As I note in the disclaimer/description I recently added to my Blogroll Amnesty Day blog, I never was linked by blogs that took part in “Blogroll Amnesty Day.” I never asked to be. I do remember reading what Markos had on his “so you want me to link to you” page, and it was stuff about what your blog needs in order to have “the right stuff” so that it was worthy of linkage. I found that offputting, so I never asked. I don’t know if that was the first thing that rubbed me the wrong way about Markos, but it’s something that stands out. I’m not really inclined to stroke someone’s ego, especially when that person already has way more people willing to do that job than I think is merited.
But while I was not willing to suck up and ask to be blogrolled, there were a lot of other people at that site that I enjoyed reading, and the sheer volume of the place allowed for a wide audience if you wanted to draw attention to a particular issue. So, in the wake of the 2004 election where there were plenty of “irregularities,” and knowing that the man responsible for many of those irregularities would be running for governor of my state in 2006, damn right I wanted those irregularities fully investigated. I wanted Ken Blackwell himself fully investigated. Imprisoned? In an ideal world, sure. But I’d have been happy with a full investigation.
And there were a lot of people at Daily Kos who shared that interest, so I was able to get diaries on the recommended list on a fairly regular basis. It felt good to be able to actually do something, even if it was just ensuring that a wider audience knew about what was going on — knew the extent of our then Secretary of State’s treachery. It was a real effort trying to keep on top of that, since I was also teaching a few classes at the time. I’d often write a quick diary in between classes if I had found an article that no one had posted about yet. But the effort was worthwhile for the sake of a larger cause.
And speaking of effort, at the time of the 2004 election, I was working a temp job during the day and teaching a class in the evening, so I really did have to make a concerted effort to get to the polls on a Tuesday. I point out these facts about my life for a couple of reasons. First of all, I have some insight into why it can be so difficult for ordinary people to take an interest in politics–even tune in to what is going on, let alone get involved. But the great thing about the internet was that, as an ordinary person, I could make my voice heard.
Anyway, at some point he had his little front page pissy fit about those he called the “fraudsters.” Some time after that it was the “pie wars.” There were other things too, but I always managed to tell myself that I didn’t have to like the man or agree with his politics to post diaries on that community blog. And there were plenty of other people there who made the blog worth visiting and posting on.
But the blogroll purge which, as I have already stated, does not affect me personally, has been the catalyst that prompted me to revisit some of these issues. Also an overarching issue that I have noticed over time: the man really tries to have it both ways. On the one hand, he’s been quoted as saying that he is “not a leader” or that he’s “just a guy with a blog.” But on the other hand, he has often behaved like a very autocratic guy who just “happens” to have one of the most widely read blogs on the Democratic side of the aisle. And he has a great degree of power over what issues can see the light of day in front page posts.
This was starting to remind me of the situation with the mainstream media. They were controlled by interests other than “we the people,” and they were too willing to play along with Bush during the buildup to the war in Iraq. They were also silent for far too long about the election integrity issues that many of us saw a mile away.
So, thank goodness for the internet! Here, the “unwashed masses” could speak the truth and have our voices heard. Of course, over time I realized that some voices had an easier time being heard than others. And much has been written over the past week or so about the fact that some blog voices have a much greater chance of being heard than others.
For one measure of the reach of the various blogs, you can check out this page which lists the blogs that participate in the Liberal Blog Advertising Network, how much ads on each of those blogs costs, per week, and the number of “estimated ad impressions.” It costs $9000 a week to advertise on the premium spot on Daily Kos.
Back to my comment about “having it both ways”, yesterday I saw the ad at for the first time. It is very short, so I can convey the main gist of it in a few screen captures.
Markos is strolling along,
apparently listening to some tunes
(young, hip guy that he is)
and sees all these people pulling
as hard as they can on a rope.
At the other end of the rope,
there is a stubborn donkey,
refusing to move.
From the look on our hero’s face,
we can see that he has a plan.
