Louisiana Republican Senator, David Vitter, is being reported to have his number in the book of the DC Madame. FOX-8, a local channel, is reporting on it now. I have not found a link for the AP report yet, but I will update as I find more info. Vitter, is the Southern Regional Leader for the Rudy Gouliani campaign. He’s a real family values kinda guy! From his own site:
As a strong believer in the dignity and sanctity of all human life, I stand with many other Louisianans in defense of those who cannot defend themselves. Together, we work daily to turn the tide toward respecting, protecting, and dignifying innocent human life.
To this end, I have supported all pro-life measures before Congress, including:
* Supporting an immediate ban on partial birth abortions.
* Expanding tax credits and other support for adoption.
* Authoring legislation that would absolutely prohibit taxpayer funding to private providers of abortion services.
* Supporting a full ban on human cloning.
* Authoring legislation to codify safety measures designed to protect the health of women who use RU-486, responding to the misguided and politicized approval of the drug.
* Participating in National Adoption Awareness Month.
* Supporting legislation requiring that pregnant mothers be provided information on their unborn child’s ability to experience pain 20 weeks after fertilization.
* Supporting legislation prohibiting the transportation of a minor across state lines for the purpose of obtaining an abortion.
Oh my! But it gets better! How about a little of that abstinence drum beating?
Vitter Pushes for Reauthorization of Abstinence Education Program
June 25, 2007 –
(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Sen. David Vitter last week authored a letter to the chairman and ranking member of the U.S. Senate Finance Committee expressing support for reauthorization of the Title V Abstinence Education Program of the Social Security Act. Twelve senators joined Vitter in writing in support of the program.
“This a valuable program with proven results, but it is nearing its expiration. We must reauthorize this program so we can continue the incredible strides we have made in teaching teens about both risk avoidance and protecting themselves from potential abuse,” Vitter said.
Can’t wait to hear more on this typical wingnut and his hypocritical BS! I’m sure GOD has forgiven him, so that will make it all okay. I’m sure Rudy will love this!
Cross Posted to The Democratic Daily and cross posted from The katrinacrat Blog
UPDATE: Via The Gun Toting Liberal<sup>TM</sup>, we find that Deborah Jeane Palfrey followed through with her threat to release the phone records.
UPDATE 2: NOLA blogger Gentilly Girl has a link to Yahoo.
UPDATE 3: Other NOLA bloggers are weighing in. Adrastos, and DangerBlond have posted already.
UPDATE 4: Other Louisiana and NOLA bloggers are piling it on. Humid Haney, and Anthony Fazzio @ Lafayette Democrats
Can’t wait to hear who else is in the book.
This is great though unexpected news about Vitter. But what about the other 100 or so hypocritical R’s bound to be in her rolodex?
Great though NOT unexpected! Sorreeee, y’all.
He’s associated with guys with mob links, racists, a cokehead, another who may be a pedophile priest and has defended others, and now, this hypocrite.
Please tell me–how is he considered a “serious” presidential candidate?
Hmmm…birds of a feather…
If Vitter resigns or loses reelection in 2010 it could furthur erode the Republican power structure. Let me just demonstrate how the GOP is set up for a total makeover by showing you two committees that Vitter sits on: Environment and Foreign Relations.
What will be left of this committee after 2010?
The idea that Republican foreign relations might be dominated by Bob Corker and Lisa Murkowski shows how far they’ve fallen.
The New Orleans madame, busted a few years back, is now revealing that Vitter was a client of her brothel on Canal St. in New Orleans. It’s front page headlines in New Orleans. Very sad for his children, ages 13 and under. They are going to catch hell.