Please find below, potentially useful material for Live earth party discussions, to go along with the case argued by Al Gore in his movie and live earth presentations themselves.

Readers may wish to bookmark them for future use.

Keywords: Live Earth, Global Warming
Resources for discussing the scientific basis and evidence
for human-induced (anthropogenic) global warming

I recommend the following exposition as a very readable and strong case for AGW:

Scientific Evidence (of global warming)
Woods Hole Research Center, Cape Cod, MA

There is also a very readable and accessible series by Dr. Chameides at Climate 411 (the comments following the episodes provide additional useful resources):

How We Know Humans Cause Global Warming
By Dr. Bill Chameides
Environmental Defense, NY

The last episode of that series will be out next week, I was told.

Daily Kos diarist “ClimateLurker” is posting the same in her diary series with excellent commentary in response to the questions asked.


I have been putting together some data analysis based arguments and plots on my own, which can be found in these DKos discussions:


RealClimate.Org is “science central” for AGW.

There have recently put up a Start here page with a guided compilation of materials.

The search feature (near top right of the banner) there is often very useful.


Hope these help.

I’ll post more material if I get to complete somethings I am working on, either as an update to this diary or as a fresh diary.

If you have questions (or answers and other help), please do not hesitate to post the same in comments.


ps: interested readers may wish to take the Live Earth Pledge.

Update [2007-7-7 21:37:24 by NeuvoLiberal]: Gore’s holographic opening of live earth in Japan

Update [2007-7-7 21:56:14 by NeuvoLiberal]: List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions per capita