He walks up to the animal, and
gives it a swift kick in the, er, “donkey”.
Then there’s some line about
buying the book, and learning how to
“get the Democratic party moving again.”
Riiight. He’s “not a leader,” but he appears in an ad depicting himself as the only one who knows what to do, while all these other pathetic people are pulling on the rope with all their might, accomplishing nothing. Excuse me while I gag. And there’s also the impression the ad give of him being “just this guy” bopping along, until he sees some obvious thing that needs to be done, and immediately, effortlessly, just does it.
Here’s where I want to remind you that the “Mr. Everyman” you see above has ad space that can be bought for $9000 a week. I, obviously, don’t. I don’t make money from my political blogging.
So, to recap. We have this guy who runs a blog and co-wrote a book, who in the process has aquired some celebrity. He uses phrases like “people powered” and “crashing the gate” as his branding. In the meantime, whether he has indeed “crashed a gate,” or merely procured, for himself, a seat at the table, he’s made it clear that he is not so interested in helping anyone else get in.
But even beyond that, he’s in our f***ing way! He’s become yet another moneyed arbiter of what news is “fit to print,” as it were, and which voices will have a harder time being heard. And I don’t make a living by blogging, but somehow squeeze it in around work and family, in what I ironically refer to as my “spare time”–because it’s that important to me to make a positive difference.
And given the time and energy I, along with countless others, have invested in the project of taking our country back, I simply can’t stand idly by while the tools of the revolution are co-opted by would-be kings.
I don’t have a plan, I don’t have a big soapbox, or an army ready to charge into battle with me. But I heard somewhere that it’s possible for a “small group of thoughtful people” to change the world. And I’m counting on that.
Yesterday I was home from work because of a level two snow emergency, so, for the first time, I managed to really write out my thoughts about this in detail. I hesitated to crosspost it here because Booman has been so gracious about the whole blogroll thing and I don’t want to “taint” this site with it. But this did take a lot of time and thought, so I am sharing it here, and can let the issue go (as far as crossposting on this blog, I mean) now that I have.
Very well said, Renee. Thank you.
Guess it’s true – if you’re not the lead dog, the view never changes. Hopefully we can find a way to become more than pack animals.
The blog you refer to has perhaps reached its optimum number of readers/contributors. It’s become more difficult to find the really good stuff now. I remember a recent comment saying that in the beginning the blog was full of policy wonks but now it is full of just anyone.
It seems to me that a ‘people powered blog’ doesn’t need so much control from the top. Nor does it need the preachy little scolds on the front page.
I’m leaning more towards the smaller blogs where I find really good writing and relevant topics, where no one is telling the readership off for this or that, where the owner of the blog does not describe the readership on his site as “fucking moronic.”
i have been meaning to write kos an open letter thanking him for booting my blog off his roll.
because now i spend more time at other, more diverse, and yes, smaller blogs, finding a wider range of topics, viewpoints and ideas.
…but yes, he did you a favour. The sooner folks detach themselves from the Big Orange and its Borg-like malignancy, the better off the blosophere will be.
“It was the only kindness, and it was accidental, too…”
Many of those recently banished from paradise (aka DKos) were, not so long ago, remarkably sanguine about banishments. “It’s a big blogosphere, not everybody fits in at DailyKos…and I’m sure that Kos, Armando, et al, have their reasons.”
Those same folk, now banished, have now sat up and taken note of the rank hypocrisy and self-dealing of Moulitsas.
Remarkable how one’s perspective changes when one is on the outside looking in, banished for possessing the temerity to challenge Kos, Armando, and their unmerry band of online TonTon Macoutes.
Many people have complained, here and elsewhere, about these foul dealings, only to be shifted off with apologies and excuses (which actually continue, to this day, for the egregious misdeeds of Armando).
I am actually grateful Mister Kos and his lieutenant, Pup Tent Democrat, are banishing right and left. The sooner they hollow out the DKos shell, the sooner it will collapse onto itself.
