
At the risk of adding yet another diary to the “Joe Lieberman tag”, I want to make a point that I haven’t really seen hit upon here. And if I may be so bold (for all you “Joe is too powerful worrywarts”) as to say that Joe Lieberman and his threats are irrelevant – not just because of the 2008 Senate map but even over the next two years.
Here’s why – this will piss off not just Democrats, but everyone outside of those who voted for Joe, and the die hard republicans who will soon be irrelevant as well. Not only that, but it will no doubt only make the country more pissed off if Joe switches sides on votes where the republican position is not supported by We the People. And frankly, how many republican positions ARE widely supported, let alone those which Lieberman would “jump to the dark side to support”?
Despite Karl Rove’s latest attempt to spin the republican massacre of last week, the fact remains that the Democrats scored a huge victory and have a true mandate (as opposed to that crap mandate that Bush thought he had after 2004). Even if you don’t give the Democrats any credit for this slaughter, you would then have to assume that Americans were overwhelmingly pissed off enough at the republicans to throw their asses out of BOTH the House and the Senate – things that were impossible thoughts only a few months ago.
And it is overwhelming in so many ways and on so many levels. The botched invasion and illegal occupation of Iraq. The job market. The corruption. “Family values”. Homeland security. Out of control spending. Earmarks, pork and governmental waste. “Out of touch” with the American people. Stem cell research. Petty partisanship. Corporate tax breaks at the expense of the middle class. Divisiveness and a lack of dialogue. The environment. Education. Right track/wrong track. You name it – the republicans were on the wrong side of pretty much every single issue.
America voted for a new direction – for change. To change their current thoughts that the world they leave for their children will not be worse than it is now. And despite the media’s “Democrats have no ideas or plan” meme, more than 50% of Americans are happy that the Democrats took control of Congress. They want progress and laws which will move the country forward.
Since Lieberman has taken every conceivable position on every issue, let’s just assume for a second that we don’t know what his true positions are on anything. Couple that with the fact that his campaign was run like a republican campaign – complete with dirty tricks, lies, smears and questionable (to say the least) use of campaign funds and who knows if he would even take the same positions that he took in the past when it comes to Democratic Party ideals and values. So if he stays with the Democratic caucus and votes our way, great. If not, then he and the republican will bear the wrath of the voters even more.
I can see the headlines: Democratic turncoat gridlocks the Senate, or Former Democratic Senator votes with republicans, blocks bill for troop withdrawal. Yeah, that will play well with voters.
And if he switches sides – that would go against the now 51% of the voters who want the Democrats to control Congress. I would think that number would rise when the agenda of minimum wage increases, stem cell research, homeland security and the like are brought to the House and Senate floors. So Joe – you want to threaten to switch in an attempt to get more attention or to “get your way”? Fine–
You want to vote with republicans against stem cell research?
You want to vote with republicans (and against the more than 60% of Americans who want out of Iraq?
You want to vote with republicans against the morning after pill?
You want to vote with republicans against raising the minimum wage?
You want to vote with republicans against global warming initiatives?
You want to vote with republicans against privacy rights?
You want to vote with republicans against open source and transparent voting?
You want to vote with republicans against a free and open internet?
You want to vote with republicans for torture?
You want to vote with republicans against restoring the Bill of Rights?
You want to vote with republicans against implementing REAL homeland security initiatives?
You want to vote with republicans against middle class tax cuts?
You want to vote with republicans for a Constitutional amendment which discriminates against a whole segment of the population?
Fine. Go ahead. In fact, I DARE you to. That will not only expose you as the charlatan that you are, but would also serve to further underscore the difference between Democrats – winners who want to move this country forward, and republicans – losers who want to bring this country back to the early 1900s.
Sorry, Joe – either way, the Democrats win. Markos says that in 2008 your choice would be irrelevant. Not only do I agree with that, but I think that you are already irrelevant.
also in orange
I like the way you think…hugs
This is the United States Senate, home to more arcane rules than any place on earth. I’m going to paste something I have written previously on how to shut Joe down, or up.
Walk Joe into a “private” meeting at which every Democratic Senator is waiting. Sit him down and say:
yeah – I saw that post of yours (yesterday, right?)
another good way to neutralize his shenanigans.
I’m starting to lose track : )
But, yeah over on your Daily Kos diary I believe.
There’s some speculation over on Big Orange that the Dems might be able to get Susan Collins to switch from Republican to Independent and caucus with the Dems by offering her the chair of Homeland Security. It’s worth investigation, if only because if she does Boltin’ Joe immediately becomes irrelevant. He can caucus with the Rhinoceroses for all anybody cares if the Dems have 51 members they can count on, plus him.
I don’t live anywhere near Maine, I don’t know anything about Collins and I have no idea if she’d go for this, but it’s an interesting thought.
