Froggy Bottom Lazy Afternoon Cafe
Happy Hour
Happy Hour
It’s nap time somewhere!
FM is hosting.
George is obviously napping.
George is obviously napping.
For those that can stay awake
All drinks free |
May the 4’s be with you
Who wants to take a nap?
As much as I want to take a nap, I’ve got to run downtown on some errands.
Back in a little while.
Watch out for all the traffic, FM. I heard Mr. Pilot can get pretty crazy around 3:00 pm.
What a teensy little pillow warmer!
do some work but I wanted to make a napping contribution before I left.
This reminds me of the opening scene in Andromeda Strain.
— of all people — think of the Village of the Damned.
Of course! :::slaps forehead:::
Thought I was gonna have an easy day at work until someone casually mentioned a REALLY BIG TREE that had split and was halfway down and halfway leaning over a busy road! Yikes! The lighting tech and his highlift came along to help so the danger’s mostly over but I still have a lot of chainsaw work to do. But tomorrow I’m off work and tonight we celebrate Imbolc so naps may be possible soon!
where did it come from?
it for as long as I can remember being online, not sure where I snaggled it from. How goes it, Andi?
Manny! Just the guy I’ve been waiting to share my frosting with.
I was starting to sweat underneath the bib. It’s become apparent that I don’t need to wear five layers of clothes here in Baja Arizona as I did over the weekend in D.C.
I’m honored that you would share 😉
How ever many layers you would like to get rid of is fine with me. I’ll just stand back and enjoy. 😉
God, I am a perv.
I’m sure you just play a perv on the internets 😉
Yeaaaah, that’s it. 🙂
How’s Bud doing? I haven’t been to your blog in a while to see any cutie pie pics.
I haven’t posted in a couple of weeks. I was having laptop issues and then was traveling last week. I’ll make sure to have something up tomorrow.
The day was so nice on Saturday, all I could imagine was him dragging me across the Mall. Followed by a long slackerly nap, of course.
Hiya Manny.
Good to see you. Did I hear the words slackerly nap uttered? 🙂
my utterance of the Family Man Incantation did not interrupt your latest nap. I doubt I could survive the guilt.
(Hi back!)
Don’t worry a true slacker can sleep through anything.
Just want to say again how much I enjoyed your pictures from DC and I’m glad you got to make it there. The pre-hour slack on the grass was more than I could have asked for. Well in slackerly circles of course. 🙂
I should’ve taken a couple of more days off but oh well. I’m heading to Portland next month for a week so at least I have something cool to look forward to.
I don’t know if you mean cool as in that’s cool or cool as in cold. I thought I saw something on tv about Tucson getting a lot of snow the other day.
I understand about wanting a couple of more days off. But actually slacking is highly overrated. It’s hard work to just sit around all day and nap. I would do a study on it, but that would be too much work. 🙂
Cold and snowy. But otherwise fine.
How’s work been treating you?
I had three days off (in addition to the weekend) for the trip so still trying to catch up as my duties were untouched in my absence. It has gotten better tho, workload wise. I’m just not feeling particularly motivated. I think it’s the gloomy weather outside. Yeah, that’s it 😉
Spoken like a true slackery. 🙂
after a few days away — just enough to be glad not to be there but not enough to feel that you’ve really gotten away.
Evening everyone.
FM, I have a treat for you …
You have to watch the end of the clip … ~ 2 minutes in as the gloves literally fly 😉
These are two of the teams in the same division as ottawa, so we see them play regularly.
Wow! Now that’s the kind of hockey I’m talking about. 🙂
The coach and 4 of the players were suspended today over the incident.
did you have an uneventful trip home?
I coasted along at a max speed of 10km/h on the highway … ah, rush hour.
How about you? 😉
to get home from work. 😉
you never know … there might have been a pile up … of books that is … between office and kitchen. 🙂
is usually giddy following me around, hoping I’m about to get her dinner.
Sounds like dumbledore. 🙂
do you have at airport?
how was hopeful today
he went with us for a short walk and didn’t seem sore at all.