There may be an infinite supply of morons to log onto DKos, but there is not an infinite supply of talented, intelligent writers willing to submit to the psychotic lashings of Armando, DHinMi, and Kos himself (to name just a few…my apologies to all the psychos whose names were excluded, but my time is short and the list is rather lengthy). It would seem that, in the long run, Mr. Big Orange has cut his own throat by driving away his unpaid talent, who were the ones who always invested his hollow machine with a lively spirit?
But, as P.T. Barnum once remarked, “No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.” And “There’s a sucker born every minute.”
It’s premature, and perhaps spectacularly unwise, to write an obituary for DailyKos. I think it will thrive in all its squalid mediocrity until Mr. Kos has no more use for it, at which time he will unceremoniously pull the plug.
And when I write “no more use for it”, I mean to say that he will have judged he cannot wring any more profit out of it and that it no longer serves his vanity.
However, that day–if it comes–will not be for a long time yet. Mr. Kos is not yet done with wringing golden eggs out of his goose.
The “no one ever went broke…” quote is actually attributed to H.L. Mencken, not P.T. Barnum.
I blame my staff for this error, and those responsible for the misattribution have been given the sack.
if for no other reason than your line: “my apologies to all the psychos whose names were excluded, but my time is short and the list is rather lengthy”
It’s been a long day at work and I needed that chuckle.
of the American public”
I think what the blog you mention does underestimate is that section of the American and International public that is interested and engaged in politics. And that section demands integrity and good writing.
Mr. Kos is driving those people away from HIS blog. And it is HIS blog and not OUR blog. Well, you can’t spell “community” without “i”…
The question remains: What is Mr. Kos’ motive for employing* the out-of-control abusers such as Pup Tent Democrat and DUnhingedinMi? For the mass bannings? For the purging of the blogroll? For publicly lashing DKos users as “morons” unworthy to type the DKos url into the address bar of their web browsers? (Ok, that’s four questions, but math was never my strong area.)
Two explanations, not incompatible, are: An out-of-control ego possessed by a techno-nerd who neither likes nor understands people and a drive to up the “respectability” of the site and therefore increase its profits.
*Note to semanticists: I use the word “employ” to mean “use”, not to signify “salaried employee”. And I really mean “use”, because the TonTon Macoutes will be tossed on the bonfire with everyone else when they are of no more use to their master.
The question that remains for me…while he’s banning and cleaning house, is he also cleaning house on old UIDs and eliminating them for accurate member counts?
Lots of people have mentioned their numerous post-banning reentries onto his site with new UIDs, so it seems like there might be a slight possibility that member totals are just a little bit overstated (by…like…maybe 75,000 or so)?
are you suggesting that you deserve a lower userid than 275?
huh? sorry, but ya went pretty far over my head with that one.
It’s a joke. Daily Kos has a lot less than 100,000 unique, non-spam users. But it has a lot more readers than that. A lot more.
But how many of those are really reading?
I mean, I see traffic reports for various sites – most sites get hit for a second or less. A much smaller percentage stay and read. A page view is nothing if the person doesn’t bother to read what’s on it before clicking away.
even when i still went over there before the blogroll purge, i would only “skim” the headlines of the diaries to see if there were any interesting ones.
it had gotten to the point where 2 out of 3 times, there was nothing worth actually “reading.” i’d blogwhore on an open thread and then leave.
According to peeders diary over at MLW:
In reply to spiderleaf’s question on # of users. That diary is chalked full of information… Though, since I know little more about peeder than what is in his diary, so I take it all with a grain of salt. It seems to carry a lot of insights leaning towards what I already suspected as truth regarding the past and future of Blogging, communities and business.
And another great comment:
BooMan recently said “He was a failed businessman” concerning his efforts her… In reality, he is a successful Blogger.
“This is not a business. Repeat. This is not a business. This is a hobby (well, a calling) and the art of the possible.”
