I have happy Christmas news from Robert Novak:
Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay is about to return to the Washington political scene as a high-profile operative for the American Conservative Union if his negotiations with group Chairman David Keene are successfully completed.
DeLay, who has moved his residence from Texas to Washington’s Virginia suburbs, would serve as a high-profile strategist and lobbyist for the group to promote conservative causes.
Although DeLay is highly regarded among conservatives in the face of his prosecution by a Democratic district attorney in Austin, such support is not universal. At least two of the group’s board members have threatened to resign if the deal with DeLay is consummated.
Okay. Maybe that wasn’t so Christmas-y. For all you believers, Linus tried to cut through all the b.s. of commercialism and capture the spirit of the holiday.
“And there were in the same country shepherds, abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them! And they were sore afraid … And the angel said unto them, “Fear not! For, behold, I bring you tidings o great joy, which shall be to all my people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ, the Lord.”
“And this shall be a sign unto you: Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.” And suddenly, there was with the angel a multitude of the Heavenly Host praising God, and saying, “Glory to God in the Highest, and on Earth peace, and good will toward men.”
“That’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.” – Linus Van Pelt
And that’s got nothing to do with Tom DeLay, despite DeLay’s pretensions to speak for the faithful. Merry Christmas everyone, and good will toward men.
Have a Merry Christmas, Booman. Let me know what your plans are with regards to the 110th Congress inauguration stuff on January 4.
And feel better!
Gotta get back to the tube – George Bailey is saving the Building & Loan.
I wonder how it will all turn out.
And the USPS is delivering letters to Kris Kringle at the courthouse, too!
Peace and goodwill to you, BooMan and to all you froggies too.
And to you too Boo! Merry Christmas.
Happy Christmas, merry Chanukah, happy holidayze! (I’m starting a war on New Years though.)
Back atcha Boo!
May the New year bring you health and happiness.
Peace and Blessings
Merry everything to you and everybody else, too!
Make lemonade.
If he decides to become a strategist for conservative causes, that’s great. The longer he’s in the public eye, the longer his name is out there to be linked with cronyism and corruption, the more we can nail conservative candidates to his sorry pesticide-ridden carcass, the better it is for us.
It looks like it will soon be Christmas on the East Coast. Merry Christmas, everyone.
Hope y’all have a wonderful week.
Hey Kelly, just wanted you to know that I celebrated Christmas Eve with my bother, sister-in-law, neice and neice’s boyfriend (they’re both seniors in high school). I don’t know my neice’s boyfriend so I didn’t know what to get him. I gave him “WebMage”, thinking that if he’s a reader at all, he’d enjoy a book by a fellow Minnesotan.
I’m known to all my neices and nephews as “the book aunt” because they can always count on getting a book from me. Just keeping up the tradition with a classic.
Happy Holidays to everyone!!
and may the blessings of your Deity-Of-Choice be upon you and yours…
Merry Christmas all!
with the most.
May Peace be with all of you tonight and to those in Iraq, American troops and Iraqis alike know Peace soon.
Today is Dies Natalis Solis Invicti
To all the frogs in the pnd:
Light in the time of darkness.
Warmth in the cold.
Peace in a time of war.
Love, abundance, gratitude, connection and laughter.
Have a beautiful day.
Merry Christmas to you too, Booman, and to each of the members here at this wonderful site. I have only one thing I can give to each of you and it cost not one red cent and that is my love for you. As this day leads into yet another one and another one as the year that follows goes by, I am so very thankful for each of you as a friend and someone who share my days as my words are written here. You all will never know how happy each of you have made me this past year. Anyhow, Merry Christmas or what ever this holiday season is for you. lots of hugs…..
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all my dear sweet froggie friends!!!! Thank you for helping me make it through the year and being there with a shoulder and a hug when I needed it, a comment to make me think, a dairy that expressed what I was thinking but couldn’t say as eloquently and of course for all the laughs!!!! You are a large part of my extended family and have made this past year much easier to get through. I wish you all Joy & Happiness and a Jamming New Year!!!!
Just a quick merry christmas and/or happy holidays to everyone! 🙂
A Merry Christmas and very happy holiday to you, too, BooMan, and to all the other pond dwellers on this bright and festive morning.
Here’s to a happy, healthy and sanity-inducing New Year.
Merry Christmas, Booman and everyone else at BT – may your holidays be peaceful!
If you are in the mood, this is a really entertaining article on feminism, raising a daughter, and gender role merchandizing.
Merry Christmas Booman, thanks for starting this site and giving us all a place to be together and to share our feelings and ideas, about all things.
I hope you are feeling better with your illness and I must say your writing has never been better.
Hugs Booman and all tribbers, I love you all.
Our family’s bundle of joy, Matthew, his first Xmas.
What a beautiful Christmas baby!!!!!!
A very, very Merry Christmas to you, BooMan. May the new year find you feeling much better!
Warmest wishes to everyone for a wonderful day.