Did he get upset when he couldn’t go out with the rest of the guys today?
Well if he was, he got over it since when we came back he was deeply asleep.
Sounds like he’s doing just fine … 🙂
is all tuckered out.
I just got back. I kept getting an internal error message.
I’m still having the comments go over into the ads section. Don’t understand it.
on all four counts … 🙂
Down on the left.
I kept waiting for one of the refs to get clobbered. Nothing more fun than to see a ref knocked out. 🙂
Shocked I say!
I tried to go to the link and it said forbidden. There much be some shocking stuff behind there. 🙂
try this one: link
Yep you can’t have a good team fight without the ref taking a hit.
As you said, hockey is full of grace and athletic ability. 🙂
touché …
but is just the ref, they don’t need to have those qualities … they just need to be quick enough to get out of the way … 🙂
Good point.
As you know, I’m starting to learn about hockey, but I think a lot of people look at it as a gladiatorial sport. They tune in to see the fight. I’ve never been much of a NASCAR enthusiast either, but it seem to me also some people tune in to see the accidents.
Tiddly Winks, that’s the way to go. 🙂
as full contact Tiddly Winks?
Nope I guess the closest to that would be extreme Tiddly Winks. People have been know to have an eye put out.
We had these little plastic pieces … you must be using something more heavy-duty. 🙂
Has to be heavy duty for extreme sports. Just like with extreme napping, you have to have a heavy duty bed or couch. 🙂
There’s on about 40 comments so I’m going to make this a lazy afternoon/happy hour cafe. I don’t see any reason to open up a new one.
I guess we’ll have to try and stay left so we don’t bust any margins.
What did ya have for dinner tonight? I had broiled Italian seasoned chicken fingers and steamed broccoli.
I’m making it now … singapore noodles … my favourite/comfort dish (chicken, carrot, grn onion, fresh grated ginger, curry, rice noodles … mmmmmmm)
your dinner sounds good … are you following it up w/ fudgesicles?
can I come over?
Care packages Andi, we need care packages. 😉
and it is very good … I’m not one for hot or spicy, but the rice noodles tone down the hot curry …
I’m not sure how soon I can get there. 🙂
I think I’d like those room temperature anyway.
This has got me wanted Chinese food. Tomorrow I’ll call in a take out at our local place. It’s not the best I’ve ever had, but it will do in a pinch.
Come on up here FM, me and the mr. will take you to the thai place.
I would love to. Especially to meet you, Mr. and the Nature Family, but also because I’ve never had Thai food. I think I would have to go to B’ham to get that and that’s about 2 hours away. Heck I just feel lucky we finally got a Chinese diner last year.
in my lexicon that makes it a pasta salad.
Your lexicon sucks.
is stylish and varied; any suckitutde is completely in the mind of the observer.
I don’t know what came over me – I’m in a pugilistic mood for some reason.
maybe it’s my renewed love life.
you figure bitch slapping me would be pretty safe. 😛
or maybe it’s because you always take things out on those you love. :0)
that’s what my mother always said about my cousin alan when he wouldn’t let me wear his double-holster fanner 50s.
Didn’t buy it then either.
What the hell is a double holster fanner 50?
I was wondering the same thing. Some type of play pop guns maybe.
see google
I should have known that. I had enough of them as a kid.
Ying and Yang stuff I guess. Something good happens and in turn something not good happens.
At least that would be my explanation. 😉
It’s as good as any, FM.
it’s good cold too though … if there is any left (ha!)
Your dinner sounds really good. I wish I knew how to make oriental dishes, but FMom won’t eat it, so I figure instead of taking the chance of food spoiling, I’ll stick with the normal stuff around here.
I can send you the recipe … it has basic stuff in it … you never know
Sure send me an e/m and I’ll try it out. Thanks.
My night for a headache and Sniff insists that snuggling on the couch with him will cure it.
Good night Andi. Hope your headache gets better.
It’s getting near my bedtime, so I’m going to go ahead and open a 24/7 cafe.
Back in a minute.
Froggy Bottom 24/7 Cafe here