Especially applicable to any sight that devotes its efforts to longer written essay type Bloging/Journalism…
How influential are hundreds of thousands of “morons” (Kos’ label, not mine) on a website?
Demographics matter, you know. Kos is purging his site to attract a certain demographic (middle-aged white males who are anti-Iraq occupation, pro-Israel, suspicious of dirty hippies and hairy-legged feminists, etcetera…check the box if you see yourself here…)
But readership does not equal influence.
Someone else has already explained this better than I:
The Christian Science Monitor, in other words, has a tiny circulation (71,000 in print), yet who has not heard of it? Its influence in shaping public opinion is considerable for two reasons:
DailyKos’ content is widely available…but of excellent quality? Many of the diaries there are utter crap, and the frontpage of DailyKos should be re-labelled DailyEmbarrassment or DailySophomoric. And the banner at the top of the blog should read “Regurgitated Conventional Wisdom and Mind-Numbing Polls from Obscure Congressional Races, Analyzed in Stupefying Detail”! Granted, not the catchiest banner in the world, but it would be spot-on in capturing the spirit of the place.
Now, as to the readership of DailyKos–ask yourself, not how many but who is reading DailyKos. Does it reach out to political activists, for example?
One must really question the political credibility of “the biggest Democratic blog” that utterly failed to either anticipate, or report upon, the mass demonstrations organised last spring in Los Angeles and other cities on behalf of undocumented immigrants to the United States.
DailyKos is a political blog run by a wonk who buried his nose in obscure polling data while a stirring political uprising was born on his front step (Kos IS in California, isn’t he?). And even after the demonstrations occurred, they received glancing attention on the front page. DailyKos was of utter irrelevance in these demonstrations,
a techno-nerd who neither likes nor understands people
i’ve said that elsewhere (and i’m too lazy to find the comment on the blog and link to it).
but it’s my opinion that kos, being an i t guy, never understood nor felt comfortable with the social graces of human interaction.
and, in the same comment, i’ve said that skippy is from show biz, where we live by the words of the late, great jimmy durante:
be nice to people you meet on the way up, because they’re the same folks you’ll see on the way down.
He will start voting Republican again long before that happens.
It remains unclear why Markos fails to recognize that dkos rose to its prominent place based largely upon the rank and file diaries, and not the front page posts. It was the freedom to post (and respond) that put dkos on the map. The front page material was not unique. Current efforts to limit the range of these diaries will ultimately hurt the site, not to mention the efforts to limit the content of comments.
But maybe it doesn’t matter anymore. (to Markos) Having had a closeup view at ykos, it is clear that Markos’ rubbing elbows with national politicians has had a big impact. (upon him.) Gone are the days of unrestrained blogging. Watching him introduce Gov.Warner (twice) was a troubling experience and made clear that this was not just a guy with a blog.
dkos is now capable of commanding the attention of many and the not inconsiderable cash of a fair number. While there are still posts worth reading, front page posts are now directed at putting the most “electable” Democrats in office, not necessarily the most progressive. (Witness the total lack of support for Chuck Pennacchio.)
What could have been a device for greater change now seems to have just fallen in line with the “moderate” segment of the party.
Watching him introduce Gov.Warner (twice) was a troubling experience and made clear that this was not just a guy with a blog.
However, it did make it clear that someone thought they were on a first date.
However, it did make it clear that someone thought they were on a first date.
So few words, yet so many laughs. (Thank you, CG)
Thanks Boran. For me, the true hypocrisy of this is that I found DK through…ahem…a link from Howard Dean’s Blog for America (which was my first introduction into this venue). Without sounding judgmental, kos was seizing the opportunity to market his site and rake in the bucks back then, through his consulting work for Dean. On the other hand, I recognize that we all need to earn a living with the skills we’ve been given, and he DID give the less known voices a forum to speak…well…back then. (As an aside, I distinctly remember the DK disclosures on the FP regarding his work for Dean, so I’m certainly not trying to stir up any trouble in that regard.)
