Rudy Guiliani just committed political suicide, again.

But it certainly wasn’t by taking any sort of brave stand. Instead, he publicly offered up high praise for George Bush’s leadership and vision. Yeah Rudy, the troops in Iraq really thank you for your political and moral courage.

In a pathetic attempt to buy some needed GOP ‘cred,’ our Saviour of New York has decided to get in line–unfortunately Joe Lieberman got their first, or maybe was always there and has just never left–and brownnose George Bush until the cows come home or enough Republican primaries go by with him as the butt-dragging anchor.
Sorry Rudy, the nuts and newts of the GOP aren’t going to buy you and you’ll be just like John McCain–somehow once considered a straight-talker but now daily on display as someone who has a price and that yours has been met.

Let’s also have Rudy explain his affiliation with former business partner Bernie Kerik, Rudy’s up-from-the-streets macho man who really never got beyond the gutter as demonstrated by Kerik’s using an apartment donated for Ground Zero workers as a personal love nest. That’s the spirit Bernie, real, real classy. All you, all the time, just like your short time in Iraq ‘training’ the police there. Maybe Rudy can also explain Kerik’s guilty pleas to two unclassified misdemeanors filed by the Bronx District Attorney for wrongdoing.

Maybe Rudy can explain his bonking another woman and just forgetting to tell his wife that their relationship was over. Oh that’s right, Rudy did hold a press conference later to announce to his legal wife that their marriage was kaput. That’s real leadership-in-action.

No, Rudy you just lost the last part of your backbone by your obsequious pandering. Go wash your nose.

    Giuliani praises Bush’s Iraq policy, foresight

    By Michael Finnegan
    Los Angeles Times
    February 11, 2007

    SACRAMENTO ­ Republican presidential hopeful Rudolph W. Giuliani praised President Bush’s war leadership on Saturday…

    …The former New York City mayor came to Bush’s defense as he promoted his White House candidacy at a California Republican convention. Drawing parallels between Iraq and America’s Civil War, Giuliani compared Bush’s political troubles to Abraham Lincoln’s. When the Civil War was unpopular, Giuliani said, Lincoln “kept his eye ahead.”

    “He was able to say, ‘I know my people are frustrated, and I know my people are angry at me.’ ” But after weighing public opinion, Lincoln had “that ability that a leader has ­ a leader like George Bush, a leader like Ronald Reagan ­ to look into the future,” Giuliani said.

    Giuliani’s defense of the currently unpopular president comes as he is portraying himself as a decisive leader unafraid to buck public opinion.

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