It appears that one of Kris Kobach‘s vigilante colleagues in Kansas City is feeling the fire for her active participation in Minutemen hate-mongering.
And six of the 13 City Council members on Wednesday said they agreed that for the good of the park board’s image, Semler should step down.
The Coalition of Hispanic Organizations, the Jewish Community Relations Bureau/American Jewish Committee, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and other groups will gather 11:30 a.m. at Gage Park to protest Semler’s membership in the local Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, which has taken a militant stance against illegal immigrants.
This is exactly what needs to happen across the country – grassroot groups that span racial, religious, even political lines need to unite against the campaign of xenophobia that has been fueled brightly through the efforts of vigilante activism.
It’s not rocket-science to figure out that the worst aspects of human nature would be allowed time to play in the playground given the current political climate wrt immigration. I can’t help but feel the sting of burning irony that Mr. Bush is seeing his approval ratings further erode now that he has royally pissed of his base for pushing his (flawed) immigration initiative through Congress.
This drop comes as Bush tries to resuscitate the comprehensive immigration reform bill in the U.S. Senate, which has angered many Americans — particularly conservatives — because they believe its provisions allowing for a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants amount to “amnesty.” Bush and other supporters of the legislation dispute that charge.
This is truly a divided country when upwards of 75% of Republicans support the bloodthirsty sociopath and still his approval ratings are hovering or submerging under the political “Mendoza line”. (Why does that have to have a Latino connotation, btw?)
A divided nation – or is it?
Poll after poll after poll shows that the public overwhelmingly supports a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. Yet, you won’t find that in the stalled Senate bill – “guest worker” sure, but that’s to appease the corporate slave-owners who want to make sure their profits continue to soar. The workers are left hanging, as usual, with tons of loopholes and continued discrimination.
So what we have at the moment is a Congress that is controlled by Democrats that are still taking their cues from the hard-liners. No attention is paid to their base (or the majority of U.S.-born Americans for that matter). They only fear of losing their jobs if they piss off the right wing too much. Sound like another issue in the headlines?
People like Frances Semler, mentioned at the beginning of this post, are not in the majority, but you would think they were after seeing the inaction of the House and Senate. Clearly, this is a problem that needs to be resolved; otherwise the case will continue to strengthen that there are no longer two-political parties, but one that is beholden to profit and power.
Crossposted from Latino Político
Yeah, yeah – I know that we are already in the situation mentioned in the last sentence. Just trying to be ‘Fair and Balanced’
how cute, a troll straight from the bowels of Military-Industrial Complex Hell got his feathers ruffled by this post. I love it.
You’re having an impact, always a good sign.
I’m sure that’s debatable 😉
I think you’re right about being from the ‘complex’. I smell a rat. His home page lists Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson among his donors – I find that extremely unlikely, or they have somehow been duped.
The “Our People” page only lists two persons; Mr. Dreger – the VP, and a Mr. Tom Barnes who is presumably the president.
A number of people are listed separately, but appear to be ‘members’. Another page solicits unpaid consultants and interns for various projects (from 2003 – many pages seem obsolete).
A disinformation front organization similar to Talon News/Jeff Gannon – who knows?
Yep, that’s why I chose to mock him instead of fall into his trap 🙂
Well what do you expect from a Mayor who would drive a Honda Hybird instead of Ford Escape Hybird or a Saturn Aura..Ford which is one of KC Metropolitan biggest Employers.
I applaud the KC City Council for seeing a nut like Semler and then have the courage to call her a nut. Now if UMKC School of Law would have the courage to call Kris Kobach an “agent of hate.”
It’s Orwellian that a parks commissioner is being hounded out of office over political beliefs that have nothing to do with her job. Not liberal.
I don’t understand?? At some point when a conservative steps over the line to being a racist…that is the line in the sand.
You assume that membership in the Minutemen, with no further ‘evidence’, makes a person a racist. I don’t assume that, and think it’s Orwellian.
So a member of the Republican Party is not a member of the Republican party without any further evidence…i.e. following your theory membership in a racist/hate group doesn’t make you a racist/hater..maybe just a groupee
How do they identify those they report to the Border Patrol?
Another provision of a GOOD Immigration Bill would be the creation of a multi-agency, cooperative task force devoted to interdicting trafficing in illegal aliens. Elements of USCG, FBI, and Border Patrol (among other agaencies) need to be incorporated into a cohesive special unit for that purpose.
People smuggling by fast boat in the Caribbean of Haitians and other islanders, by freighter stow-away into west coast Pacific ports of Asians, and by “guiding” across the Mex. border via tunnels, on foot, and cramming into tractor trailers and panel trucks of Mexicans and other CA and SA desperados requires more effort to eradicate the abuse.
Going after the criminals who profit by herding foreigners through borders made porous by insufficient border patrols should be a priority. Coupled with renewed enforcement of illegal workers laws against employers of same, these two actions could contribute a lot to stemming the flow of undocumented people into the US.
Let’s deal with the true problems of illegal immigration. Catching employed laborers is not a problem in comparison to stopping human trafficing and exploitation. The criminals are less the immigrants and more the profiteers.
I agree with the trafficking bit, things have gotten even more dangerous around here with the militarization of the border.
emphasis is on capturing illegals more so than capturing trafficers? Also contributing to the present danger is the presence of civilian posses “helping” patrol our borders. That’s something that would have to cease.
on all counts. Unfortunately we are moving in the opposite direction with more and more local law enforcement agencies being commissioned to do immigration verifications for anyone that they stop. “Probable cause” is the new shiny term for racial profiling.
If they strolled across the border.
Free AK47s to every Minuteman plus unlimited ammo.
Nightvision sniper scopes and armor piercing depleted uranium ammo to every patriot who volunteers to police our border.
Yes, normally I would resonate with the liberal left and say live and let live. We have plenty and we can share with our brethren south of the border but not this time. This issue advances the most Satanic of all political memes, global government.
troll-rated for advocating murder.