There are so many individuals in my life who have creatively used their talents, whatever they may be, to achieve great success, yet they still behave like the same humble people with the same integrity and values they had when they were living from paycheck to paycheck. Difference between them and kos, they’ve used their new found wealth and connections to help out others who are currently in the same place they had been when they were first starting out and needed that extra little bit of support.
And as I mentioned elsewhere (I think?) Trippi went out and literally bought off people who might have supported other candidates on their blogs. That’s how they came to be paid consultants. It wasn’t so much what they had to offer the Dean campaign, as the fact that he wanted all the blogs to be all Dean, all the time.
Interesting stuff, Lisa, and truth be told, brand new info to me. (pssst…even if you did share it before) š
Trippi was terrified when Clark was about to enter the race that the blogosphere would follow him – a military man, after all. So he went out and bought up some key bloggers. I won’t name names, but some of the big ones were on the list.
in a diary entitled
Harnessing the Brilliance of the DKos Community
Hmmm, something wrong with being left of center?
Silly girl.
How about a link for that. I can’t find it on dailykos
and got 0 results. Lousy search machine. Will you take my word for it? I couldn’t make that up.
the link.
-Blogosphere 1.0 basic HTML text… (Atrios)
-Blogosphere 2.0 communities (DKos, myDD, Dem. Underg.)
-Blogosphere 3.0 networks (My Space, ,
DKos is about to be overwhelmed by the net generation of technology. We need to start thinking about keeping ahead of the tech curve. We need to nail down a progressive version of MySpace.
Thanks for this diary, and especially for letting me know about that Crashing the Gate ad. It makes me want to puke. It reminds me of the Mac TV ads from the 80s.
If something, especially a book, gets to be advertised that slickly, you know it’s fake.
Thanks Renee, excellent piece.
Heck, one of the only reasons I visited that site was to access the blog roll, and I would have missed out on countless great blogs, that I currently have bookmarked.
$9,000 for premium ad space…wow. (As someone who left long before the pie wars, I wasn’t personally effected by that debacle, but I will say this… Markos does not speak for me) In contrast, you and many others do, and I appreciate your investments of time and words, both of which seem to be of the essence.
good night,
But did not see my name, so I went ahead and did it again. It showed up this time.
Nice post, Renee.
When we think about who has controlled the content in the media for the last 50+ years, I can’t help noting that Markos applied to work for that very place: the CIA.
Now, Markos told us he didn’t accept a job with the CIA. But of course, if he DID, he’d have to assure us he didn’t, so his denial isn’t really valuable.
I can’t help but marvel at a scheme whereby one guy gets in first, sets up blogs, deems who is worthy or not to be on the blogroll, to have a voice on his site, what topics can be discussed, and whose outside blogs are worthy of sharing ad revenue with. Talk about complete control of the left. Or near complete.
And as your title suggests, it’s hard to get excited about a guy who buys plasma screens while the people who bring him revenue scrape pennies together to pay bills and buy food. (If the only voice on that site was Markos, there’d be precious few reading it.) Something is just not well in that picture.
The left has been concerned about the consolidation of the media for years. It’s no different when you put it in blog terms. The consolidation of blogs will give fewer voices more power, at great cost to the rest of us.
I’m so glad there’s a place like BT, where topics are not limited, where intelligent discourse on any subject is welcomed, and where being a prick is not allowed, so the good posts don’t drown in ridiculous flame wars.
Thanks for this post. I’m glad you did this.
I had never heard this and so I went back and found references to when he first mentioned this. Here’s a few oddball things from a diarist (writing on Kos) when s/he first heard it:
I don’t have the first idea of whether Markos is working for or in conjunction with the CIA or even has some buddies there whom he agrees with. But it’s mighty odd to say the CIA doesn’t “bomb” or “take over governments” when they’ve publicly done it twice in the last few years (Afghanistan and Yemen).
And I’m mighty curious who these venture capitalists are. Mighty curious.
Google searches that are interesting:
“Operation Mockingbird”
“CIA media control”.