I saw something that discussed Collins, Specter and a few others. Frankly, I will admit that I didn’t read it because it is all just that – speculation.
Who knows if it will work anyway or if it is idle talk.
But either way, it is a shame that I had to post yet another Lieberman diary to try and stop the flood of Lieberman diaries…..
That would be perfect.
Then we would be picking fewer knives out of our backs.
The ONLY power Joe has is to betray the Dems. If he is not a Dem then he loses his core power. If he stays a Dem then he is the face of pro-war Dems. And we don’t need “pro-war Dem” to be anything but an oxy-moron.
Joe stands a good chance to become the poster child, of the very reason Americans voted NOT for a change but for a CORRECTION. Dem voters shunned him from CT because of his Rep ethics and the irony that the Rep embraced him with votes in CT gives CT a Senator that couldn’t wait a week to announce his threat that will surely fall on deaf ears because Joe has confused Fox’s portrait of him as wielding conservative talking points with the reality of Reid & Pelosi demanding this Congress replace talking points with actions to rebuild America. Get out of the way Joe, this is not about you.
OMG!!! where to begin. Needless to say you want Joe to be irrelevant simply because he is a threat to you and the Democrats. Joe Lieberman is not only relevant, he is going to make sure you never forget what the Democrats did to him during the primary. You can try to downplay this all you want, but the simple fact is that Lieberman has a lot of power now, and he’s going to use it. He also has the power to screw the Democrats over and over again on Iraq. Nothing happens so far as withdrawing without his consent.
Back awile ago, I wrote that Lieberman is going to be the kingmaker of the Senate, and he will be. Everybody thought I was nuts, but it turned out to be that way. Lieberman is going to haunt you, he’s going to piss you off, and he’s also going to vote his conscience. And that my friend clammy makes him the most relevant person in Congress.
that makes him talk out of both sides of his mouth. Wow, who knew?
When all is said and done, Joe Lieberman will be the most powerful Senator in 20 years. Payback is a bitch!!!
to flack for him, you should be. Lieberman is an embarrassment, and I don’t much care about payback. As for power, Bush has been one of the most powerful president in America, largely because of congressional and senatorial enabling, by folks like Joe Lieberman. If power = good, what does that say about Bush? What I care about is integrity, and the only way Lieberman got reelected is by selling all but the last shreds of his to the Republican party. If he wants to hawk the rest of his principles and give the Republicans a majority, that doesn’t make him powerful. It just demonstrates once again his willingness to sell his honor.
I really think you have your pants on backwards there young fellow……why would joe want to leave a party that would make even bigger gains in 2 years…If he joined the rep party, he still would be on the loosing end of it all….if joe is as smart as everyone says he is, up and including you, then he has not got one thing over on the dems. He has made himself a big mess and a pawn of/ on his own standings..if you should ask me, he is his own worst enemy.
So when you are telling joe some thing you hear out here in blog-land, you just might as well tell him this, too…..I am very sure he will understand my logic here…:o) now on with the regular programing of taking back America and making it work….right ECM?!
You must be Joe’s momma or something the way you defend him. Get a life buddy.
No, even Joe’s momma has disowned him.
well, who could blame her. She must be so ashamed of him.
Joe Lieberman is not only relevant, he is going to make sure you never forget what the Democrats did to him during the primary.
You do realize that the voters decided in that primary that Joe was not to be the choice of Democrats? Are you sayng that something shady was happening? No, he lost in a valid primary, and now you’re making veiled threats on his behalf. Now I really do believe that you are part of his staff. Please tell him that boran2 says that he is a sad little man who needs to get beyond his valid primary loss and the futile attempts at a power trip. Thanks.
clearly we disagree here and aren’t gonna convince each other.
I guess we shall see how much power this guy has, outside of in his own head.
and as for “screwing the democrats on Iraq”, he would be screwing the troops, the country, the world and the more than 60% of American (don’t know the %% in CT but I would think it is pretty high since Lamont won the primary based on the war and a good amount of people voted for Joe thinking he was against the “war”).
That’s just great. Nice and spiteful and selfish. And out of the mainstream too.
What the Democrats did to him?! What. The only person allowed to “vote his conscience” is Joe Lieberman? How dare “we the people” knife those poor politicians in the back, just because we don’t like the way they’re representing us. Joe Lieberman is a narcissist and an extortionist and you are apparently an enabler of same.
This has nothing (much) to do with Holy Joe, but I just read a couple of paragraphs of the “2008 Senate Map” article on Orange — and was surprised to learn that “the two biggest netroots candidates…” were Jon Tester & Jim Webb.
Or, to put it another way, ‘Ned Who’?
My how quickly they forget. Sad really .. & offers very little hope that the new boss will be better than the old boss. Fooled again.