Well for starters we’ve now been in Iraq longer than we fought in WW2. From Yahoo:
As of Sunday, the conflict in Iraq has raged for three years and just over eight months.
Only the Vietnam War (eight years, five months), the Revolutionary War (six years, nine months), and the Civil War (four years), have engaged America longer.
Fighting in Afghanistan, which may or may not be a full-fledged war depending on who is keeping track, has gone on for five years, one month. It continues as the ousted Taliban resurges and the central government is challenged.
It looks like we’re right on schedule to be involved in Iraq’s Civil War longer than we were involved in our own, only 120 days or so before we break that record too. Sobering, no?
Some in this country seem to have an insatiable appetite for death and destruction. Odd that most of those same ones never fought in person in any such conflict. Disgusting as well.
I want peace to break out world wide and I want it NOW!
Thanks Wil,
You and me both Shirl.
I was watching the awful Pat Buchanan on McLaughlin Report this morning fighting tooth and nail against all scientific evidence on global warming.
I thought: how much can you hate your own grandchildren to gamble with the air they will breathe and the water they will drink (if they can find any that’s potable). What awful people in power and on our corportate-owned formerly public airwaves.
Russia Delivers Air Defense Missile System to Iran. Prior to this and contrary to what many people believed, Iran did not really have anything that could knock one of our fighters out of the air until now. These were supposed to have been delivered in March but it got tied up, now it is “untied” because we have no credibility in the world and nobody wants to make anything easy for the global bully. Swell, just swell!