The second search yields this on the first page–a link to an article by Carl Bernstein:
The CIA and the Media
by Carl Bernstein
Rolling Stone, Oct. 20, 1977
The more things change, the more they remain the same.
it deserves for being such a successful business project.
in my opinion, of dkos, are, one, that you have an entity whose essential quality is created by the talent of the community of “non-owners” rather than the individual owner of the blog himself. This said with due respect for Markos’ pioneering efforts to improve the blogging technology of the site, and his occasionally decent efforts at commenting on horse-race politics. In this situation, the “owner” gets to take credit for — and profit from — the unpaid, creative efforts of others. This single-person/private ownership of a community forum is an essential contradiction that exacerbates much of the tension that dkos reeks of, resulting in the periodic authoritarian edicts from on high, the inevitable community protests in response, and the equally inevitable “It’s HIS site” and “If you don’t like it, leave” in return, an endless downward spiral.
The tension could be much less if Kos recognized that he controls the medium only, and lets the content of the site be subjected only to the marketplace of ideas. Good, interesting stuff makes it to the rec list. The junk diaries and off-the-wall theories quickly scroll out of sight to oblivion. Kos, however, wants to control the content, too, which puts him in the same league with the MSM and the right-wing anti-free-speechers. He continues to condone, or at least does nothing to reign in, various goon squads who invade “offending” diaries, insult diarists and serious commenters, and completely hijack any effort to have a serious discussion or debate. When people are goaded into responding in kind, they get banned, and the goons head off to another hijacking. Again, another endless downward spiral.
To be fair, it is not all Kos’ fault. We on the left have the peculiar habit of saving our sharpest fangs, our most poisonous venom, for each other. And as has been seen at a number of lefty blogs, that habit is not confined to dkos only.
Some have been touting the “revolutionary” nature of the internet, and how the blogs are set to become a major force in American politics. Certainly, I see the potential; frankly, I doubt it will ever be fulfilled. It will not be fulfilled, in my opinion, because its “leaders” are more about me than we, more interested in personal power than people power, more interested in making a buck than leading a movement. And the “people” are more interested in navel-gazing and finger-pointing than activism and coalition-building.
So, what else is new?
It’s a keeper.
Most concise and cogent summary of What’s the Matter with Daily Kos (not to mention the blogosphere) I’ve read in a hell of a long time.
As a rough check on whether this is a trait peculiar to the left I googled
republican “circular firing squad” and found 36,200 entries, whereas googling “democrat “circular firing squad” turned up 39,000 hits.
The repressive tactics of
Sadaam HuesseinKarl Rove have temporarily kept the Rethugs under control but as soon as he’s deposed the Rethug civil war will erupt with full force.yes.
More recently he wrote a front page scold regarding one diarist (One Pissed Off Liberal) chiding the diarist to learn to take criticism. That was petty micro-management.
May you live to be a thousand.
It is sort of like discussions I have heard about print journalism. What makes a paper the press or the reporters (or the guys in marketing). The only difference here is in a paper the reporters are usually underpaid, but paid.
Marcos owes his success to volunteers. As stated above if it was only his writing not many would have read it to begin with and almost nobody would be now since he really doesn’t post that much anymore.
And that takes the cake as the most succinct expression of the dKos problem I have yet heard. Thank you.
What a great diary which put my feelings into perspective.
I felt uncomfortable at kos during the “pie” wars, but stayed out of the fray and hunkered down because of–ironically–one of MSOC’s comments.
I came and lurked here forever. (am still semi-lurker) because I’m grieving and cannot seem to focus enough to write another diary yet.
The advertisement made my skin crawl, too, but my computer crashed and in the interim–until I purchased a new one–I did not know what was going on at kos.
I got hooked up again and jumped in the frogpond. The last straw at reading Marcos’ writing was the blogroll.
And, as other people pointed out in previous posts–what in the hell is wrong with being left of center–hell we’re always correct in the long haul, damnit! The center suffers from ignorance, apathy or they’re just too busy trying to earn a living!
