BooMan asks what we think about the republicans filibuster… I think we need one filibuster after another from the Democratic side of the aisle:
I stayed up until late last night listening to the debate on the floor until I couldn’t take it anymore.
I just wish the Dems would filibuster EVERYTHING to stop Congress all together until they get the Republicans to stop filibustering votes on pulling out, and until busshies realizes they ain’t gonna get squat done without a pullout. They may as well. What they are doing hasn’t done anything to change things. All it takes is 40 Dems to stop Congress in its tracks and end the occupation.
But they seem to prefer to keep using it as a campaign issue. Don’t try and tell me they can’t get 40 Dems to filibuster for the end of this illegal occupation. I ain’t buyin’ that myth either.
If they really wanted to end the occupation of Irag, they could.
your last sentence says it all…
too concerned with retaining their power instead of stopping the bloodshed
Very frustrating, confusing and frightening times we are living in. Meanwhile, folks are dieing out there!