BAGHDAD, July 9 — The Iraqi foreign minister, Hoshyar Zebari, warned today that an early American withdrawal from Iraq could bring on an all-out civil war and regional conflict, pointedly telling the United States that it had responsibilities to continue lending support to the Baghdad government.
Mr. Zebari also asserted that Iraq’s neighbor Turkey had massed 140,000 troops near his country’s northern border and urged it to resolve differences with dialogue, not through force.
Mr. Zebari, who is a Kurd, said Iraq was ready “to address all Turkish legitimate security concerns over the P.K.K. or any terrorist activities,” but he warned that Turkey should not use force, and that the Iraqi government was “definitely opposed to any military incursion or any violations of Iraqi sovereignty and territorial integrity.”
He insisted his government was not “running away from our responsibilities” in Iraqi Kurdistan, but he pleaded for patience, saying that Iraq’s security forces were already overstretched “fighting terrorism here in the streets and neighborhoods of Baghdad.” He urged the revival of a security and military commission to bring together the United States, Iraq and Turkey “to agree on practical measures” to resolve the situation. NY Times
As the level of support quickly vanishes from the “surge” strategy, the administration and its Iraqi frontmen are already starting to sound the alarm. This is the final card left to play in an attempt to resurrect this failed war. How can you scare people when there have already been well over 150,000 people killed with the threat of more deaths. This is akin to going down to hell and threatening to turn up the heat, it’s already a little warm here.
The chorus will continue to build as the US ambassador to Iraq, the President, and of course the ever truthful Tony Snow will began blowing the trumpet of impending doom should we decide to finally take our toys and go home. Of course the difficulty of the situation is that no one involved has a lick of credibility left. This administration has forfeited any “political capital” and credibility it had throughout the prosecution of this war.
The next question is, “Are we responsible for what happens in Iraq after we withdrawal?” And should our withdrawal policy be based on the possible outcomes in Iraq. Are we still under the, you broke it doctrine? Can we completely leave Iraq in the state it is in and not look back. Have we created a hornet’s nest of terrorism that we can just walk away from and not expect it to follow us home, stinging us all the way? What if anything do we owe the Iraqi people?
Today we have many more questions than answers and while no one really knows what will happen in Iraq when we leave despite all the dire predictions. We don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow, but we do know what has happened and what is happening today and that is that we are not making Iraq more secure and we are not helping the Iraqis have a better life. It appears that our only purpose now is to allow the Shai and the Kurds to cement their power structures and in the end propagate continued strife and bloodshed as they exert their dominance and settle scores of the past. It will be another Middle East country stuck in the viscous cycle of senseless violence and retaliation.
I do believe in our absence there will be a spike in violence, but not to the Armageddon level that these people are projecting. There will be efforts to quell the insurgency and the terrorist activities and these are going to require an upswing in violence. In the end the violence will subside and the Iraqis will either go about the business of rebuilding their country together or separate, it will be their choice. How they resolve the decisions that affect their future will, as it always has been, by their choice. It is the height of arrogance to believe that we are controlling that debate or the outcome. As I have stated many times, democracy cannot be exported at the end of a gun. The Iraqis will either embrace democracy or they won’t; our presence there will not force them into it. As we have seen, our pressure on the new government has backfired; the Iraqi government has yet to make substantial progress on any of the so-called benchmarks given by the President. And despite this evidence you still have the die-hards wanting to stay the course.
But Connecticut independent, Sen. Joseph Lieberman, continued his longtime support of Bush’s war strategy on the Senate floor Tuesday, saying that “American and Iraqi security forces are winning.” The 2000 Democratic vice presidential candidate accused lawmakers of bowing to opinion polls and upcoming elections. CNN
Do they drug test these guys? If not I think we should make it mandatory. This guy has to be on drugs to say some of things he says. No rational person could see what is happening in Iraq and claim victory. Let’s try something new and different, let’s allow the people of a country to decide their own future…Oooooo pretty scary stuff!
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts. – Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Kurds feel need for allegiance with Israel and the US to serve self-interest. Lieberman and election jitters is actually how the US Congress voted FOR the Iraq War Act in October 2002. Hashemite ruler King Hussein wanted a piece of Saudi Arabia while supporting Saddam Hussein in 1990. Now Jordan’s aim is the Sunni sector of Iraq. Oh wait, the Iraqi people already flocked to Jordan and are living within its borders.
The Saudis, staunch supporter of the Bushies and the son’s failure, now actively support the Sunni and Baathists (former political enemies) to make a stand against the Shia majority and Iran’s influence.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
The Kurds threw in with the Americans (understandable, perhaps, given their treatment at the hands of Saddam Hussein) but now the Americans are (predictably) double-crossing them.
About all they can do is complain, and the complaints get fed into the propaganda for the War. That they will get any benefits from prolongation of the War is doubtful, since the US no longer has ANY good options in northern Iraq. The US cannot take on the turks, literally CAN NOT. The force to do it does not exist. The Turks and the Kurds are about to settle their differences in their own inimitable fashion. Enjoy!
That this predictable empasse was needlessly created by the US in the first place, is why one counts the Kurds as doubly screwed.
The Turks have no reason to be pleased with us either–and are not.
As a foreign policy, constructive chaos does not win friends. A good thing we don’t NEED any friends out there in Oil-land! 😉
It appears we have screwed every sect in Iraq atleast once and some even twice…Is this a great country or what?