Yes, I peruse kos and rec. diaries I feel important, but kos’ writing is invisible to me.
Sorry for breaking the margins. Cleanup on aisle seven, please? That comment should be expunged and then I’ll re-post it. And I won’t even spin a conspiracy theory around the deletion unless somebody really insists.
I’m amazed, thrilled, and humbled that this post stayed up on the rec list as long as it did. Thank you to everyone for sharing your thoughts on this.
Please check out the Feb 16 and 17 posts about the Ohio blogosphere here
They relate to some of what we’re talking about.
This is an Exceptional and Deserving diary.
I left that orange place over 2 years ago and have never linked back.
At time of departure, my nose was sniffing an air of ‘idea dictatorship’ that just did not sit well with stated objectives.
Fame turn heads and money destroys principles. But always, always, Follow the money. The book, “Crashing the Gate” was the linchpin strategy that accomplished both. Kos Sheeple may someday wake up to the fact that they’re being used for personal power and a fattened bank account.
i left that orange place over 2 years ago and have never linked back.
i link back occasionally when i want to use kos’s words against him.
i guess you could call the play based on my blogging life w/dkos
link back in anger
All he wants to do now is ride the donkey to power and profit not hitch it to a wagon or plow to change the country
but donkeys and mules are different animals.
Right. Mules are a hybrid, incapable of reproducing.
Thanks, Renee..and Booman and other ex-Kos bloggers here and at My Left Wing that want to continue a webroots progressive politics blogs free of the kind of doctinal bullying that was and is going on at Kos.
I don’t claim to be much of a Kossack, albeit with a mid four digit userid, because when I went to harp in comments and diaries on my own hobbyhorse topic, the immorality of the War on Drugs and the resultant gulag, and the need for this “elephant in the room” issue to be addressed in electoral politics by Democrats in a progressive and serious manner, I was often harshed on by Armando in a manner, well — if not psychotic as characterized above — at least uncivil and bullying.
The “drugs” issue and the hippy boomers that were still concerned about it were as totally inconvenient to the electoral operative mindset of the Kossacks as they were to triangulating Democrats of the DNC and the Clintonistas past and waiting in the wings. Republican lite.
Yes, I’m kind a of old fashioned single issue Democrat. But my single issue is the elephant in the room folks. With over a million people incarcerated with the goal of making them and their families permanent pariahs, spending $50 Billion/yr — Iraq sized commitments — for the most ridiculous social policy based on the idea that pot crazed hippies run over toddlers on trikes and support terrorism — and are a slavery-sized black eye on democracy…bringing the condemnation of international human rights organizations (this is what woke me up, when HRW issued a report in 1998 saying my state’s drug law mandatory minimums violated UN human rights treaties, if not the NY State or federal Constitutions).
Just reframe as issue #1: Why spend more for prisons than higher education? Shouldn’t that priority be restructured for our own good?
But that kind of stuff was still inconvenient and too hot to handle over at Kos. Not that some people couldn’t post on it, but it didn’t get frontpaged often unless someone like Meteor Blades might occassionally push it. And the Kos guys, like the Kerry blog a bunch of us netizen reformers tried to engage in 2004, couldn’t be budged much from that idea that difficult issues would need to be addressed AFTER the Republicans got turned out…we reformers wouldn’t be able to get more BEFORE the election except a genial wink that our issues would be addressed starting 2009.
I’m suspicious of that approach only because it didn’t work with Clinton…quite the opposite, he governed from the right on criminal justice issues to immunize himself from being Willie Hortonized…arrests for marijuana possession more than DOUBLED under Clinton from 250,000/yr towards the 600,000 and 750,000/yr levels now…he hired a mad dog general Drug Czar to redirect the War on Drugs from dangerous drugs to politically incorrect double plus ungood marijuana, etc.
So, no “trust me” and STFU doesn’t work for me in a forum of discussion of progressive politics and news.